The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and thirty-six, Halo War (6)


Arcturus star field, near the mass relay.

The flagship battle group of the Third Fleet is preparing to make a jump through this huge celestial body.

This battle group consists of one battleship, five cruisers, twenty destroyers and nearly a hundred frigates, and its flagship is General Grissom's battleship "Karachi".

The total size of the Third Fleet is naturally ten times this number, but the passage of this flagship battle group alone will make the transportation department busy for a while. If they all gather together, the transportation in the Arcturus system may be temporarily paralyzed.

"Hey, it's none of my business," Cicero muttered from the pilot's seat, "but this ship is really nice."

Dunkirk is a medium-sized frigate with a nuclear capacity of 50 people, 117 meters long and 35 meters wide. She has a mass effect main gun and 40 point defense cannons, and carries twelve combat drones. With one "Scorpion" main battle tank, four "Greyfin Shark" infantry vehicles and six escape boats, it can basically deal with all situations from space to ground warfare.

"You must have been lazy in the cultural class, Caesar," Kangna on the side responded: "When the entire fleet passes through the mass relay, control of the ship must be handed over to the flagship to maintain 'integrity', otherwise you They will be thrown out of the 'Mass Effect Channel' halfway and fly to nowhere."

"Hey, that's something only flagship commanders need to know. Our frigate and destroyer pilots' daily routine is to fight with ships of the same level to see who can hit whose PP first." Cicero pretended to do so. He made a twisting movement.

"[A pilot who doesn't want to fly a dreadnought is not a good pilot.]" Anderson's communication came from the microphone next to him.

Because his position is captain, he can't wander around like Connor, so he can only stay on the bridge very miserably.

"I really don't want to fly that thing," Cicero looked at the approaching mass effect repeater: "Did you know? A qualified pilot's dodge against any attack when on a frigate is over 65%. Destroyers, For cruisers, the bigger the ship, the smaller the chance. For battleships, it’s only a pitiful 5%. As for dreadnoughts, tsk tsk, you can only expect the enemy to miss that kind of bulky thing.”

"This is exactly the meaning of the existence of small ships, to use super high dodge to absorb damage for heavy ships with powerful firepower," Kangna said: "However, all the current data are based on us fighting ourselves. If outsiders If the Stars have technology that is difficult for us to understand, their tactics will need to be updated and adapted."

"Tsk tsk, I really want to meet aliens.

Will they look like ET, Octopus, or Master Yoda? ” Cicero uttered some of the most well-known images.


When Kang Na was about to discuss this, the frigate's hull shook slightly and adjusted its flight attitude.

The entire fleet was arranged neatly at this moment, like a school of fish in the sea or a flock of pigeons in the sky. The next second, a blazing blue light suddenly burst out from the mass effect repeater, and the bright blue illuminated all the ships in the battle cluster. The battleships lit up instantly, and the next second, they all turned into elongated afterimages and disappeared in front of the Arcturus Mass Relay.

"Hmm, I usually travel on a single boat, so it's quite spectacular to see it like this."

Cicero commented while chewing bubble gum in his mouth.

In the mass effect channel, up, down, left, and right were distant stars that were passing by and turning into traces of light. In front and behind were neatly arranged ships of various colors. Regardless of their size, the relative speeds between each other were all zero.

"Let's go find the Master Chief. The mission briefing should be unlocked." Kangna patted him on the shoulder. Chasing literature

"Huh? We are about to arrive at the next galaxy, but you want to take away the pilot?" Cicero looked at Kangna in surprise, spit out a bubble in his mouth, and then bit it himself.

"Even if you arrive at the next galaxy, you won't have a chance to take action." Kangna pointed to the crew members who had left their jobs behind the cockpit: "The fleet will maintain its current posture until the destination galaxy returns control."

"Huh?" The unlearned driver looked confused.

"If a battle is possible at any time, it is impossible for the fleet to do this, but so far, something that only exists in expectations has not happened." Kangna patted him on the shoulder again: "Before arriving at the destination, We’ll be notified on the penultimate jump.”

"How can a serious frigate pilot read the movement rules of the large fleet?" He said stiffly, then got up and followed Kang Na to the captain's room.


The entire Dunkirk is roughly divided into five floors, the captain's cabin, bridge deck, combat deck, living deck and warehouse maintenance deck. Although the captain's cabin is a separate floor, it is only a single floor less than 20 square meters. It's just a human room.

"This is our destination, 'Reach'," Anderson projected a star map on the wall of the captain's room: "It is also the limit of exploration by the Second Fleet, and the Third Fleet will start from there. Keep exploring outside.”

"Then why should this matter be kept secret? You have to enter the mass effect channel before it can be unblocked." Cicero asked without understanding.

"Because we are likely to encounter aliens there," Anderson zoomed in on the target galaxy: "The reason why the Second Fleet started returning from here is precisely because they discovered this."

When the projected image finally settled, what appeared there was a strange mass effect repeater. Although its shape was also key-shaped, the lightning flashing on the "grip" was an ominous red.

"All the mass effect repeaters we have discovered in the past are bidirectionally connected. Through analysis, we can know the specific location of the other end. However, this red repeater is completely unable to analyze the situation on the other side, so expert analysis believes that it is very It's probably one-way." Anderson projected some more unclear documents.

"Or maybe the other side is blocked by 'aliens'." Kangna added.

"So, the mission of the Third Fleet Flagship Battle Group this time is actually to investigate an unknown galaxy, and to be ready for a battle at any time." Anderson concluded.

"That's great," Cicero looked at the star map: "I can't wait to fight the aliens, but... why is the flagship battle group dispatched directly? What about reconnaissance and testing?"

“About that—” Anderson shrugged, pulling up a video.

The person in the video is none other than General Jon Grissom, who previously gave a speech at the Naval Academy. At this time, he seemed to be in a conference room, blowing his beard and staring, looking very angry.

"[Send what kind of reconnaissance fleet!]" the old general said angrily: "[If we encounter aliens, do you expect those little kids to be able to judge whether to fight or negotiate? Let me take the flagship battle group directly there! What's wrong with me? Memorize it!】"

"Wow~ I like this old man." Cicero blew another bubble.

"Me too." Kangna continued.

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