The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and fifty-two, the fourth natural disaster (26)

I deliberately found the name of this "Phoenix Academy Fierce Person" and analyzed its pronunciation and meaning in the Wataum language.

It’s an “angry firebird flying in the sky.”

Firebird is a phoenix, angry, so it can be ferocious, and can jump timelines... Reminder sister, as expected of you, if it were translated using a stupid system, it would definitely be called "Angry Birds".

[How do you accuse someone of their innocence out of thin air? I will definitely translate it as ‘Feng Yi Tian Xiang’. 】

‘Not even the person’s name! ’

It’s actually quite interesting to say that when these Wataums who cannot fly themselves are given names, both the words in the names themselves and their meanings are moving closer to flying. Well...their group consciousness is a big butterfly. one extra.

However, although this "Mr. Phoenix" itself is very important, in the face of a series of major news caused by my quota of Laplace Demon, such a small thing as "a researcher announced the creation of a time machine" is completely worthless.

I waited patiently for another rotation cycle of the planet of the Palace of Knowledge. When the Wataums gradually understood the importance of those "Element Zero", I arranged for Malefia, who had a new image, to have a global live broadcast.

Of course, there is no need to use the backward methods of the TV station, as long as the live broadcast screen is directly projected onto each Wataum's visual organ.

【When did you create Sophon? 】

‘Who would make that kind of thing? It’s scary to think about the act of punching a hole in the retina. Wouldn’t you be blind? ’

[Since there is no wound left, it probably won’t be possible? 】

‘Whatever, my purpose is different from that of the Trisolarans anyway. ’

Regarding this global live broadcast, the real trouble is the background of the live broadcast that Malefia is in. These stubborn extreme materialists must be convinced that this is aliens and not a deception or magic, and vaguely reveal something worth studying. , and in the end, you have to show a crushing technological level to prevent them from being defeated.

The final decision was to use a neutron material with no gaps visible no matter how many times it was magnified, to create an ordinary space capsule as the live broadcast background, which was low-key, luxurious and connotative.

[Waidi objected and condemned this. 】

'invalid objection. ’

Now that you're ready, all you need to do is turn on the "live broadcast" when most of the Wataums haven't fallen asleep.


"Fellow Wataums," Malefia's image appeared in front of all the Wataums who were still awake: "I am a 'ghost' from the 'Galactic Alliance', and your particle collider was... I confiscated it.”

During the live broadcast, I used a familiar language to let the Wataums truly understand what Malefia was saying, and asked the Laplace demon to monitor and forward every word that tried to communicate with her in real time.

"You can talk to me directly, and I will answer the meaningful questions," Malefia said with a straight face: "In addition, before speaking out, I hope you will think more about it. Cursing someone can directly kill someone. Is it rational for an alien civilization to project images into the visual organs of all you Wataums and make giant structures around the equator disappear overnight?"

After these words were published, all Wataums became like ants on a hot pot, and various communications between the scientific research directors of various research institutes continued one after another.

[If Wattaomu scolds you, do you really plan to deal with them? 】

‘Of course not, but what he did was lose the people of Laplace Demon, and he is afraid that he will be plagued by bad luck in the future, and his teeth will be blocked even if he drinks cold water. ’

After chatting with Stupid System for a while, the first question was already pushed by Laplace Demon, who seemed to be the main person in charge of the particle collider project:

"[Why did you do that? What's wrong with the particle collider?]"

"There is no problem with the particle collider. Your design concept and experimental procedures are clear and correct, so I cannot allow it to start." Malefia scanned the corner of the screen and pretended to check the information: "According to the regulations issued by the 'Galactic Alliance' Relevant regulations in the "Hazardous Technology Research Prohibition Act\

,"Any behavior that would cause physical particles to exceed the speed of light is strictly prohibited. "

[The Galaxy Alliance is really a useful tool. ] Complaints about the stupid system.

'Anyway, they haven't stepped into the universe at all, so they don't know if they were deceived. ’

"[How is it dangerous?]" The second question appeared, but it did not come from the previous person in charge.

"You have actually made some assumptions, but you have ignored it," Malefia replied, "'vacuum decay'."

The next sentence of the person who asked the question was "Is it that simple?" But it was not pushed by the Laplace demon, and the form was that the question was interrupted for a moment.

To put it simply, the so-called "vacuum decay" is the "spiritual suffocation" on the scientific side. When the particles exceed the speed of light, a black hole expanding at the speed of light will be born at its location, causing other civilizations to observe this black hole. Being destroyed, there is no warning and no chance to escape.

There is actually another issue here that will lead to the "cosmic game theory", that is, the universe was born in a big bang. The current measured lifespan of the universe is about 11.4 billion years. So what was the state like 11.4 billion years ago? A “singularity” where nothing exists? So why did the singularity explode? The universe has been expanding since the explosion. So what is the approximate radius of the universe? What is “outside” the universe?

No matter whether physics develops in the direction of micro or macro, it is a dead end, and these problems that cannot be solved in the real world can be expected from these Wataum? forget it.

Well... Of course, the above is the situation in the "real world". Here I can clearly say that there was nothing before the birth of the universe. I caused the singularity to explode. The universe has a lifespan of about 2 billion years and a diameter of only 100,000 light years. , outside the universe is the imaginary number space - a complete game universe.

"[If this matter has been confirmed, could it be that a civilization has already caused 'vacuum decay'?]" The new question came from a younger researcher, his voice was a little trembling.

"As far as I know, no." Malefia's expression remained unchanged: "Since the Galaxy Alliance is convinced and has stipulated this matter, then as the agent's 'ghost', I only need to strictly implement it."

"[If it cannot exceed the speed of light, it will be impossible for civilization to leave its own galaxy. How do you solve the problem of interstellar navigation?]"

Oh, after the initial panic, I accepted the reality and started bargaining. Unfortunately, I had a plan.

"There are many ways, including wormholes, star gates, and jumps," Malefia replied without hesitation: "But you obviously don't have the foundation for interstellar navigation. Even if you barely enter space, you won't be able to leave the galaxy, so I stay I have obtained this batch of 'Element Zero' to help you develop. Its characteristics are-"

At this moment, many words similar to "[Don't say]" and "[Please keep it confidential]" came out.

Tsk tsk, no wonder the prediction of Laplace's demon includes the end of them killing each other and becoming extinct. Even scientists have their own little calculations, but why should I pay attention to them?

"——When electricity is applied, a field will be produced that can change the mass of matter in the field, which is called the 'mass effect'."

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