The Collection of The End

Chapter 122 The Dream of the Past

My name is Lin Hao.

Not the one that was blacked out.


"Well, yes, we are already close to Liudong Temple, not too close as you said."

"Well, you may not be able to intervene in the next battle, why don't you go back to the magic workshop and hide for a while?"

"That's it...then be careful."

The off-road vehicles purchased by Emiya Kiritsugu are all equipped with a communicator that can communicate with each other within a certain range. Alice Viel is operating it with some unfamiliarity to contact Hisu Maiya. She originally planned to persuade Maiya to leave this battlefield. But was firmly rejected.

In the war between magicians, rashly using magic means to communicate is very likely to be discovered by both parties, but technological products using radio technology will not. In this important battle, if she is available, she can provide Kiritsugu with The key intelligence will definitely gain a great advantage.

"Well, Kiritsugu is resting," Irisviel looked at Kiritsugu through the rearview mirror, who was slightly lowering his head as if closing his eyes and recuperating: "He said he was going to recharge his batteries for the upcoming decisive battle."

"Saber? I'm in good shape." Irisviel smiled into the microphone: "She won't deliberately oppose Kiritsugu's arrangement, don't worry."

"Although hiding and waiting for an opportunity to sneak attack is not in line with the knight's code, as long as you can wipe out all the enemies, there is no problem." Saber Lily in the passenger seat nodded: "This is called 'winner loses', Miss Lin Hao said."

"...Hmm." Irisviel looked at Kiritsugu who was taking a nap in the back seat with a complicated expression. This time it was not just a decisive battle, but also the task of finding Lin Hao and bringing him back safely. After losing Saber Alter Under the circumstances of this important combat power, can it really be done?

? ? :? ? :? ?

Accelerating or stagnating the flow of time in an inherent barrier that is not interfered by the world is the magic of the Emiya family.

Although its scope of influence is only within the inherent barrier, it also belongs to the same [Time Interference] as the legendary fifth law. The fourth generation head of the Emiya family, Emiya Tokiken, who carried it forward, was criticized by the Magic Association and Simultaneous pursuit by both sides of the Templar Church.

If the flow of time is infinitely accelerated in an extremely small barrier with almost zero inhibition, what will happen to this small universe after it reaches the end? Although there is a high chance of the enchantment breaking or the death of the enchanter, at the same time, there is a great possibility that the door to the root will be opened.

However, since "infinite acceleration" cannot be achieved, it still takes time for that small world to reach the end. If it is quantified, it will take about three hundred and eighty-four years. This is still accelerating without eating, sleeping, etc. case of spending.

After being stumbled by the unexpected threshold of "life span", Emiya Jixian had to turn his research goal to longevity or even immortality, and removing it would have disadvantages such as interrupting the "acceleration" process, being unable to use magic, and not being able to inherit memory. After restricting the means of longevity, he finally chose the method of "death discipleship", and started research with Emingo Island in the South Pacific after throwing off his pursuers.

... Apparently, the research failed.

Emiya Kiritsugu stood aside, looking at the violent girl with red eyes and blood-stained clothes, who was eating chicken wantonly in the chicken shed, and the bewildered young man in front of her.

"Kill...Kill me!" In order to prevent herself from attacking "Kelly", the girl who looked like a beast crazily bit her arm that was stretched out towards "Kelly" uncontrollably.

"No, no, there must be a way..." The boy shook his head, took a few steps back, then turned and ran.

Ah, that's right, that's it. I ignored the source of the infection and ran to inform the subordinate institutions of the Holy Church. As a result, the Church and the Association of Magicians were attracted at the same time, and then turned a quiet island into a purgatory on earth.

Emiya Kiritsugu frowned and walked over to try to pick up the dagger dropped on the beach, just like countless times before,

Passing through like a phantom.

He wouldn't affect his state of mind because of these dreams, but if he had such an overly real dream, it would be equivalent to no rest, and it would have a devastating impact on the subsequent decisive battle. Kiritsugu pondered for a moment, and decided to try to wake himself up.

"Oh, isn't this Kiritsugu's first love?" A familiar voice interrupted Kiritsugu's movements.

That's... Lin Hao? Although her looks and voice were very similar, and she was wearing a white silk dress with gold trim specially chosen by Alice Fell for Lin Hao, but she was not sure because she was not in a wheelchair.

Plus, it wasn't first love.

"Aw! Aw!" What was even more frightening was that "Lin Hao" was not a phantom like himself. Under Emiya Kiritsugu's surprised eyes, Xia Lei, who had turned into a dead disciple, pounced on him and bit her fiercely. Im good neck.

boom! boom! Kiritsugu subconsciously drew his gun and fired, but the bullet also passed through like a phantom.

"Uh uh... Fortunately, I bit it directly. If you are going to scratch and disfigure your face first, I won't agree..." "Lin Hao" didn't care about being bitten by Xia Lei at all, and even closed her eyes and hugged her with her backhand: "Hey, slow down."

Under Kiritsugu's stunned gaze, Xia Lei gradually transformed from a violent dead apostle back to a human being. If there were no bloodstains on the white skirt, it would be exactly the same as usual, even the distorted joints and wounds from the self-harm have returned to their original state.

"Huh? I'm not..." Xia Leisong opened his mouth, took two steps back in surprise, and looked at "Lin Hao" in front of him with surprise and apology.

"Huh... roar..." "Lin Hao" let out a low growl like Xia Lei's death disciple before, and then opened his eyes. They were a pair of vertical pupils with a strange red light.

Completely turned into a dead disciple... Is this the "carrying" method in her wish? Is she Lin who successfully obtained the Holy Grail in a certain world online? Kiritsugu stopped planning to wake himself up, and prepared to continue watching.

"You look so delicious—" "Lin Hao" said with gritted teeth, but Xia Lei was so scared that she took several steps back.

"—Just kidding." She stretched out her hand as if wanting to scratch her head, but she was speechless for a moment due to the twisted joints and sharp nails on her hand: "Well, you should leave this island quickly and go wherever you want, Emiya Kiritsugu, It's Kelly, that idiot is about to attract the guy who killed their father and son-don't even think about saying goodbye to him, if he sees you, you will instantly change back to the way you were just now."

"Then... what about you?" Xia Lei asked hesitantly.

"For me... I have to save his mother. This shape is quite suitable, and it seems that I don't need to get rid of it for the time being." "Lin Hao" tilted his head, and suddenly bounced back and disappeared into the jungle.

"..." Xia Lei hesitated for a moment, then turned and ran in another direction.

etc! Kiritsugu heard something from "Lin Hao"'s words and tried to chase after him, but things like dreams can't reason with people.

? ? :? ? :? ?

Over the Atlantic Ocean, on the Airbus A300 airliner flying from Paris to New York, a live version of "Resident Evil" or "The Walking Dead" is being staged.

A magician, Otto Bolzak, has developed the ability to control the killer bee to turn the victim into a dead disciple. This kind of dead disciple is not the kind that Emiya Toriken researched, except to prolong life. A transformation of a side effect, but a pure weapon.

He transformed human beings into the lowest level of dead disciples - ghouls, and used them to control them. As a result, this crazy magician was not only hunted down by the Holy Church and the Magic Association at the same time, but even the legendary ancestor of the dead disciples They were all alarmed and sent their high-ranking dead disciples to hunt him down.

Compared with Emiya Tokiken's useless and stupid research, Bolzac's behavior of randomly creating low-level servants of the vampires and controlling them to fight is an insult to the vampires.

Ultimately, cornered in Europe, Bolzak tried his best to board a plane bound for the United States, but was still followed by at least three pursuers, Natalia Kanesky being one of them.

She doesn't belong to any organization, but she will accept the reward announcements issued by those organizations. It was she who saved Emiya Kiritsugu who was almost captured by the Magicians Association, and raised and trained him in these years.

"...I said Kiritsugu, in order not to be too embarrassing when we meet next time, let's not talk about this topic." Natalia had just finished talking with Kiritsugu when she was young, her face was still slightly red, after all The child she raised since she was a child suddenly called her mother instead, and she was not used to it.

Did she look like this? Standing in a corner of the cockpit of the plane, Kiritsugu looked at this female elder whom he had been with for many years as a teacher and as a friend with inexplicable emotions.

The reason why she suddenly changed her mind is because her past self will use surface-to-air missiles to destroy her and all the ghouls on the entire plane...


"Ah, the task this time is fairly easy." The door of the aircraft cockpit was torn a huge hole first, and then kicked open, and then "Lin Hao" with red eyes walked in.

Compared with the island, her appearance is completely different. Not only is her body covered with armor-like carapace, the sharp claws of the elders on her hands, even her hair has been transformed into countless small snake-like tentacles like Medusa ——Looks like a high-ranking Dead Apostle.

"Calm down." Flicking away the bullets fired by Natalia, "Lin Hao" scanned the empty cabin and threw her a parachute bag: "Jump down, I'm going to destroy this plane."

"Who are you?" Natalia didn't go to pick up the umbrella bag, and still pointed at "Lin Hao" with a gun.

"Dead Apostle True Ancestor No.3, 'Queen of Blades'." "Lin Hao" said seriously: "If you don't plan to leave, I don't mind blowing you into fireworks together."

Lie, Kiritsugu thought, the position of the third Dead Apostle True Ancestor is always vacant, it is waiting for that "Type-Moon" to wake up, but from this point of view, it doesn't matter if it is pretending.

"...Okay." Through the door of the cab behind the "Queen of Blades", Natalia saw that the entire cabin was riddled with holes, and all the ghouls and killer bees had been torn apart. She looked again. The queen had sharp nails on her hands, and she finally decided to follow her advice.

"Hmph, Kiritsugu is such a troublesome guy. Has he contracted all the misfortunes of the world?" After Natalia parachuted away, the "Queen of Blades" sat on the captain's seat, and all kinds of strange peripherals gradually Disappeared, and finally changed back to Lin Hao's original appearance.

"But Natalia is not a fool. Seeing the RPG, wouldn't she know that Kiritsugu did it? So this operation has brought misfortune and has not changed history. It's perfect~" The girl boasted while studying the aircraft's instrument panel.

Then, together with the plane, it exploded into fireworks all over the sky in the next moment.


"Hehe..." Emiya Kiritsugu on the back seat of the off-road vehicle laughed softly.

"Huh? Did Kiritsugu dream of something good?" Irisviel and Saber in the driver's seat turned their heads together.

"No," Kiritsugu cast his eyes on Liudong Temple: "I just feel that I have been underestimated."

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