The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and ten, the fourth natural disaster (10)

The Utes stumbled into space.

The attributes of the ethnic group have not changed much except that the civilization stage is replaced by the space stage.

However, the shape looks like a large octopus with too low pixels, and the spaceship is completely black and has tentacles... It is difficult to evaluate.

This time, because there was no interference from the world war, Idian was still alive to witness Ute's feat of setting off to the star sea. However, unfortunately, because they have not developed any hyperspace navigation technology, they can only sail very slowly for the time being. Explore the initial galaxy.

However, as far as avoiding resource depletion is concerned, being able to sail in this system is enough.

Although the environment of other planets and asteroid belts in the galaxy is harsh and uninhabitable, the resources are real. Ute itself has a long lifespan and has psychic energy as its basic power. It is conservatively estimated that the resources of this galaxy are enough to last them for 50,000 years. .

When this "time travel" drama came to an end, the "actors" on the stage also ushered in their respective endings.

Ymir and Euryale remained childless, and the position of "Warchief" of the tribal union was inherited by a new scientist. The scientist immediately announced that the position of "Warchief" would be abolished and replaced by "Chief Spokesperson". It is generated by all scientific factions through debate, and the criterion is the influence of the faction in the future, which can ensure the development of science and technology.

The Science and Technology Alliance is a little more complicated. Idian and Yonex are allies who assist each other, and the military and technology are clearly distinct. In the end, a dual-leader model was established. The military side is directly called the "leader" while the technology side is directly called the "leader". Known as the "Director-General", the leader is responsible for arranging the development direction of the science and technology side, and the Director-General is responsible for directing the operations on the military side. Although it is strange, the cooperation is surprisingly good.

To the surprise and incomprehension of many Youte, Udian finally chose Youte as his partner, and they had a daughter, who was expected to become the next Director-General.

After Yuri failed to return to the "original time and space" through various experiments, he tried to freeze himself again, but was stopped by his long-term partner, the scientist Yukreli, who confessed his love to her. Yuri finally accepted her.

‘It’s a pity, it’s a pity. ’

[We agreed to take him back and recognize him as grandpa? 】

'I'm just saying that, that would be too cheating. She had a mutual affection for her scientific research supervisor, but then she went back to the past after being frozen and had sex with her great-grandmother. He was indeed the legendary Captain Ute. ’

[No, no, according to the real timeline, this is a story about going back to the past from the apocalyptic world of the future to save it. You should say, ‘Is your son named Yu Connor?’? 】


Indeed, but it seems that Ute's technological development direction cannot create Skynet and Terminator, right? ’

【Shall I make it? 】

‘Don’t just make that kind of thing! ’

After all the dust settled, the two major countries on the Black Sea planet entered a period of stable development. Due to the fear of their respective super weapons and the rich untapped resources in the galaxy, they had almost no friction.

The other is those "starfish". Their intelligence is still improving. The smarter ones can even communicate with Ute through various methods. However, they cannot master spiritual energy that takes a certain amount of time to awaken and master. In addition, their brain capacity Too small, advanced psykers can kill them with just a thought, so to a certain extent, this race is no longer a threat to the Utes.

But... here comes the problem. With the guarantee that they will not betray, if Ute and Starfish return to the "Third Ute World War" mode of getting along again, Ute will still think that it is a kind of "extinction" and Jump out?

[Probably not? Don’t modern humans leave most of their work to machines? Unless something like an omnic crisis occurs, who can say that humans are controlled by machines? . 】

'The world needs more heroes. ’

【Are you coming? 】

‘...You have been very good at self-destruction recently. ’

Finally, although most of the Utes are ready to strengthen themselves, there are still a small number of Utes who try to use homemade transmitters to contact the "Galactic Alliance", but that organization is fictitious and I can't get Malefia to respond. them.

However, although there is no "Galactic Alliance", this "rewinding" and "acceleration" are still time-consuming, and the green light that began to explore outer space has gradually been explored.

Since the "Seven-Colored Light" can't see the target directly like me, they follow the route of "more likely to appear life" and "may have rare resources", and overall they take more than half of the detours than me. Number of "jumps".

It finally chose this galaxy because of the meaningless signals sent out by the Utes who were trying to contact the Galactic Alliance.

However, they finally contacted the aliens. Should this behavior be considered a success or a failure?

[Because the person you want to contact is actually the Galaxy Alliance, it is considered a failure. 】

‘But since there are currently only two of them in the Milky Way, as long as they can successfully form an alliance, it will be the [Galactic Alliance]. ’

[Use the sword of the previous dynasty to kill the officials of this dynasty? 】

After the "Seven-Colored Light" arrived in Ute's galaxy, it met a space mining barge with starfish as its main member near the asteroid belt on the outskirts of the galaxy. The two parties immediately greeted each other warmly:

"Hello aliens, we come in peace!"

"[Hello, alien, welcome to the planet of the Dark Sea!]"

"To avoid causing panic, we will wait here and ask your diplomats who can perform language translation to come and contact you."

"[I have been waiting for you for a long time. Please come with me. Our Galactic Alliance Liaison Department has excellent language experts.]"

The Seven-Colored Light remained motionless, but the mining barge drove a certain distance toward the home star but didn't see the other party following it, so it turned around to send a signal in confusion.



Neither of the two parties can understand the language spoken by the other party, so why can they exchange a few words in the same language as a duck?

"Captain, it seems to want us to follow it, what should we do?"

"Then keep up. I'm thinking, we found them first, so we are more advanced than them. What's there to be afraid of?"

"[Captain, it seems the aliens have no intention of following.]"

"[Well, maybe the Galactic Alliance has some default rules for communication between civilizations that have not established diplomatic relations. Anyway, let's go back and report first.]"

The mining barge set sail again, and this time, the seven-colored light slowly started to follow.



【Hahahahahaha! 】The stupid system laughed so hard that Thela Soido's account began to tremble.

‘…I can’t help but laugh as I continue reading. Where is the next civilization? Navigate quickly and leave. ’

[Uh...haha, the next closest civilization is: 'Baao']

'gone! ’

Malefia slapped the command panel.


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