The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and seventeen, the fourth natural disaster (57)

"Collect Doomsday ()"

When prompting my sister to use "dangerous technology", I also highlighted the scientific research institution of Big Eyed Monkey somewhere in the field of vision.

I turned my "perspective" to observe, and found that it was not a science academy that studies superpowers, but a food research institute that analyzed the structure of Mana and tried to artificially create it.

The facility has a warehouse for storing Mana, a manufacturing workshop for processing Mana, and a laboratory for sampling and analyzing various Mana. It looks a bit nondescript.

The source of "dangerous technology" is a "big-eyed monkey" standing near a device suspected to be a centrifuge in the laboratory and excitedly shouting something to the surrounding researchers.

Originally, these monkeys all looked the same to me, and these researchers were uniformly dressed in white coats. Except for the big-eyed monkey researcher who was "marked", it was impossible to tell who was who.

However, these big-eyed monkeys should be able to distinguish each other, and because the guy who is shouting wears glasses, he looks a bit like a creature that Green Light has encountered before, so let's call him "Glasses Researcher".

"[Mana is not a product of natural growth! They are alive! Alive!]" The big-eyed monkey researcher suspected of being in charge of the project repeatedly emphasized in a loud voice.

"[Great, can we announce that we have discovered a new species?]"

"[So we are actually all carnivores?]"

"[Oh, they are alive, so what?]"

The other researchers were obviously not interested in this conclusion and responded with mixed responses.

"[Because they are alive, the possibility of our 'artificial creation' does not exist!]" the glasses researcher continued loudly: "[We should try to communicate with them!]"

"[Hey, brother,]" a big-eyed monkey who seemed to have a good relationship with the glasses researcher walked over and patted him on the shoulder: "[If 'artificial manufacturing' is not feasible, then we should transform to 'artificial breeding' and work with them Communication is not helpful in our current scientific research.]”

"【I mean--】"

"[Listen,]" the bespectacled friend grabbed his shoulders with both hands and said in a low voice: "[Our mission is to research ways to 'artificially create Mana' to solve the foreseeable food crisis, and you plan to use our ancient Food becomes a new ally?]”

"[No, our alliance itself also eats plants and some animals that cannot be enlightened——]" The glasses researcher also wanted to refute.

"[Then can they communicate with you?]"


"[Don't do anything unnecessary, I'll let everyone pretend they didn't hear what you just said.]" The friend shook his head, pressed his shoulder again, and turned to leave.

"[...]" After his friend left, the glasses researcher was silent for a while, then pushed up his glasses and whispered to himself: "[I can continue my research on my own.]"

During this process, the red light symbolizing "dangerous technology" has been shrouding the glasses researcher. Obviously, the real danger is not the "artificial mana" he is studying, but the "communication" he is prepared to pursue his own way.

'Hmm...even if only one person develops dangerous technology, will he be given a warning? ' Seeing that the glasses researcher no longer shouted about his findings, but began to secretly start his own research, I asked the stupid system.

[Just like Wataum did at the beginning, as long as it is researched, it will cause huge harm and cannot be undone. 】

‘Hmm…wait a minute, the name of this technology seems to be about studying psychic abilities or superpowers. Is there any danger in it? ’

[Well...let's take a look...] The stupid system stopped for a moment and started to print out documents and pictures one by one.

[Psychic theory (()): Explore the potential of the creature itself, resonate with element zero, be able to establish contact with other creatures that also have element zero, gain telepathy, create hallucinations, and have limited ability to predict the future. 】

[Note: Thoughts are the reflection of the world,

It is also a miniature world where we can hone our consciousness into our greatest tool, if not the nature of our thoughts. 】

[Advanced technology of psychic theory: Mind over matter (MindoverMatter) further strengthens the connection between living things and element zero, so that one's own thoughts can affect non-living things, and gain the ability of telekinesis, psychic attachment, and psychic energy release. 】

[Note: We have only explored a small part of the inner potential, and there are more potential powers in psychic abilities. 】

[Heart is stronger than matter. Advanced technology: Transcendence: Strengthen the connection between living beings and element zero to the limit, allowing their minds to enter subspace and communicate with unknown existences. This behavior will have a great potential to affect the ethnic group. causing devastating effects. 】

[Note: Our hearts have matured and we can hear the whispers of higher-level beings in the void. We should... talk to them. 】

Subspace? Are higher beings whispering? You shouldn't be able to hear me chatting with the stupid system, right?

[How is it possible to hear it? Our personalities are too far apart. Even your followers cannot hear the direct communication between us as long as there is no sound. 】

‘Then whose words did they hear after they [transcendent into saints]? ’

[If they do not attract the attention of the four vendors, the whispers heard first will belong to the planetary consciousness of this planet or the group consciousness of living things. 】

Sounds like a way to trace your roots too?

If I hadn't given the "First Alliance" a turnaround, they would have had no chance of giving birth to a biological group consciousness, so this technology would allow them to communicate with the consciousness of the planet that made Mana?

‘No, think about it carefully, this behavior is completely asking for trouble, right? After developing the Transcendent Saint, if you encounter me, forget it, but if you encounter Nurgle, Khorne, Slaanesh, and Tzeentch, it will be difficult to die. ’

[You are kidding, if they meet you, they will explode. 】

'Well, that seems to be the case...'

After a few words of complaint, I started to look at the applicable results of this branch of the technology tree.

Those abilities that are automatically obtained after the development of technology are all paired with a "power display video" with a big-eyed monkey as the user. The movements and abilities are extremely cool, but because the protagonist is a monkey, it looks a bit stupid.

‘...It seems very powerful, but how come these technologies all enhance the living beings themselves? Shouldn’t the so-called technology be technology that can be widely disseminated? ’

[If we do not consider technologies based on biological and personal abilities, the scientific and technological achievements of this series mainly include the three major branch applications of 'psionic jump', 'psionic shield' and 'psionic interface'. ] The stupid system listed some documents again.

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