The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and eighty-five, element 0 (99)


[From the first sprout of life underwater, to the giant beasts of the Stone Age, to the first time a green light walked upright, you have experienced a lot. 】

As rows of text continue to emerge from the bottom of the picture and form a "road" extending into the distance, corresponding pictures gradually appear on both sides of the "road". What is shown on both sides of this text is that the green light has just been born from the meteorite, and Several relatively important evolutions in the cell stage, and the scene of finally landing on land and evolving into what it is today.

[From its humble beginnings, Green Light has demonstrated extraordinary growth. From wood to metal, from confrontation to cooperation, the earth begins to reveal its secrets, the ocean excites them, and the stars guide them to unfamiliar shores. 】

This section shows the green light in the biological stage, allying with or exterminating other groups of creatures, and finally making fire from wood and starting to use tools.

[You guided them to build many tribes with stone and wood, and witnessed the rise and fall of early empires. The stories and legends about you started from here. 】

In the tribal stage, if everything goes well, there is no doubt that the Yellow Light Tribe, which has an overwhelming advantage over other tribes, will win. However, the "Dimension Demon" crosses over and directly leads to their collapse. In this series of pictures, He actually left a handsome photo of Malefia beating the devil.

[From the roar of the engine to the fireworks in the sky, new power and resources are constantly being generated and discovered. Simple roars gradually turned into logical language, and the communication between the green lights also underwent tremendous changes. This world was once large and mysterious, but it has become smaller and more familiar. However, there are always questions to be answered. Resolution, there are always beliefs that need to be tested, and there are always national identities that need to be formed. 】

The tribal stage has officially evolved into the civilization stage. Several consecutive pictures of green lights of different shapes that are incomprehensible to each other appear alternately with the huge city center. If you want to give this scene a name, it can only be "Tower of Babel" .

[In the factories in the city, huge machines are humming and running continuously, while in the sky outside the city, the smoke and dust from the development of spice fountains block the view. This is a sign of the changing times. The progress of science and culture is what drives your creation. The kingdom is driven forward, and your challenge is to maintain the delicate balance between the planet and the green light, peace and war. 】

I am not very familiar with some of the pictures here. They seem to be the scenes when the Green Light Kingdom and other countries met for the first time. Because they have the ability to "greet each other cordially", they can talk to people and talk to ghosts - it seems like somewhere No - they have a good relationship with steel, nature, trade and faith, which is why they did not get involved in the Four-Nation War immediately.

[Green Light gave up its fins and wings during its evolution, but its desire to cross the ocean and soar into the sky has always remained in its heart. Now you have turned legend into reality, through the invention of ships and airplanes,

You've created a small, intimate world, but at the cost of internal factions becoming increasingly noisy and squabbling, and you have to guide them so they don't lose sight of their path in the day-to-day bickering. 】

Well, this time there are many more pictures than before, and the content is quite similar: it is a joint exhibition of three vehicles from all parties. Compared with several other countries, the vehicles here in Green Light are simply too trendy. , but if you think about it carefully... a country's vehicles are naturally designed according to the shape that best suits the country's aesthetics. Maybe they actually think these Green Light ships are ugly?

[Newly discovered knowledge broadens the realization of green light, from tiny elements to the majesty of outer space. Green light is closer to the truth about the universe than at any time in history, but the application of this knowledge may also lead to unprecedented darkness again. 】

This part is a single scene, but it is a long shot. The content is the scene when the "Seven Color Light" frigate sails all the way and passes over the capitals of other countries. As it continues to fly, the "lens" is also constantly stretched, and finally The ground gradually blurred, and the whole turned into a simple globe. Following the flight path of the seven-color light, a large area of ​​green followed. After it sailed around the planet, the originally green emerald grassland planet had completely turned into The color of the land of green light.

[Like their ancestors many generations ago, the Green Light is marching into the unknown. The hardships that space pioneers must have experienced just to once again make their people prosperous. Now, under your leadership, they begin a new one. The journey will leave its own footprints in other worlds. 】

Finally, the "Avenue of Stars" composed of words came to an end. As the last row of words disappeared into the distance, the perspective of the picture that had been "looking up" for a long time finally began to slowly decline.

I originally thought I was going to see the huge curved horizon of the green grassland planet, but what I saw was a green planet that looked like a small globe, which could even be said to be very inconspicuous.

Well, it's natural to think about it. If the universe is used as the background, even stars, as long as the zoom ratio is slightly larger, they will become a small light spot on the screen in the blink of an eye, and planets that do not emit their own light are even more... Forget it.


With a strange sound effect like a fish emerging from water, the "Seven-Colored Light" frigate broke through the atmosphere of the emerald grassland planet and flew out.

"Green Star, Green Star, this is the Seven-Colored Light," the correspondent on the frigate began to contact the ground tower: "We have successfully entered space, everything is normal, please ask for next instructions."

"Uh-huh, this is the Green Star. Although I really want to say, 'Please fly freely,' but in that case, His Majesty the King will probably kick me off the tower," the ground liaison officer seemed unserious. , made a joke and then began to read the manuscript: "First of all, you need to inspect the orbit of the planet where we plan to build the space station to ensure that there is no space debris there, and provide protection for it during the subsequent construction process. After the space station is completed, , and then go to our satellite to conduct environmental surveys and try to build our first space colony on it. If the environment is too harsh, just an observation and research station is also possible."

"Seven Color Light has received it and will proceed as planned." The frigate's correspondent was obviously very strict and did not respond to the jokes of the ground liaison officer at all.

Seeing the Seven-Colored Light slowly turning around and entering the planned orbit, the ground liaison officer asked again, seemingly bored: "Ah, by the way, how long do you estimate this series of projects will take to be completed?"

"[I'm thinking, it must be seven days anyway.]"


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