The Collection of The End

Chapter 120 Preparing for a Decisive Battle

My name is Elijah,

I am preparing for a decisive battle.


"【Lick it, twist it, turn it around ~ oh! Maybe knock it?】"

Hisu Maiya hid in the shadows, watching the little noisy trying to open the locked door majesticly, and after several failed attempts, he bumped his head in anger, and couldn't help sighing softly again.


Before experiencing it herself, Maiya had never been clear about what the intrinsic barrier looked like.

When Kiritsugu mentioned it, he skipped the introduction with "self-contained world", "self-built rules", "the caster will have an absolute home field advantage", because magicians who can use inherent enchantments or something It will basically not be on Kiritsugu's list, and his [Inherent Time Control] is of no reference value as a variant of the Inherent Barrier.

Until Maiya accidentally stepped into Caster's inherent barrier, and saw the land of steel just like the real world—perhaps in Kiritsugu's summary, he had to add "the speed of time can be changed".

After all, in just a few hours, it was impossible for everyone to talk about the "Master of Alchemy" Tosaka and the "Wise King" Gilgamesh. As for Kotomine Kirei, there were no deeds that were praised.

The moment she stepped into the inherent enchantment, she lost contact with all the familiars outside, as if she had never summoned them. Mi was a little helpless and frightened.

For the purpose of collecting information and comforting herself, Maiya decided to summon or transform some familiars in this inherent barrier, but because the land of steel is a wasteland of nuclear warfare, there are almost no wild small animals that are easy to control. In the end, she Spotted a wolfhound prowling near an abandoned gas station.

Maybe its name is Hachi, and it is waiting for the master who promised to wait for it here before the nuclear war, but the master has already... Maiya is playing with the dog in her heart while throwing out the dog that is used to subdue the familiar. of charm magic.

[Change magic +1]

Maiya was startled by the inexplicable words that popped out in front of her eyes, and the wolf dog looked at Maiya with disdain, shook her body and turned to leave.

"[Uh, what kind of ghost is am I? Who are you? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

From the ruins of the gas station behind the dog, a small rectangular robot with a single wheel and a black and white display screen on the front came out wobbly, and the reason for its wobble was that a large part of the wheel was missing. And the body is riddled with holes.

"【I hate heroic spirits! Before they appeared, Brawl was the best partner of human beings!】" The little robot wobbled and turned to Maiya: "【Are you human? Can you summon heroic spirits?】 "

Maiya, who didn't know what was going on right now, nodded and shook her head.

"[Very good~ then as long as you fix me, I will treat you as the master for the time being~]" Little Brawl (Brawl) circled around Maiya: "[Hurry up, hurry up, I'm going to single out'Type -Earth'.]”

Maiya, who felt that she was being troubled by a trouble, could only reluctantly use the unfamiliar healing magic, and the strange words like [healing magic +1] could be ignored without changing her face.

Afterwards, she experienced the ominous premonition. This little robot seemed determined to follow her. Rumors of a "hunter with a talking robot" began to circulate.

Therefore, Maiya determined another rule of this inherent enchantment: "The deeds of outsiders will be circulated in the town for no reason." This means that Tohsaka and his party who arrived here before her have already discovered their own. exist.

Although I don't know why Caster didn't remove the barrier, but if he can't break away as soon as possible,

There is only a counterattack.


"Boom! Boom!" Little Noise was still banging his head against the door.

This is a mansion owned by Tosaka, who has a series of titles such as "Gem Knight", "Alchemist", "Enchanting Master", "Village Savior", and "Big Rich", although he has real estate in almost all settlements , but the specific place where he will rest is not fixed. The reason is that if the price of commodities in a certain place is reduced to a low level because he keeps selling his alchemy products, he will continue to buy materials in another place, alchemy, Sell ​​such an act.

And this human settlement is the one he hasn't traded (qing) for (xiao) for the longest time, and the price of alchemy products has risen above the normal level, so Tosaka, no, the next time Tosaka Tokiomi moves his base is likely to be Will come here, and because Gilgamesh has too many areas under his jurisdiction, it is impossible to come to the rescue when he is known as the "Wise King" for fighting fires everywhere. This time the sniping should be foolproof—— If there is no sudden failure of the unlocking function of the phone, which prevents you from lurking, you can only surround yourself with help.

And when it comes to the "virtuous king", it is obvious that the arrogance and free will he usually shows is just because he has no worries. After becoming the king by accident in this false world, he has become very...diligent and loving the people? The golden powered armor flying around to deal with the incident has become a scene in the steel land. Maybe he has discovered himself a long time ago, but he is just too lazy to do it.

Fortunately, the settlements in this land of steel are limited, and there are basically endless wastelands outside the settlements. Otherwise, according to his expansion speed and his degree of personal work, he might be the first to die from overwork Heroic Spirit... Um, probably thinking too much

"Huh? Why is there a crazy robot here?" In front of the mansion, Tokiomi Tohsaka, who looked like a boy, appeared in Maiya's sniper scope while driving his self-modified jewel off-road vehicle. Maiya was stunned for a moment by its appearance. So much so that he missed the best opportunity to snipe - after discovering the little noise, the young Tokiomi's body was immediately covered with a layer of colorful shields shining with jewel light.

"[Crazy? You actually said that the great little noise is crazy?]" The door-slamming robot took two steps back, and turned the screen to Tokiomi, which showed a situation where one hand took off the white glove on the other hand and threw it out : "[I want to duel with you!]"

"You are not qualified to duel with me!" The boy Tokiomi replied loudly: "Go find yourself a human body first!"

Can't tell, Tohsaka Tokiomi is still a human supremacist? Maiya moved the sniper scope to aim because of Little Noise's disturbance, and changed the barrier surrounding her from a 360-degree omni-directional spherical barrier into a wall-shaped barrier facing Little Noise head-on.

"Nice job." Aiming at Tosaka Tokiomi's head in the boy form, Hisau Maiya pulled the trigger.

"It's really good." Maiya heard Kotomine Kirei's voice from behind, and at the same time, some kind of sharp weapon faster than a bullet slashed towards her throat with a faint sound of wind.

It would be worth it if I could exchange one with Tohsaka Tokiomi, but it's a bit regretful—Hisu Maiya thought of many things like lightning.


However, before any of these two attacks achieved their goals, the black fire that instantly ignited in the intrinsic barrier completely wiped out the entire world.


The Assassin Four Heavenly Kings had been resurrected for nearly an hour, but they didn't feel any aura of Kotomine Kirei as the Master at all. If they didn't exist and didn't disappear, they almost suspected that their Master had been killed.

During this period, they had to stay bored in the basement converted from the worm warehouse.

Those who would take the initiative to summon the Assassin class, either to let them collect information or plan to cooperate with "breath blocking" to secretly deploy, it is basically impossible for anyone to let them play freely.

As far as Mine Kirei is concerned, he is one of the best Masters with a desire to control. The almost uninterrupted [Empathy] can prove that, in the end, after losing his command, the four, no, five present Assassin could only look at each other, at a loss.

"Still can't get in touch with the Master." Merti, the one with many looks, was the first to break the silence.

"Could it be trapped by Caster?" Makur the Swift jumped to Lin Hao's side and brushed her hair, only to get Emil's stare.

"It's been a whole day since we were defeated, what's the situation now?" Zeid of the base turned his head and asked Ryunosuke Yusheng.

"Uh... It seems that the three parties have fought each other again, and each has its own outcome. They are all preparing for the final decisive battle now. If the situation is specific—" Ryunosuke scratched his head and replied.

"You give the order, and we will carry it out." Gozel the Strange Wrist interrupted his introduction.

If the Master is unable to command due to various reasons, the heroic spirits can decide to act according to the situation. However, the Assassins who have been commanded by Kirei since they were summoned have no chance at all. In such a situation, it is better to hand over the command to Ryunosuke Yusheng who is known and reliable. No matter how outrageous his command is, he only needs to adapt to the situation when executing it.

"Is this... okay?" Ryunosuke also seemed to regret that he was out of the game, showing a little longing for this temporary command.

"No problem, you can command us until the Master returns," the Assassins replied after a quick exchange.

"Then..." Ryunosuke paused, then raised his finger to Amir and Lin Hao, "It must be useful for Kirei to keep them here on purpose, and now the Holy Grail War is about to start a decisive battle, so you bring them to Hiding near Liudong Temple, if Kirei wants them to play a role, you can do it at any time, and you investigate Liudong Temple and its surroundings without exposing yourself.

This command... is quite satisfactory.

Assassins can naturally feel the undisguised sense of challenge coming from Liudong Temple through the spirit veins. Even if Kirei is present, he will probably give the same instructions. The only thing to worry about is Lin Hao and Ai. Mir, it is clear that the Master values ​​them very much, if they approach the battlefield at will...

"Leave them to me," said the Hundred-Aspect Melty, "During the decisive battle, the ability to transform into a bluff is useless, so I will take them to watch the battle from a distance, and accept Master's instructions at any time. "

"Then, let's take a step first, don't get too close to the battlefield." The other Assassins transformed into spirit bodies one after another, and Melti pulled Amir, who had replenished his magic power for a while, and didn't look like he would disappear at any time, got up, and tried to go Pushed Lin Hao's jewel wheelchair, but didn't push it.

"Well, let me help too, at least I still have a little fighting power." Ryunosuke, who was clearly driven by magic power, walked over to drive the jewel wheelchair, and seemed to see Lin Hao with his dark and emotionless eyes in a trance Glancing at himself, then a horrible grin.

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