The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and ninety-nine, the fourth natural disaster (49)

Latest website: Hogg was defeated without any suspense.

That guy was originally only an elite in the three-person team difficulty. However, when players upgraded before, they encountered some elite monsters such as "Princess" and "Golden Fang" that could be defeated by a single player, so they were somewhat underestimated. It's just that.

However, under my deliberate guidance, they still slightly understood the tone of team combat, which is the iron triangle of "war, magic, animal husbandry".

The standard tank should be a warrior with a shield, but swordsmen can also make a guest appearance by relying on dodge and parry.

The standard healer should be a specialized priest, but knights can also make guest appearances with some melee healing abilities.

There's not much to say about the mage, it's pretty standard.

Finally, there is the career "Explorer" chosen by "Song" and "White".

The main weapons of this profession are bows and arrows or crossbows. They can lay traps, use various melee weapons, and can even perform two magic or miracles. But the biggest feature is that they can get more rewards from monsters and treasure chests. In addition, as a remote person, the cost of equipment repair is very small, making it the first choice for standard wealth fans.

Speaking of repair costs, since I set a maximum of two deaths in a battle, I canceled the 10% durability loss each time and replaced it with one based on the Soul series, which has higher usage loss, more attacks, and weapons The durability consumption will be large. The more times it is attacked, the armor consumption will be large. When the durability consumption is exhausted, it will be automatically uninstalled and marked as unusable, and must be repaired before it can be re-equipped.

In this way, if you copy the original settings, you may have problems like "MT requires multiple pieces of armor" or "Output requires multiple pieces of the same weapon." However, as a "game developer", you can modify the BOSS battle duration or reduce the cost of repairing robots. The cost is completely negligible.

Then there is the personality of each person.

Asuna's character is not too different from my impression. She is both brave and careful, and she also knows how to observe the situation on the field. If she is not still not used to the role of a tank, she can be said to be a perfect leader. figure.

Kradir is quite outrageous. As a healer and sub-tank, not only does he always try to grab aggro, but Asuna immediately uses Miracle to heal her even if she loses a little blood, and it’s unknown how much healing was spilled.

He's obviously a sloth, so why is he so attracted to Asuna's human form at this time? And if your name is not Kirito, give up.

Sora and Shiro... probably because they are not the protagonists,

There is no social fear like the prototype, but the mutual trust and understanding of the game are still quite good. Apart from running away for half of the entire battle, there are no big problems.

[[Team] Asuna (Swordsman): Illya is so powerful! 】

[[Team] Sora (Explorer): Indeed. 】

[[Team] Illya (Mage): ...Huh? 】

[[Team] Bai (Explorer): He has been constantly outputting, but he has barely gained any hatred from Hogg. 】

[[Team] Kradir (Knight): There were two times when Hogg charged at Lady Illya. She very calmly moved to avoid transferring the hatred to Lady Asuna instead of turning around and running away, which was outstanding. 】

Uh... I want to say that if I turn on the "plug-in" here, can I directly see the hatred of monsters? The two OT attacks were just critical hits.

But for digital life, that thing is basically equivalent to an "implant", so forget it.

After a group of people rushed back to hand in the task, everyone was promoted to a level.

While each was studying how to add skills, Asuna said confidently:

"Since we cooperate so well, let's go directly to the dungeon. Is it called 'Death Mine'?"

By the way, it is a dungeon close to level 20. If a group of people with an average level of 14 go there...

Isn’t that impossible?


Westfall, Deadmines.

[[Team] Asuna (Swordsman): Okay, that’s it for this time. Let’s go back and rest, read the forum, and study the playing methods. We’ll come back when our level is higher. 】

[[Team] Sora (Explorer): In any case, the mission of collecting the red mask is completed. 】

[[Team] Bai (Explorer): Are the monsters in the ‘dungeon’ too strong? 】

[[Team] Kradir (Knight): Thank you for your hard work, Asuna-sama. 】

[[Team] Illya (Mage): What about me? 】

[[Team] Kradir (Knight): Thank you for your hard work, Illya-sama. 】

This Kradir is simply...forget it.

The dungeon is a completely new concept for this world. It separates the interior from the outside world through a door full of fog. The monsters inside are generally stronger, and once the monsters are activated, they will chase the players to death. No one is found to fight them again. But it's a good thing to turn around and run away from the battle.

In addition, the actual quest line to defeat the final BOSS in this dungeon is quite long, so they only received the task of collecting red masks nearby and then came in to fight.

However, it is quite surprising that this mission can be completed, because the first half of the Death Mine is dominated by kobold laborers and goblin overseers, and only humans with red masks appear in the middle and later parts. As a result, this team was improvised. The team fought their way through the mine area and the furnace, killing the ogre Krazo guarding the gate, the undead miner Johnson, Sidney and his woodcutter, and the furnace director Kilnigg. Mr. Fist was defeated because Asuna couldn't resist the damage.

This kind of hard power problem cannot be solved with momentum and determination, so after the team was wiped out four times, Asuna decided to give up temporarily.

Hmm...wait, I'm the president, right?

It doesn't matter, since the closed beta is only at level 20, the day someone breaks through the Dead Mine is the end of the test and preparation for the open beta, so there is no need at all.

[[Announcement] No. 1 in the world! On a moonlit night, Kirito, Lisbeth, Silica, Sachi, and Sinon of the Black Cat Group successfully cleared [Raging Rift]! 】

How did they get together?

'Wait? Is that little piece of paper worth the world? ’

[After all, only two copies have been released, and there is also an announcement about Dead Mine. 】

‘Actually, it doesn’t matter. It’s a book that can be entered at level 9. There are three bosses in total. The final boss is only level 16. It’s basically not difficult. It’s better to say that it’s too slow to be killed first now. ’

[You have too high expectations for these players who used to only play gun, cart and ball. 】

‘So, you have to wait at least a week before the Death Mine—’

[[Guild] Asuna (Swordsman): Agil, Momonga, and Albedo, come to fight the Death Mine. 】


[[Guild] Momonga (Mage): Do we also want to be number one in the world? Very good, this will help build the reputation of the guild. 】

There is a bubble teapot!


[[Announcement] No. 1 in the world! Asuna, Illya, Momonga, Albedo, and Agil from the SSS team successfully cleared [Death Mine]! 】

[[Guild] Sora (Explorer): Congratulations! 】

[[Guild] Bai (Explorer): Congratulations! 】funny

[[Guild] Kradir (Knight): Congratulations to Asuna-sama for achieving her wish! 】

[[Guild] Young Name (Swordsman): Worthy of praise. 】After calling a few people in the guild who had higher levels and more reasonable professional combinations, and after more than a dozen times of group play, we finally cleared the Death Mine. This kind of grandiose announcement is a bit too exaggerated for this small five people.

[[Death Mine] Otonashi (Warrior): Damn it, I lost. 】

[[Death Mine] Yuri (Explorer): Just a little bit. 】

[[Death Mine] Yui (Priesthood): Aren’t we always destroyed by Mr. Punch? 】

This is during the process of playing this dungeon. The teams trying to conquer it in another dungeon cannot see each other and the conquering process does not affect each other, but they can communicate and exchange some playing methods and experiences.

[[Team] Agil (Warrior): Uh... is it gone? 】

[[Team] Albedo (Priesthood): Really, why doesn’t this Van Cleef just fight warriors honestly? He always disappears to fight flying squirrels. 】

[[Team] Asuna (Swordsman): The bosses we encounter in the future cannot be the same, there will be various mechanisms. Now it seems that everyone has adapted well, and we will work hard to get the first kill in the future. In addition, , I'll cover today's repair costs. 】

I was using the guild skill "Group Resurrection" to pull up a few people who had fallen to the ground. I was helpless as I listened to them thinking about the future in the team and guild channels.

‘What should I do about this...? I also planned to start the public beta directly after clearing the Dead Mines, but this would be too fast anyway. ’

[Level 45 is open, what else can be done. 】

‘Hmm…become the leader among those who banned cheats in the closed beta through the first kill? Seems okay? ’

[In that case, you will be the final BOSS. 】

‘It seems to be originally...this is again the influence of personality. ’

[Did I make a new announcement? 】

'go Go. ’

[[Announcement] Since some players have exceeded level 20 and the Dead Mine has been conquered, a new phase of closed testing will begin. 】

[[Announcement] After routine maintenance this Thursday, the level cap for all players will be raised to level 45, and multiple new maps and multiple new dungeons will be opened at the same time. 】

[[Announcement] After a player's level reaches level 45 and 'Marathon' is conquered, the public test will be officially launched. 】

There should be no problem this time. The cap is level 45, and the average level of Maraudon monsters is level 49. It’s impossible to pass no matter how hard you think.


One month later, Marathon.

As an ice arrow was activated and hit, the giant monster like a hill collapsed.

[[Announcement] No. 1 in the world! Asuna, Illya, Otonashi, Kradir, and Klein successfully cleared [Maradoon]! 】

[[Guild] Yuri (Explorer): Congratulations on the first kill! 】

[[Guild] Kong (Explorer): Since I don’t have an explorer, I strongly request that this profession be deleted. 】

[[Guild] Albedo (Priesthood): I didn’t bring the Priesthood this time, which means standing output is no longer feasible. 】

[[Guild] Yui (Priesthood): Yes, yes, when I went to open up wasteland, half of the tank's health was knocked out by one punch, and I couldn't add it at all. 】

[[Guild] Momonga (Mage): It doesn’t matter. Our guild has opened new versions twice in a row. The forum must have exploded. This will be very beneficial for us to recruit people in the future. 】

When using group resurrection, my teeth ached just looking at that announcement. Ever since the SSS group first killed Death Mine, Kirito's Moon Night Black Cat group seemed to be competing with us, trying to get the first kill.

So far, in addition to Raging Rift, he has also grabbed the first kill of Howling Caverns, Shadowfang Castle, Razor Marsh and Razor Highlands. The others have basically been grabbed by the SSS team. All closed beta players are obsessed with these two. The competition between the guilds was talked about a lot, and the forums outside were also noisy.

But in any case, this is still good for income and expanding influence. The reason why Asuna decided to fight Maraudon this time, which had an average level of 49, was because Yueye's Black Cat Group had just defeated Zul'Farrak, which had an average level of 47.

She didn't know how Kirito was doing, thinking that they could continue to attack Marathon, so she decided to strike first. As a result, my hand slipped and I got the first kill.

‘…Is it too late to rewind time now? ’

[Give up, you just had a hundred chances to let the group be destroyed. 】

‘Who would have thought that Princess Marathon would be so disgusting in a fully stealthy state? I don’t want to be slapped to death by her. ’

[So, just accept this result honestly. 】

The reason why the stupid system says this is because the final BOSS of Maraudon, Princess Theradras, killed all the other four people when she still had 20% health. In the end, I used the terrain card to move and grind a little bit. dead.

Although it's easy to give up, if you're going to be beaten to death by that fat and ugly thing like a balloon... let's forget it.

As a mage, I don’t know how those melee fighters who give monster pedicures usually live.

After pulling my teammates up, I started to edit the new announcement, while thinking about how to operate the so-called "if you die in the game, you will really die".

[[Guild] Asuna (Swordsman):...]

[[Guild] Asuna (Swordsman): [Blade of Endless Darkness]. 】

[[Guild] Momonga (Mage):! ! ! 】

[[Guild] Momonga (Mage): What is that? ? ? 】

[[Guild] Klein (thief): Purple dagger? It's mine. 】

[[Guild] Jina (Swordsman): It’s really superficial. 】

Purple equipment... As for dungeons, purple equipment does drop starting from Zul'Farrak and Uldaman, but purple equipment also drops at this level in the wild. I saw a Staff of Jordan in the auction house before, and the seller bought it. A string of 9's should be just for show.

[[Guild] Asuna (Swordsman): For the guild leader, her weapon is still a junk green outfit. 】

‘Hello, rubbish green suit. ’ I looked at the stupid system card staff in my hand.


[[Announcement] Due to a player breaking through level 45 and Maraudon being conquered, the closed beta is about to end. 】

[[Announcement] The server will be closed for updates and a public test will be launched simultaneously. At that time, the level limit for all players will be raised to level 60, and multiple new maps and multiple new dungeons will be opened at the same time. 】

[[Announcement] Server shutdown time is: 29:59]

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