The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and ninety-one, The Matrix (5)


There was no car chase as Anderson expected. After he got on Trinity's motorcycle, those sunglasses and black suits simply gave up.

Finally, after a burst of speed, the motorcycle stopped in front of the gate of an old four-story villa on the outskirts of the city.

Anderson clutched his waist and jumped off the back seat of the motorcycle.

"You don't have to force yourself to just grab the rear bumper, Neo." Trinity parked the motorcycle aside and looked at Anderson and said, with an expression that seemed like she wanted to laugh but was holding back.

"No, I'm a gentleman. I can't hug the waist of a lady I've only met twice." Anderson grinned a little, but still said firmly.

As a little person in the Matrix, Anderson knows very well the principle of taking advantage of small things and suffering big losses. Hacker masters such as Trinity and Morpheus must have something important to find for him. When some special departments start to track him, he must not Don't leave a bad impression on them anymore.

"We only met twice? Just treat it like this," Trinity skipped the topic and walked towards the main entrance of the villa: "Then, I can give this gentleman a suggestion: when facing Morpheus, Better be honest.”

"You can rest assured," Anderson watched as the heavy door of the villa slowly opened. He paused before saying, "I have always been very honest when it comes to people I can't afford to offend."


The interior of the villa is different from what Anderson expected to be full of high-tech equipment and security devices. It looks like an old-school, medieval-style castle, except that torches and candles have been replaced by electric lights.

Trinity, who took off her sunglasses, led Anderson through the first-floor hall with its marble floor with precise black and white patterns, then climbed the stairs, and finally arrived at a spacious room on the second floor with thick wooden doors that looked like a conference room.

Inside the house, a tall black man wearing a long dark blue trench coat was looking out the window with his hands behind his back.

Next to him is a round table that seems to be used for drinking tea and a pair of high-backed chairs with soft backrests.

Anderson was impressed by the appearance of the tall black man, but he was not sure whether it was because of the shiny bald head or the sunglasses that were almost as dark as his skin.

"Morpheus, I brought Neo." Trinity turned and closed the door.

"It's an honor to meet you." Anderson stepped forward and extended his hand.

Unexpectedly, Morpheus's reaction was even greater,

He directly shook his hands back and said, "No, we are honored to see you."

"Uh, what?" Anderson was confused.

Judging from the current intelligence, he probably caused some serious trouble in the matrix, which forced him to say goodbye to his familiar life. Under the leadership of his guide, he joined a mysterious hacker organization and began his journey into the other world.

But looking at Morpheus's attitude towards him, something seemed not quite right.

Morpheus didn't seem to want to explain. He pulled up the high-backed chair next to him and sat down, then motioned to Anderson:

"Please take a seat."

"Uh, thank you." Anderson pulled out another chair and sat across from Morpheus.

"Neo, have you ever felt that this world is not real enough? Sometimes you can't even distinguish between reality and dreams?" Morpheus raised his hands and gestured.

Is this a philosophical question?

Anderson thought for a moment about how to respond philosophically, but couldn't find the right sentence, so he finally answered honestly: "I do this all the time when I'm drunk."

Tsk - he seemed to hear laughter coming from behind that he couldn't hold back but managed to suppress.

Morpheus's expression did not change. After a short pause, he continued to ask: "So, do you believe in fate?"



"Because if destiny exists, it means that there is someone writing and maintaining it, and always dealing with bugs and errors that may continue to occur during its operation. This kind of endless upgrade and maintenance of the product even for us programmers It should be avoided as much as possible.”

"Oh..." Morpheus's face showed a little confusion.

"I personally believe that if there is a supreme being, He will definitely not arrange a predetermined 'destiny' for everyone," Anderson said, "He will arrange it, and it can only make each individual's 'character'. "

"Please continue." Morpheus leaned forward, seemingly interested.

"Countless [characters] lead to countless [choices], and countless [choices] lead to countless [results], and these countless [results] eventually converge into [destiny]," Anderson exhaled, Tan Tanshou: "So, I don't believe in the existence of [destiny]. If anyone really intends to weave a [destiny] that is so huge that just imagining it makes people want to give up, then it can only be a machine without emotions." [Supercomputer]."

Bang, bang, bang, Morpheus sat on the sofa and clapped his hands slowly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, as if he was surprised, but not at all surprised. Anderson didn't know whether he agreed with his point of view.

"Trinity?" He looked behind Anderson.

"Are you thirsty? Philosopher?" Trinity put down two cups of tea on the table with a smile in her voice.

"Thank you, uh--" Anderson was halfway through thanking him when he saw the words printed on the two teacups: "Drink me?"

"Alice, who followed the rabbit into Wonderland, wouldn't it be surprising to see these two words?" Trinity put down her tea cup and walked to stand behind Morpheus: "There are two more 'eat me's here in Morpheus." .”

"Sleep God" guides others into the "Sleepwalking Wonderland"... There seems to be no problem, although the image of this "Alice" is open to question, Anderson thought mockingly to himself.

"Neo, we have a basic understanding of each other. You may think that your life has been completely changed, but in fact, you still have the right to choose." Morpheus took out a pill box from his windbreaker pocket and opened it.

Not surprisingly, there were two capsules about the size of a fingertip, one red and one blue, with "Eat Me" printed on them.

"Just as you think," Morpheus looked at Anderson's expression: "If you choose the blue pill, you will go back to your original life, and those guys in sunglasses will not bother you anymore, but if You take the red pill and we’ll tell you what’s down the rabbit hole.”

"Before you make a decision, I have to remind you that this is a one-way train," Trinity looked at Anderson's face and added: "As you said before, these two [choices] trigger... Their destinies will be completely different and they will never intersect again."

"Now I just hope there is a beautiful Queen of Hearts in the rabbit hole." Anderson shrugged, took the red pill and stuffed it into his mouth without any hesitation, and then drank the tea on the table in one gulp.

...Did Trinity roll her eyes at her?


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