The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and seventy-two, legacy of the void (26)


Amarr Star Territory, Systems Sara, Chau Sara, Settlement 66.

On the side of the brand new bar counter, the big screen hanging on the wall was smoothly playing the news from Tyronian Federation Radio, and the beautiful host was talking to a few blurry photos.

"[After two months of heroic fighting by Federation soldiers, the 'Carnival' campaign jointly launched by the rebels from the Minmatar Star Territory, Gallente Star Territory and Caldari Star Territory has failed.]"

"[In this battle of unprecedented scale, the 'Howe Fortress', which had been resisting the Minmatar rebels alone for a year since the beginning of the rebellion, unfortunately fell. Only some logistics personnel survived due to transporting supplies. .】"

"[According to the news returned by the survivors, the Minmatar rebels became frantic after being unable to attack for a long time. They used 'Apocalypse'-class strategic nuclear bombs to repeatedly bomb the Howe Fortress, and after breaking through the defenses, they took action against the next three systems. They used the same attack method, which is simply appalling.】"

"[The heroic Federation fleet turned grief and anger into strength, stopping the Minmatar rebels in front of the next star gate before they tried to advance. After a bloody battle, they finally drove them back to their original control area, New Howe The preparation and reconstruction work of the fortress has been put on the agenda.]"

"[Next, please read the reporter's interview with the frontline officers of the 321st Regiment who witnessed this battle——]"

Snap, Renault behind the bar raised his hand and used the remote control to turn off the screen.

"Hey! Jim! We're getting to the interesting place!" Tychus, who was sitting sprawled on his chair, shouted dissatisfied: "There aren't many opportunities to see that old stubborn man lying seriously."

"That's a cut. There's no chance of the cross-dressing scene you want to see." Renault poured a dark drink for Tychus and pushed it over.

"Hmm, come to think of it," Tychus picked up the cup and took a sip: "Hey! What is this? It tastes like a cup of hot mud!"

"Locally produced beer has one and only one flavor." Renault blocked his request to "change a beer" in advance.

"Ha, great, Muddy beer." Tychus drank the beer in one gulp.

"To be precise, it's 'Joe' brand beer, just like Proxima's beer is called 'Mar' brand beer." Angela walked in as the wind chime on the door was gently rang.

"Hi, Angela~" Tychus raised his hand in greeting: "The same is true of taking off the power armor and putting on casual clothes.

Jim and I look like longshoremen, but you still look like an angel~"

"Please don't take me with you if you use contrasting methods to praise people," Renault continued to wipe the bar and glasses.

"The Federation is here, they look like military police." Angela looked around the inside of the bar: "Are you going to hide?"

"Unless we are surrounded by five hundred people or the battleship fires its main gun at the slightest disagreement, we don't have to hide at all." Renault shook his head.

"That's right! Kill as many as you come!" Tychus agreed.

"..." Angela looked around at the two people to confirm that they were not talking about the same thing at all.

"Jo Sara" and "Mar Sara" are an agricultural system located on the border of the Amarr Star Territory. They are also the foothold where Renault led the survivors of Howe Fortress to escape.

This galaxy is very special compared to other galaxies. First of all, it does not have a "Gaia planet". Secondly, the only two planets in the galaxy are in the same orbit. Thirdly, the central axis of rotation of these two planets is vertical.

This directly resulted in the climate distribution of the two planets being very even and basically the same at the same latitude. They eventually became two agricultural planets dedicated to producing food. However, due to the lack of military value, the Tyrannic Federation did not station troops here at all. The largest armed force is the Sheriff of the settlement, and Renault's "Heavenly Demon" can completely walk sideways here.

However, Lieutenant Colonel Javier did not stay. Although this officer who was loyal to the Federation used his authority to bring Renault and the others out of danger, he was not willing to leave the Federation. It happened that Renault had deliberately arranged a backup plan before leaving the fortress. The reason for his return was that he said goodbye to Renault and others, and returned to the federal army with his direct troops.

Although the remaining special forces did not want to rejoin the Federation, they did not intend to join the "Heavenly Demons" who were bound to be at the forefront, so they stayed for a while and then left each other, probably becoming free mercenaries. As for pirates... they have been fighting for so many years. , and it is impossible to ask for trouble.

The only strange thing is Angela. She and her fellow medics chose to join the "Devils of Heaven" without much hesitation, causing Tychus to brag about his charm from time to time.

Renault privately guessed that it might be that the medical soldiers were moved by his tactics of not giving up any of the soldiers who could be saved, or that they were completely disappointed with the Federation that casually abandoned their own people, but there was no need to find out the specific details.

jingle! Ding!

The door of the bar was violently pushed open, and five or six federal military policemen wearing heavy cyan power armor, neatly dressed and almost armed to the teeth, walked in and aimed their bolt guns at Renault behind the counter, aiming at the speaker on the leader's helmet. Make a low sound:

"[James Raynor, you are under arrest for treason!]"

"Hey! Do you want to fight?" Tychus threw away the coffee, ignored the thick armor and stood up, gearing up as if he wanted to tear them apart.

"[If you resist arrest, you can be shot on the spot.]" The person at the front who was suspected to be the military police captain glanced at Tychus, and the other military police immediately raised their guns and aimed at him.

"Jim, what do you say?" Tychus bowed slightly and asked Renault. It seemed that as long as he decided to start a fight, he would ignore the gap between flesh and steel and pounce directly.

"I want to see the arrest warrant." Renault waved his hand and said calmly.

"[Heh,]" the military police captain raised his hand and pressed his helmet, projecting an action order in the air: "[We were ordered to capture the commander of the 'Devil of Heaven', James Raynor, who provided internal information for the Minmatar and escaped from the battlefield. , if you want to hire a lawyer, you must first come back to Tarsonis with us.]"

"Well, the arrest warrant seems to be genuine," Reno glanced up at him: "But what does James Reno, the commander of the 'Demon in Heaven', have to do with me, Jim Reno?"

"[You still want to make excuses——]"

"Sir!" Renault interrupted: "You were ordered to capture someone, so you must have carried an identification module, right? Scan it and let me try? It doesn't take much effort anyway."

"[...]" The military police captain seemed to notice something. He tapped his helmet and scanned Renault.

"[Jim Raynor, native of Joe Sara, Sheriff of Settlement 66, has no record of Stargate passage, criminal record: 0.]"

"Look," Renault spread his hands: "You want to arrest Renault, the commander of the 'Demon from Heaven'. What does it have to do with my Joe Sara, the Sheriff Renault?"

"[You...]" The military police captain's face behind his helmet looked like he had seen a ghost.

It seems that Nova's family is really planning to break up.

"Dude, what's your name?" Renault walked around the counter and patted him on the shoulder.

"[Matt Horner.]" The military police captain's mind was in confusion and he replied subconsciously.

"Okay, Matt, I'm sure you are a person with a very sense of justice, so I came directly after I heard that I wanted to capture the culprit who caused the fall of Fortress Hawei." Renault shook his head: "But obviously, someone took advantage of Without your sense of justice, if I was really a prisoner who caused heavy losses to the federation, how could someone modify my file after you received the order? As a military police officer, you should know which level of person can do this. And what does this behavior mean?"

"[But the order...]" Matt looked very confused.

"Obviously, your order is out of date, and the prisoner you want to arrest has left Joe Sara." Renault handed over a step.

"[Um...]" Matt opened his mask, revealing a resolute and simple face with black hair and eyes: "Thank you for your cooperation, I will find the 'real prisoner'."

It seems that he has understood that the person who sent him and the forces behind that person are the real black hands that destroyed Fortress Howe. I hope he will not act on impulse.

"Welcome to come again next time." Renault waved to the military police who turned to leave.

In addition to its literal meaning, this sentence also means "If you can't survive because of this, you can come to me."

Matt obviously understood. He paused in his steps, opened the door and left the tavern without responding.

"Humph, what a shame." Tychus threw the chain saw gun he had hidden behind his back onto the table.

"The Federation has noticed you, what are your next plans?" Angela looked at Renault.

"Stay in Marsala and wait and see what happens," Renault returned behind the bar: "If nothing else happens, the Federation will soon have no time to pay attention to a little person like me."


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