The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and eighty, the fourth natural disaster (40)

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Logically speaking, if a doomsday element appears, regardless of whether it can be collected or not, the right option is to help the ordinary lives affected by it, but the problem is...the Irissons on the planet Zerus, without the influence of external factors, They will kill themselves, and helping them defeat Abathur's creation will not make them feel like a family to each other.

In addition, this definition of "doomsday elements" was not prompted by my sister, but was made by the ignorant "secondary group consciousness" that was born after Zurwen quit. In other words, even if it is not They appeared because of me. Helping Irison defeat them can only obtain a "planet-level" doomsday element.

The reason why the "Doomsday Element" "Irisen-1" is considered "planet-level" is also very simple. None of this new race can fly, let alone enter the universe. Being able to dominate Zerus is already considered the limit.

[So, do you want to help or not? 】

‘No help, no matter what Zulwin said, it’s still a mixture of Gaia and Alaya. This battle is basically a family matter of the Zerus family, and it’s not easy for me, an outsider, to get involved. ’

[Do you have any misunderstandings about your identity? 】

‘Well, it’s because Malefia, as the [Ghost of the Galactic Alliance], can’t intervene. ’

The new race created by the predecessor Alaya and Gaia was regarded as a doomsday element by the successor Alaya, which made it unclear who would make the decision.

Moreover, Abathur is currently full of confidence and is deploying troops in various ways. Even if he offers to help, he will probably be rejected again.

So, Malefia and Therazoido stood at the highest point of the "Research Island" to watch the great battle between Zerus.

About a month later, the "Siege of Bright Summit" came to an end. The race created by Abathur, the "Irisen-1" with the ability to assimilate and devour, won without any suspense.

Not surprising at all, no, in other words, their victory was already certain from the beginning.

The first batch of Irisen that Abathur chose to study were the strongest tribes on the planet. The ability to devour and copy them put the "Irisen-1" in a competitive position against all other tribes from the beginning. Absolute advantage.

If the tribes whose abducted tribesmen could communicate and cooperate with each other when besieging the scientific research island instead of fighting independently, the "Irisen-1", which was still insufficient in strength at the time, would face failure. But the problem is that this new race at that time It has not been judged as a "doomsday element" and if the battle situation is unfavorable,

Malefia will probably help, so in fact this step is just a near miss.

Finally, there is this great battle against the entire world. Since "Irisen-1" already possesses the essence of the previous powerful tribes and can transform at any time according to the enemy's weaknesses, the remaining ones are not enough. Naturally, the powerful tribesmen's attack on "Irisen-1", driven by ignorant group consciousness, could only return in vain.

[Tip: ‘Irisen-1’ replaced ‘Irisen’ as the master of the planet Zerus. 】

[Tip: ‘Irisen-1’ was renamed ‘Irisen’. 】

‘Who replaced me, and who did I replace? ’

[Haha, there is actually nothing wrong with this. If any other species of the hominid family replace humans, they will also call themselves humans. 】

‘Bionic man? ’

【...The thinking is very clear. 】


"[The mission is completed, there is no extinction, and the planet is unified, are you still satisfied?]"

There were no more battles around the research island. Abathur rubbed his hands and found Malefia to show off his merits.

Irisen is not extinct. Although it has been replaced by its variant, Zerus will also have a continuation of civilization, but it will be a "devouring worm swarm", but overall it has achieved its goal.

"Basically satisfied," Malefia raised her finger and pointed at the various mutated Irisons around her: "Although I don't know how the Galaxy Alliance will evaluate it."

"[So, you plan to leave Zerus and return to the Galaxy Alliance?]"


It was so clear and organized that it was impossible for Abathur, who only knew how to play phrases, to say it.

[It seems to be Zulwin? ] The stupid system said: [After all, Irison's languages ​​all sound similar after translation. 】

‘Is it going to say goodbye? ’ I turned my camera to see where Zulwin was going to come out.

"[I would like to let Irison join the 'Galactic Alliance' through your introduction——]" The rumble of Zulwin's speech came from all directions.

"In that case, I have to-" 135 Chinese

I have to build this organization first.

"[——But that would be too much trouble.]"


"[After I decided to master the location of their home planet, I will visit them personally.]"

"Where do you want to know the location of the alliance member's home planet?" I had a bad premonition, but I still started talking to it.



As the last words filled with murderous intent came out, the entire research island suddenly fell. No, strictly speaking, the entire lake was collapsing downwards, forming a huge lake centered on the collapsing island in the middle of the lake. Whirlpool, Malefia was caught off guard and hurriedly grabbed Thera Soido's claw next to her.

It's all the fault of the stupid system! It's nothing but a big chin, now there's a big whirlpool!

[I won’t bear this responsibility! 】

‘Stop talking nonsense and take Malefia away quickly. Her wings are more decorative. ’

【I am currently--】


【……effort. 】

While Therasuido was still flapping her wings vigorously to escape the suction of the vortex, the sky suddenly turned dark.

No, it wasn't that the sky suddenly turned dark, but that something closed from both sides, directly shutting in the collapsed island in the middle of the lake along with Malefia and Thela Soido.

'What it is? ’ Malefia, who had initially stabilized, turned over and jumped onto Thela Soido’s back.

[Well, that was a giant dragon turtle with a single mouth as big as ten lake islands. It created a whirlpool and then floated directly to the surface of the water, swallowing us up. 】

‘Is it Zulwin? This guy seems to have grown a lot in the process of conquering the world. ’

[Hmm, there is good news and bad news at the moment. Which one do you want to hear? 】

‘Is there still any short selling at this time? Then let’s break it first. ’

[The bad news is that Zulwin, as a mixture of the collective consciousness of Irisen and the consciousness of the planet Zerus, has personal suppression on Malefia and Thela Soido who were 'created' by the collective consciousness. We are hurt. less than it. 】

'The good news? ’

[The good news is that because you have personal suppression on it, it can swallow Malefia and Therazoido, but it cannot swallow or fuse them. 】

"Crossing the river and destroying the bridge, the farmer and the snake repay kindness with hatred and bring about their own destruction." ’

[Oops, are you so angry that you start to speak like Abathur? 】

‘It can leave anytime it wants, but the problem is, where does it have the confidence to control Malefia? Moreover, why can’t the collective consciousness of the planet’s main species not notice Malefia’s specialness? ’

[Because the group consciousness of the previous civilizations has not been integrated with the planetary consciousness, it is natural to be able to detect the connection between you and Malefia, but after the integration, Zulwen cannot do it. What can I say? Want to teach it a lesson? 】

'No, forget it, it is so overestimating its capabilities, sooner or later it will kick the steel plate, and it will kill others when it wants to eat. ’

[This ‘lesson’ is quite good. 】

‘Young poor man, hurry up and transform, use imaginary numbers to sneak away, what is the name of the next civilization? ’

[Um...Cyberlux? 】

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