The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and seventy six, the fourth natural disaster (36)

Since Irisen itself has the "very strong" population characteristic, the "Dehaka" tribe with the "especially strong" suffix is ​​naturally extraordinary. It is obviously an insect-like creature, but its "arms" and The "legs" actually look like they have muscles.

These are probably the "muscle feet" and "muscle arms" that I gave up on.

As for their specific performance in actual combat... When they fight other tribes, they do not dodge, block or parry at all. They try to inflict damage to the enemy even though they are beaten. Although almost all battles are in the "kill eight hundred enemies and damage oneself" Thousands" of results, but the winnings are basically them.

However, because Dehaka's "health bar" is too long, once he is crippled and loses his combat effectiveness, it will take an astonishing amount of time to recover, so he has to rest in the "population building".

In addition, because they are "very strong", there are basically no accidents while waiting for recovery, so there is no one responsible for taking care of them, so they can take the opportunity to pick up one or two unconscious wounded people without being noticed at all.

"[Monster! Die!]"

After the two Dehaka tribesmen who were lifted up by Terasuido with their claws regained consciousness, they waved their sickles and charged at Abathur without saying a word. Well, the visual impact of the two-meter-tall mantis rushing towards him was pretty cool. Strong.

[I'm in the sky. It's okay if they lie down and sleep without looking up. But you and Abathur are both weirder than Irisen. Why did they all go to fight Abathur? 】

‘Maybe they are also white-haired wing-controllers? ’

Faced with the sudden attack, Abathur seemed to have no time to react and was still rubbing his hands.

But just when I was about to save it when it got stuck, the four scythes that came suddenly were blocked half a meter in front of Abathur. Although there was no sound that seemed to be blocked, no matter how I fired it, No matter how hard you try, you can't make any progress.

"[Impulsive, reckless, emotional, redundant, needs adjustment.]" Abathur had no awareness that he was being attacked, and commented on the two Dehaka "stuck" in front of him.

‘Hmm…this, symbiote? ’

The reason why the two Dehakas cannot attack is very simple. There is a perfect circular shield covering Abathur's body. The color of this shield is very light green, and it will be ignored if you are not paying attention. .

The specific information is:

[Symbiote, a special ability given to its agent Abathur by the Zongzu Zurwen]

[Normal form: The symbiote envelopes Abathur and maintains the 'hardened carapace'. In this form, you can use single 'spur' and group 'spiked spray'. Using 'spur' will cause the range of the 'hardened carapace' to be reduced, and using 'Spike Spray' will cause 'Hardened Carapace' to temporarily disable. 】

[Parasite form: The symbiote parasitizes the target chosen by Abathur, greatly strengthening all the attributes of the target and changing its shape. The target is controlled by Abathur during the period of being parasitized. If the target cannot be parasitized, the symbiote will transform into the same target. A replica with the same appearance. 】

Although it is good to be able to block two Dehaka, the overall setting seems to be very weak, especially the transformation that cannot parasitize the target. What's the use of just appearance? Generally, they are stronger in attributes and abilities.

[Uh, snooping for information? Confusing information? Refer to ‘not for one’s own glory’. 】

‘So the parasitism skill is equivalent to a biological version of ‘knights will not die with bare hands’? ’

[I always feel that cheating is a bit serious. Let’s see how Abathur will act.


"[Abominable monster!]" The two Dehakas retreated after their attack was blocked, and they attacked from the left and right in perfect coordination.

Due to their "aggressive" and "extremely xenophobic" characteristics, it's not too surprising that they would act like this, but none of them planned to attack Malefia. Perhaps this aggressive race also has abilities similar to "intuition". I know this is a character you can't mess with.

Dehaka's second attack was still fast and violent, and it was completely impossible to tell that they were the seriously injured people who were still lying on the "hospital bed" dying.

It's a pity that although the strategy of attacking from both sides is good, Abathur's shield is spherical and there is no defensive blind spot at all.

Puff, puff, there were two more inaudible slashing sounds, and Dehaka, who was attacking at the same time from both sides, came back defeated again.

"[Quick response and tacit cooperation are worthy of praise,]" Abathur stopped rubbing his hands, looked left and right, and opened his arms outward at the same time: "[Time is limited, that's it.]"

Crack! Following Abathur's movements, the attacked part of the hardened carapace deformed at the same time, and sprayed out a green spike at the enemies on both sides in the next moment.

when! Ding! The two Dehakas were caught off guard and hurriedly resisted. One used his scythe to strike a sharp spike, but was knocked back a few steps. The other just let the sharp spike miss it with a slight deflection, then continued to slash with the knife. Abathur.

Chi chi chi——

Abathur closed his arms, and then suddenly separated them the next moment. The "hardened carapace" that originally covered it suddenly scattered, turning into countless spikes that were slightly smaller than before and splashing upward, downward, left and right.

Dehaka, who was attacking, was hit by a large number of spikes and fell on his back without saying a word. The one further away also felt uncomfortable and lay on the ground twitching.

"Get the sample and devour it." Abathur started rubbing his hands again, and the "symbiote" that had just been dispersed by it with "spiked spray" regrouped. Due to the failure of the "hardened carapace", it saw It looks like a ball of slime.

After the "slime" regrouped, it jumped onto the fallen Dehaka's body in an almost bouncing manner, and almost immediately "melted" into it.


The next moment, a dark green whirlwind rolled up on the fallen Dehaka. This whirlwind not only pulled it upright, but also seemed to make it "get fatter".

When the whirlwind finally stopped, what appeared there was no longer the ordinary Dehaka, but a giant mantis man that was twice as tall as the ordinary Irisson and had muscles all over his body.

[Hulk calls him an expert. 】

'Venom objected. ’

"[Discover the source material and analyze it,]" Abathur made a strange smacking sound: "[Very strong, low IQ, mutation factor, don't forget it.]"

Is this the "swallowing" Abathur was talking about? At least it's acceptable in form and not too disgusting.

The parasitized strong Dehaka seemed to have no will of his own, standing there blankly, and then followed Abathur's instructions to lift up the other Dehaka who fell aside.

"[Researching the source of matter, the combat power has declined, and a safe location needs to be secured.]" Abathur turned to Malefia and said.

"Okay." Malefia raised her hand to greet Thela Soido to land.

[I think the most urgent task now is to find a way to teach it to speak normally. 】

‘It’s okay, you’ll be fine after being assimilated and given a beating. ’

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