The Collection of The End

Chapter 134: The Beginning of the Decisive Battle

My name is Elijah,

Today is probably the day of the horse.


A group of believers are praying. Half of the believers are very healthy and hope to stay healthy. The other half are suffering from a disease. They want to transfer the disease to those who are healthy. What action do you take?

"Transfer disease to healthy believers, and heal."

The residents of a city are all infected with a plague that will turn them into dead Apostles due to a conspiracy. Although you discovered this in advance, the infection is too large to be cured in time. How do you act?

"Notify the whole city and let them isolate themselves. After it breaks out, lead a team to eliminate the wandering Dead Apostles and heal the Dead Apostles who locked themselves at home."

one country……

The scene around Kotomine Kirei keeps changing with the narration of that voice. Every time "it" raises a problem, he quickly gives a solution. After the scene evolves by itself, he can always successfully solve the preset event .

This thing... Kirei frowned between events, it seemed to be trying hard for him to admit his desire for destruction and destruction?

But he obviously did not deny this, but because the pain and misfortune he personally created were meaningless, he allowed them to appear and healed and redeemed them afterwards.

Or does it want to deny itself the act of healing and saving?

It's ridiculous, that kind of negative things are all over the world, and there is no hope and no future at all. Is it what it wants to see?

Even if it hopes to see all kinds of destruction and ruin, if there is no salvation and healing to drive away misfortune and disease, there will also be no new ruin and despair. Obviously, the logic of that thing itself has gone wrong.

After confirming that what was talking to him was just a stupid thing that couldn't even figure out what it wanted, Kotomine Kirei wrapped his wings around himself and stopped answering any of its assumptions.



In the completely pitch-black world, a gap filled with light suddenly opened, and even though he was wrapped in wings, Kirei still felt dazzling.

"Is anyone there?" Caster's voice sounded, with a relaxed tone as if he strayed into the neighbor's garden, but here was black mud, or the inside of the Holy Grail.

Chi la, chi la, the gap became wider and wider, as if Caster was expanding it.

If it is not wrong, this little girl who claims to be the Holy Maiden of Winter made a hole in the base of the dark Holy Grail? What audacity.

"No, it's too dark, I can't see Kirei and Tokiomi," Caster continued talking to himself, "They must be dug out as soon as possible, otherwise they won't be able to get out after a while."

Kirei tried to move, but found that he seemed to be buried by something, and it was naturally an illusion to be able to move freely in the illusion just now.

That kind of non-stop mental attack, even with his steely will, was a bit unbearable, and he didn't know what happened to Tokiomi-sensei who was involved at the same time.

Chi la, chi la - Caster's action sounds less like digging solid or draining liquid, more like tearing fabric.

"Found it!" she exclaimed in surprise, and then panicked in the next moment: "Ah! I didn't mean to! Please forgive me!"

What was she doing... Kirei, who had just been "dug out", spread his wings and looked in the direction of the sound, and saw Caster surrounded by countless ghosts, crouching with his head in his hands in fear.

Those ghosts are—Irisviel? No, no, if you think right, they should be the failures of the holy grail vessels that the Einzbern family has manufactured over the years.

Although there are some ghosts with complete bodies, more ghosts are unclear or even missing most of their bodies. Some ghosts have only one arm or palm,

Some were even just a gauze, but they all tried to touch Caster.

If Kirei's perception of the dead is correct, what are their emotions—joy and pride?

"【Don't get too excited, scare the children.】" An ethereal and pleasant voice sounded, and the ghosts receded to both sides like Moses parting the Red Sea, revealing a lady full of elegance and intellectuality—although Their appearance is exactly the same.

The sky dress of the same style as Caster fits her very well. The golden crown, which is a bit too big and ridiculous for Caster, exudes a noble atmosphere when worn on the top of her head. The thick plush shawl is as soft as haze. The gauze dress made this lady even more ethereal.

"[Ilya, you are doing very well]." The lady who made everyone who saw her involuntarily think of "saint" said.

"I'm very sorry! Lady of Winter—" Caster still held his head, "I shouldn't have used your name—"

So it turns out that although Caster claims to be the Holy Maiden of Winter, his words and deeds are completely inconsistent. Sometimes Xiao Lin and Xiao Sakura are more temperamental than her, and they are actually fake, Qi Li thought, but, Illya? Is it her real name?

"[Hehe, no need to apologize,]" The authentic Winter Saintess walked over and touched Caster's head, and straightened her crown by the way: "[When a mother sees her daughter stealing her cosmetics, she usually won't get angry and just Congratulations.]”

The Holy Maiden of Winter said very sharp words casually, and Kirei saw Caster's deeply shocked expression.

"Well, I'm going to take Kotomine Kirei and Tosaka Tokiomi away, do you know where they are?" Caster regained his energy and asked the Winter Maiden.

"【When you said your wish was that no magician die in this war, we thought you couldn't do it," the Winter Saintess flung down her sleeves, and the barrier in front of Kotomine Kirei thinned accordingly Quite a few: “[It seems that we are doing pretty well.]”

Is that right? Then her strange behavior all the time can be explained. Let all the heroic spirits consume each other but no one can tell the winner. In the final battle, the winner will be decided in one breath and the Holy Grail will come. Caster who dug him out thought.

"【We are leaving, after all, you are going to destroy the Great Holy Grail and end the Holy Grail War】" Following the words of the Holy Maiden of Winter, those ghosts are reluctantly passing through the huge gap: "【You and Irisfy You have to find a way to solve your own problems.]”

"Ahhh! You will definitely be scolded!" Caster's action of tearing up the barrier was a little faster.

Destroy the Great Grail? End the Holy Grail War? Kirei began to think quickly about how to do such a thing.

Crash—the sound of imperceptible chains sounded, Caster, who had just rescued himself and was busy digging Tokiomi-sensei, didn't notice it at all, only Kirei, who had been watching the ghosts of the Einzbern family's man-made humans, saw that the Holy Maiden of Winter There is an extra chain on the hand, and it is tied to a strange heroic spirit whose whole body is black, with only two eyes exposed.


Seeing the Holy Maiden of Winter raised a finger at him, Qi Li nodded.


When Weber took Iskandar to find Emiya Kiritsugu and his party, the two sides were still somewhat tense to keep their distance, but after Caster brought two large ice cubes with Kotomine Kirei and Tosaka Tokiomi, the atmosphere changed. It became even more weird, and the possibility of fighting at any time disappeared.

The Heroic Spirits who like to provoke and have conflicts with each other are all defeated, leaving Rider who has completely lost his mount, Caster who turns into the Holy Grail from time to time, and Assassin who has the mind of an ordinary child.

"Illya, don't be arrogant and give back your soul to mother." Irisviel held Caster in her arms and didn't let go, as if she was afraid that someone would run over and make a wish when she became the Holy Grail again.

Hmm... Now everyone knows that she is bragging that she claims to be the Holy Maiden of Winter.

"No, mom, you're about to absorb 4 souls and you're about to reappear. It's not like I can change back after absorbing 6." Caster was busy suppressing any of the 6 rubies on her body when it glowed. , otherwise it will turn into a cup with a bang.

"What is true form!" Irisviel raised her hand and knocked her on the head.

"Six souls..." Weber looked at the three heroic spirits present.

"But it takes seven to get to the root." The young Shichen said as if he was afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

"Hey, girl, didn't you promise to help me make a body in this world? Then I can lose this spirit foundation." Iskandar said.

"No, you're a big man." Irisviel looked at Rider's strong body with disgust.

"Hmm... the female version of the King of Conquerors..." Lin Hao, who was in the wheelchair, also interjected.

"Uh, forget it then." Rider trembled.

"I said--" "You--" Emiya Kiritsugu and Kotomine Kirei, who had been the furthest away from each other after the Holy Grail War gathered, spoke at the same time, and after looking at each other, Kirei slightly gave in and motioned for him to speak first.

Although it was life and death before, that was when there was no problem with the Holy Grail. Now this dark thing that can mislead others to blacken it, no matter how you think about it, there is no value in fighting for it.

"When you were discussing wishes or other things, have you considered how to deal with that Black Holy Grail?" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and motioned towards Ryudoji.

That thing is no longer a holy grail that is so dark that its material cannot be seen. In Weber's eyes, it itself is composed of countless black wreckages. Except for those wreckages that are waving their arms even if they are fixed on the outer wall of the grail, there are many people who can move freely. The wreckage of the operation is climbing from the bottom up, and from time to time, some wreckage will be sprayed out from the mouth of the cup.

"In my eyes, it is composed of various forms of flames, most of which come from my personal experience, and everyone must be the same," Kiritsugu said, "If you make a wish to my daughter now, you will only get the worst possible result." Therefore, it is better to discuss the matter of wishes after solving it, otherwise, she will not fulfill other people's wishes casually."

He called Caster his own daughter in a very cheeky way, and he didn't even know about it half an hour ago.

"Hand over your soul quickly, or Kiritsugu will give you away." Irisviel made trouble over there.

"I said—" "Boom!" Caster was distracted and turned into a cup.

"Is it based on how much you contribute in the battle to get the qualification to make a wish?" Kotomine Kirei answered coldly: "That thing is not easy to deal with. What if you miss and kill others in battle?"

Restarted Holy Grail War? Be the last man alive while guaranteeing the destruction of the Holy Grail?

"Well, then spend his wish quota to revive the slain." The golden chalice swung and turned back into Caster.

"Can revive others?" "Wish quota?" Kotomine Kirei and Emiya Kiritsugu spoke in unison again.

"'The Cup of Heaven' realizes the third method of 'materialization of the soul'. When you hear this magic, isn't your first reaction to revive people?" Caster tilted his head, with an inexplicable gleam in his eyes: "As for the wish Quota—Because what becomes the Holy Grail is not an ordinary Holy Grail, but a heroic spirit, so all surviving participants after the Heavenly Grail appears are eligible to make a wish.”

That's how it is... When most people were relieved, Irisviel suddenly hugged her tightly.

"Illya! That's what you planned from the beginning, right?! You already knew that if there was only one wish, Kiritsugu would never let the other masters go, right!?" Although Weber couldn't see her face, But only from the voice can hear her fright and anger.

"Uh... that..." Caster, no, Illya seemed caught off guard by her mother's sudden outburst, and didn't know how to react at all.

Will not let the other masters go... Weber looked around, and sure enough, he found Emiya Kiritsugu's assistant Hisu Maiya in a position that is very suitable for concealment and sneak attack, and he can cooperate with him to form a firepower network—if The conversation suddenly broke down, and not surprisingly, Kotomine Kirei was outside the range of this firepower net.

"Six souls are enough to make a wish," Irisviel said suddenly and quickly, "I make a wish to the Holy Grail: I will replace Illya as the Holy Grail vessel!"

"Wait?!" Illya's eyes widened: "Although I can refuse other people's ordinary wishes, but Mom, if you make this wish as the same Holy Grail—"

【【as you wish】】

A certain person felt trembling and frightening just hearing the sound, as if the sound came from outside the world. At the same time, the Great Holy Grail began to spew black mud into the sky like a volcano.

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