The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and sixty-six, Halo War (26)


Europa 7, Vault 107.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

From time to time, heavy crashes and roars like cannon fire frightened the residents hiding inside.

"Wow... so scary..."

"The teacher will come to save us, right?"

"Is it safe outside?"

"I want to go home..."

Because this shelter is located near a commercial street that mainly sells toys, the alarm was issued just after school. At this time, the ratio of adults to children inside reached an astonishing one to five, even though the shelter staff tried their best to comfort them. , the place is still noisy like a school cafeteria during lunch break, and from time to time, smaller children start to cry for no reason.

"It's so noisy..." Hannah Abbott rubbed her ears as she walked, "Why were they so brave when they competed with me for Sunny Piggy?"

"This is probably because they know you won't hurt them," Cedric, carrying the sunny pig doll, followed her closely to avoid getting separated: "But as for aliens... I guess they have been ' If you don't obey, you will be kidnapped by aliens. This kind of thing scares you."

"Who knew there would really be aliens coming? After all, we are obviously in the hinterland galaxy." Hannah tried her best to avoid the running and crying children. She seemed to be planning to find people she knew to hug together, but to no avail: "I seemed to have seen Kaos and his sisters before. Didn't they enter the same shelter?"

"Perhaps it arrived directly through an undiscovered star gate?" Cedric frowned: "I have said long ago that relying on things whose principles are not even clear will cause problems sooner or later."

"Then you go and mention it to the Governor," Hannah hit Cedric and then pulled him out of the sanctuary hall: "I think this 'alien invasion' may not stop soon, while they are still here Tangled up, let’s go get the key card for the shelter’s temporary accommodation.”

"Why do I feel that you are familiar with the structure of the shelter?" Cedric asked, looking at the almost indistinguishable cabins along the way.

"Of course that's because," Hannah raised her chin and pointed at a huge LOGO on the side of the road: "They were designed and built by my dad's company."

The LOGO pattern is a metallic letter A and B tied together with grass blades, representing the largest infrastructure company on Europa 7: Aibo Industries.

"Indeed, I occasionally see this LOGO in casual places..." Cedric touched his chin: "And I seem to have heard people mention it from time to time and say-"

Hannah seemed a little happy that Cedric's attitude had not changed at all: "What did you say?"

"To say that the things created by this company are stupid and rough (BigFool) have no aesthetic value at all."

"Then stop!" Hannah pulled the pig doll away from Cedric's hand.


"Supervisor? Are you going to issue room cards now?"

Hannah walked around to the door of a circular office overlooking Hall 107.

He peered inside.

"As far as I know, the 'Supervisor' is the top manager of each shelter. Are you sure he will take care of the small matter of issuing room cards?" Cedric followed helplessly.

"You're right, but that's under normal operation. When the shelter encounters such an emergency without warning, usually only the supervisor and a few assistants will be there, so basically all the work has to be done until other subordinates The staff here is here." Hannah looked around and found that there was no one in the supervisor's office, so she walked in and started rummaging through the cabinets: "Well, where is the key card?"

"Isn't this not good..." In the middle of his words, Cedric's expression suddenly changed, and he rushed forward and pulled Hannah back.


Before Hannah could get angry, she saw a big hole in the ceiling in front of her, and the head of a long and narrow silver battleship was poking there. Although it was only a small part, it still occupied most of the supervision room.

"I don't remember that the Star Alliance has this type of battleship -" Cedric was mid-sentence when he saw an oval door sliding open on the silver hull, with two elder exoskeletons that looked like lizards. , the heavily armed creature came out.


Cedric planned to pull Hannah behind him, but Hannah seemed to have the same plan. As a result of both of them exerting force at the same time, they backed away as if they were frightened.

The "lizard man" noticed Cedric and Hannah almost immediately. After staring at them for a few seconds, he made a hissing sound as the bones around his mouth opened and closed.

Another lizard man next to him also looked at Cedric and Hannah, and responded with the same strange hissing sound.

"Oops, I don't understand... Are there weapons in the supervision room?" Cedric asked Hannah in a low voice.

"As for firearms, there should always be one under the supervisor's desk, but the power is..." Hannah hesitated.

"There's no time...get down!"

Within two words, the two lizardmen seemed to have reached a consensus, and together they raised the strange firearms in their hands towards Cedric and Hannah.

Da da! Da da!

Two strings of bullets hit the wall, and Cedric pushed Hannah down without a second thought, and used his strength to roll towards the supervisor's desk.

Upon hearing the gunshots, the originally chaotic crowd of refugees in the hall below dispersed instantly, and some guards and staff approached the supervision office warily.

After the attack failed, the alien seemed a little surprised by his skill, but the gunfire swept through it without stopping. The bullets only slightly missed the corners of Cedric's "Mass Effect Shield", maintaining The shield's battery went off like crazy.

"I will definitely buy some military supplies in the future..." Cedric rushed behind the supervisor's desk and found an Albert III automatic pistol in the bottom drawer.

Snapped! Snapped!

He reached out and fired two shots at the alien at random, but was depressed to find that although he hit the target, the opponent's shield didn't even tremble.

The alien hissed twice more, seemed to be laughing, and then split up and approached in the direction where Cedric and Hannah were hiding.

Are you proud of the fact that your shield is more powerful than your firepower? But they must not have guessed that what was in front of them was not "firepower" in the ordinary sense.

We are "superpowers".

Cedric poked his head slightly to determine the enemy's position, and then directly added the power of "wind" to his limbs. Compared with the ineffective and occasional malfunctions at school, this "energy conversion" can be said to be abnormal. Silky smooth.

The next second, he rushed out at a speed that far exceeded the alien's expectations. He stretched out his arms and choked the alien who was most jealous of him. With his other hand, he put the pistol on the alien's forehead, regardless of the alien. Can you understand and yell, "If you don't want to die, tell your kind to stop!...Ugh."

"Asshole reptile! Die!"

On the other side, Hannah had already picked up a two-person-high file cabinet and knocked the alien approaching her to the ground. The unlucky guy seemed to be unconscious and was still being beaten.

"..." The alien held hostage by Cedric silently dropped the gun and raised his hands.


Deep underground.

Kaos put down his hands and started digging again.

collect doomsday

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