The Collection of The End

Chapter 124 The Second Battlefield

My name is Elijah,

I stomped Makur again.


There were no other people on Gilgamesh's brilliant boat, and Emiya Kiritsugu confirmed this through a telescope.

A fierce battle is going on between the golden boat in the air and the thundering bullock cart, but even a complete outsider can see the unequal between the two sides. After temporarily losing the strongest Noble Phantasm of [King's Army Power], Rider can only passively There is no other way to parry the endless rain of treasures from [King's Treasure].

Unless he can launch an attack equivalent to the two Sabers working together to release the Noble Phantasm's real name, such a scene will mean the defeat of the King of Conquerors in the near future.

Kiritsugu didn't plan to pay more attention to the battles where he couldn't get in and the strength was huge. He was sneaking along the perimeter of Ryudoji's defensive barrier in order to find the masters of the Tohsaka camp.

If what he expected was correct, Tosaka Tokiomi's disciple named Kotomine Kirei was probably doing the same thing.

Except for that glimpse, Kiritsugu has never had direct contact with Kirei, but he has already been classified by Kiritsugu as one of the most dangerous enemies, in a sense, he is more terrifying than those Assassins.

As an assistant in the Holy Grail War, he obviously should cooperate with his teacher in everything, but he did a lot of superfluous things out of his own will. After most of the Assassins were wiped out, it became even worse, many of which were even related to obtaining The Holy Grail has nothing to do with it.

There are also a large number of Command Seals used as if they were deliberately wasted, just thinking about it makes Kiritsugu resentful - if the referee of a match is biased towards one side, it will be a devastating blow to the fighting spirit of the other side.

If possible, it's best to kill him with a long-range snipe before he strengthens Assassin with Command Seals again.

So, after instructing Maiya to stand still and only collect information, and let Saber Lily take care of Irisviel, he fully armed and searched clockwise around the barrier of Liudong Temple.


Emiya Kiritsugu must be nearby, Kotomine Kirei made a judgment.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Rider is at a huge disadvantage. He fell into this situation precisely because he fought with Black Saber. It can be proved by the same reason that Black Saber's state will definitely not be very good at this time, even if he barely It can still act, but at least it can't go into battle. As for the white Saber and other helpers, there is nothing to worry about at all.

Speaking of which, the wish of this magician killer turned out to be such a ridiculous idea of ​​saving the world. Although he would not say it himself, the artificial man of the Einzbern family and his female assistant did not have a sense of secrecy. After collecting their goals, Jie still leaked crazy words like "let there be no war and bloodshed in the world" and "realize eternal world peace" from time to time.

Has that guy ever thought about why human beings go to war? Because of the inequality of survival resources, or the conflict of ideas and concepts, and the greed of the leader.

If we want to prevent wars in the world, we must first distribute all kinds of resources in the world equally and inexhaustibly, and then make all human beings think and behave in exactly the same way, and the communication between any two people will not be the same. There is the possibility of conflict, and finally, completely suppress the generation of negative emotions such as envy and jealousy-put a flock of sheep into endless pastures, and of course they will not fight with each other.

Only God can accomplish such a feat, and the artificial holy grail made by the magician wants to do it with only sixty years of magic power?

Obviously, Emiya Kiritsugu, a layman, was deceived by the old man of the Einzbern family, convinced that it was some kind of universal wishing machine, which could achieve miracles.

However, miracles can also be divided into big and small things. Small things like snowstorm in August will be called miracles in the tropics.

As far as this Holy Grail is concerned, there is absolutely no problem with the miracle of "giving oneself the ability to perceive pain and misfortune in the world".

Then, Kotomine Kirei, who felt the effect of [Empathy] weakened because he was too close to the Great Holy Grail, began to advance counterclockwise along the edge of Ryutoji's barrier.


Irisviel maintained her invisibility, and was following Emiya Kiritsugu.

It wasn't that she deliberately disobeyed Kiritsugu's instructions, it was that his actions this time were too reckless. Even though Archer and Rider fought in the air, there were almost no heroic spirits that were too powerful nearby, but the combat power of the Assassin class was already It's not relying on its own strength, even if the effect of [breath blocking] is reduced due to the confusion of magic power, what if you don't notice it?

If you let Saber Lily accompany you, you will definitely be discovered, so you have to leave her in the off-road vehicle to wait. Irisviel followed her husband quietly while maintaining her invisibility magic, and at the same time held her right hand tightly, so that if she really In the event of an accident, you can call Saber to rescue at any time.

However, this kind of vigilance should be unnecessary. If Kiritsugu is really in danger, Illya may have fallen from the sky before she could use the Command Seal. Although she usually dislikes Kiritsugu in various ways, when something really happens He will still help in time, and he has used all the two Command Seals on Kiritsugu.

Speaking of which, is Kiritsugu's short, short, brisk walking movement called tactical stealth? Irisviel tried to learn, but she gave up because the clothes didn't fit her well. However, when she straightened up, she saw a familiar white figure flashing past in another direction in the forest. Seems to be still pushing a wheelchair?

So Irisviel left her husband to find her daughter without hesitation.


Regarding the so-called "plan" discussed by the Assassins, Ryunosuke Yusheng did not intend to comment.

Melti disguised himself as Caster, pushed Lin Hao who was in a coma, and appeared in front of Kiritsugu to lure the enemy with a glimpse. As long as he followed him, the Four Heavenly Kings immediately shot and killed him at the same time, without giving him any chance to summon the heroic spirit.

Hmm...Let’s not talk about how she pretends to be Caster as an Assassin. After all, the Master doesn’t look at the appearance when he perceives the heroic spirit. Want to bring the master who has no fighting power to the place of decisive battle? Even if Emiya Kiritsugu's IQ dropped suddenly and he was fooled, it would not be so easy to ambush a magician killer, not to mention these words have been completely listened to by Lin Hao, there is no difference between being heard by her and being heard by Caster okay?

As expected, when Emiya Kiritsugu saw the "bait" and continued to move forward without stopping, Melty went around to the front several times without giving up, but Kiritsugu didn't do anything as if he hadn't seen it. reaction.

How many more times can you try this kind of thing after failure? How was she going to explain the situation where she was running in the forest with a wheelchair just to show a small face in front of Kiritsugu?

"Anyway, change the way—huh?" After another failure, Melty was about to remove the disguise, but continued to maintain it with some surprise.

Emiya Kiritsugu was not fooled, but the figure in purple and white dress who was attracted was obviously his wife, Irisviel.

At the "ambush site" that was a certain distance away from Melti who was luring the enemy, and was completely invisible to each other before, Ryunosuke was holding Emil's hand and listening to the Assassins talking.

"Bad..." The little girl pointed to the three black-clothed figures in front of her and said.

How can anyone say that they are bad? Ryunosuke rubbed her head and continued listening.

"The wrong target has been attracted, what should I do? Proceed as planned?" Makur pointed in the direction of Melty, then retracted his hand and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"No, that woman can't be killed, and we can't carry the 'Holy Grail'." Zaid shook his head repeatedly.

"Kill, change, capture." Gozel's voice was accompanied by a low rumble.

If it was Emiya Kiritsugu, it would be hard to say, but if you are eyeing his wife, Caster's reaction speed will become... Ryunosuke looked up to the sky in order to hide his disdainful expression, but saw a The speed was too fast, and the trajectory was like a red straight line falling from the sky.

Paji! Click!

Before Makur could finish cutting his throat, he was trampled on the head by the blood-clothed Caster, and hit the ground straight into a radioactive golden spot, while Zaid and Gozier were crushed before they had time to react. Pressing Caster's hands on his body, he instantly froze into two ice sculptures.

"Give Amir to me," Caster smashed the two ice sculptures casually, and looked at Ryunosuke while waving away the golden light spots that appeared, and said, "The next battle is beyond your participation, leave as soon as possible Fuyuki—at least you have to cross the Mion River, I’m not sure how wide the scope of ‘that’ will be.”

"Do you need my assistance in evacuating the residents?" Ryunosuke still remembered that Caster told herself that her wish was that "anyone" would not die in this Holy Grail War, and this "anyone" naturally included the citizens of Fuyuki.

"Uh, that's not necessary. What follows is an event that will have a devastating impact on the mind of a magician, but it will have almost no impact on ordinary people who don't have enough knowledge." Caster seemed to be thinking about how to word it: "If you have to If you stay here, no matter what appears in Liudong Temple, just don’t look at it.”

"Well... I think it's better for me to leave," Ryunosuke thought for a while, thinking that he could already be regarded as a qualified magician, so he decided to temporarily suppress this curiosity, "in case you are still distracted protect me."

"Correct decision, and things like San value appraisal can't be protected." Caster said something unclear, and at the same time cast a light blue protective magic on Ryunosuke: "Let's go, remember that no matter what happens here, Don't watch any big movements."

"Okay, I wish your plan goes well, Master." Ryunosuke turned and left towards the opposite direction of Liudong Temple. At the same time, he noticed that Melty's disguise had been seen through by Irisviel.

The artificial man of the Einzbern family is controlling a large number of mithril threads to attack the "pretender".

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