The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and sixty-nine, Halo War (29)

——? ? ? ——

Unknown location.

The huge meteorite carried the three "people" all the way to an unknown destination, pulling the stars on both sides into thin streams of light.

The sight of passing through the "Mass Effect Channel" is familiar to everyone, but what is strange is that they were clearly underground just now, but they still dug the hole with their own hands.

"This is [subspace]." While Kaos and Kedoli were still looking left and right in confusion, Naia first came to the conclusion.

"Don't be ridiculous, haven't any of us ever used [subspace]? It's not like this there," Kedoli curled her lips: "Even if the scenery at different landing locations is different, there is no way to say that there is a 'mass effect' "Channel" is a way of moving in ordinary space."

"So, this is not an ordinary [subspace], but a [private subspace] that belongs exclusively to that giant insect. You may be able to understand it in a few words: [Annihilation Realm], [Illusion Realm] and There is an [Inherent Barrier]." Naiya said, shaking his stupid hair.

"To put it simply, are we trapped in some kind of real illusion by that big guy?" Kaos concluded: "Can you play? We can be counter-killed even if we fight three against one."

"Full marks for this self-defeat." Kedoli gave him a thumbs up.

"In terms of combat effectiveness, it is definitely no match for us, and it is impossible to shake our will. But this time it simply 'encircled' us with its huge will, and it is really impossible to get out using ordinary means. "

"Then what should I do? I don't know about you two, but if I stay in the subspace for a long time, my body will directly coma and become a vegetative state." After saying this, Kaos realized belatedly that he seemed to have not been there for a long time. I heard those girls who were close to [that person] talking - Naia was not included.

"Well... if nothing else, you should be able to go back after seeing the 'past' displayed here," Naia said with a proud face: "If you were an ordinary person, you would have gone crazy without seeing the scenery here clearly. Human will It’s so vulnerable.”

"So we can't let this guy wake up...wait, you said 'past'?" Kaos turned to look at the direction of the meteorite.

"Because the intensity of mental pollution is too high and the content is not important, so it is really unprofessional to leave its past experiences here. If it were me -"

"I don't want to hear what kind of illusion you plan to create!"

When Kaos decisively interrupted Naia to talk about her idea, light gradually began to appear in front of the mass effect channel that was about to reach its destination.


Buzz - boom boom boom -

Theoretically speaking, there is no sound when leaving the mass effect channel, but if this is someone else's illusion, there will be if it thinks there is.

"This... where did the alien come from so boringly?" Kaos looked at what appeared in front of him and was surprised for a moment.

It was a bare star system without any planets, satellites or asteroid belts. There were only nine huge ring-shaped artificial creations in orbit around the star.

When Kaos began to think about the significance of the construction of these ring-shaped celestial bodies, the meteorite under his feet cracked.

No, it should be said to be "stretched".

The thing "under his feet" was not a meteorite at all, but a super-giant sand devil that curled up into a ball, its skin had turned into gray-white rock, and it looked a bit like a centipede.

As it stretches its body,

While adjusting his posture, he flew towards the nearest artificial ring-shaped celestial body.

During this process, Kaos, Naia and Kedoli always maintained their original distance from the giant insect. Even if the place they stepped on was severely deformed, they did not move at all.

It is obvious that they only have consciousness here and can and only observe what happens here.

"If the ratio between us and this guy is correct, then it has grown a lot in the following years." Naiya looked thoughtfully at the increasingly ferocious giant insect "underfoot".

"The image here should be of it in its infancy. We may be able to find its weaknesses." Kaos began to look up and down at the shape of the giant insect's torso.

"It's useless to see it. Who knows how it has changed over the years," Kedoli looked at the ring-shaped celestial bodies from a distance: "No, this is not a real space. If the space owner doesn't show us things, we can't see them at all. clear."

"So we... Uh-oh!" The "Meteor Giant Insect" that was originally relatively stable suddenly swayed and landed on the ring closest to it. Kaos opened his hand to maintain balance, and then he realized that He showed no signs of falling.

"Wow, who built the zoo here?" Kedoli didn't pay attention to Kaos, and was looking at the giant ring close at hand with bright eyes.

Its outer layer is a metal structure, but its inner layer is a lithosphere with a complete ecosystem, inhabited by at least hundreds of bizarre animals.

"Perhaps it is the prototype of the 'Gaia Planet'?" Naiya guessed: "I think we can see it interact with those lizard aliens here."

Chi chi chi - boom boom boom!

With flames that penetrated the atmosphere, the giant insect airborne to the inside of the ring in an attitude that was unclear whether it was landing or falling.

What happened next was like a documentary being pressed in fast forward.

The "Giant Meteor Insect" quickly occupied a place on the ring with its size and combat effectiveness, and then began to reproduce and expand its territory. The active small sand devil insects continued to "play quickly", and their appearance It is also gradually getting closer to those under Europa 7.

Their screams were sharp and harsh, and roughly sounded like "Kaz~Kaz~". They were later named "Kaz" by Naiya. Kaos was very suspicious that this was Naiya's intention, but for the time being No evidence.

Just when he began to wonder whether the "Katz Mother Insects" were going to conquer the universe because they had occupied all these rings and had no place to develop, these sand demon insects evolved wisdom.

They began to dress themselves in clothing, drilled out caves suitable for living in groups, and even elected leaders similar to tribal chiefs, as if they were moving towards civilization.

But the next moment, those "exoskeleton lizardmen" appeared on battleships, and they killed all the "Kaz" without hesitation, no matter how big or small they were.

Finally, the "Katz Mother", which fell back into sleep because of the smooth development of the Familia, woke up full of rage and had a fierce but brief battle with the exoskeleton lizard man.

The battle was inconclusive. When the outcome was not decided between the two sides, the exoskeleton lizardmen fled in a hurry on the battleship. The Kaz mother worm chased after them angrily, all the way to a mass effect repeater.

Just when a new battle was about to begin, the nine giant rings simultaneously inspired red lightning. After connecting with each other, they spread towards the mass relay. The exoskeleton lizardman fleet started jumping in panic, and the stuck Naturally, the Zimu insect will try its best to interfere.

In the end, the crimson thunder and lightning swept past, and the Lizardman fleet, the Kaz Mother Insect, and the Mass Effect Repeater were all enveloped. The last scene in the illusion was that the thunder and lightning activated the Mass Effect Repeater, almost at the end of Before it was completely destroyed, it teleported the Lizardman Fleet and the Kaz Mother Insect out together. The Lizardman Fleet didn't know what to do, and the Kaz Insect Mother Insect plunged into the underground of a new Gaia planet with numerous scars.


The illusion ends, and Kaos, Kedoli and Naia reappear in the underground passage.

"Hmm...are we bullying the lonely old man?" Kaos scratched his head.

"In short, it didn't drive us crazy. It has already lost. Let it continue to sleep in its own dream." Kedoli said viciously.

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