The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and forty-one, Wings of Freedom (1)

Latest website: ――TR.82.11.28――

Haven Star, abandoned mine.

Renault and his team are heading deep into the mine in order to eliminate those strange plants. Except for the crackling footsteps, there is deathly silence in the mine.

The originally roaring mineral conveyor belt and the mine cars that were supposed to be traveling at high speed on the track were all parked quietly in place, with many plants climbing on them, and the dim mining lamps reflected the rust stains all over the various equipment. .

However, it is obvious that these mottled rust stains appear to be quite new, and may not have been born more than two months ago, and this time also coincides with the time of the accident at this secret base of the Federation.

"This mine is a typical federal style." Renault commented casually while walking in the spiraling mine tunnel.

"What do you say?" Tychus was looking around with the searchlight on his armor.

"There are no protective measures for miners at all." Renault knocked on a mine elevator that was out of service and had no protective net at all: "Probably in their eyes, configuring safety protection for cloned miners is not as good as creating one after they die. A new one.”

When Marsala was the "sheriff", Renault had entered many mines, mainly to investigate safety hazards and confirm the job security of the clone miners. At this moment when all forces were attacking the Tyranid Federation, Any unfair treatment of clones will attract attacks from knowledgeable people. Although Renault doesn't care much about these attacks, it is better to do less than to do more.

"Oh?" Tychus' thinking circuit is obviously different from ordinary people: "So, those plants have eaten their fill after occupying the 'Clone Production Workshop'?"

"Hey~" Jimmy took two quick steps away from Tychus.

"I don't think so," rebutted Ariel who was following the team: "First of all, plants are quite smart and will not attack the creatures that dominate the planet, that is, humans. Secondly, if they must eat them, Unused culture fluid is much more nutritious than human beings."

"Hey~" Jimmy moved further away from Ariel.

"Ms. Hansen, I have to remind you again that this is a secret research base of the Federation. Dangerous monsters may rush out at any time." Renault looked at the bold botanist: "You are not equipped with power armor. , once a battle breaks out, it is likely to cause friendly fire, in which case we will not be able to explain to Speaker Hansen."

"I'll reiterate it again,

"Chief Renault," Ariel obviously didn't take it seriously: "If the enemies you encounter are those plants, I will be safer than you think. Moreover, what will you do if you find some key information but can't understand it?" manage? "

"I think I should be able to understand it." Tuo Xu, who was walking in front of her, was full of confidence.

"..." Because this answer was too outrageous, Ariel remained silent.

"In short, if a fight breaks out, we will try our best to ensure your safety, but please don't act on your own initiative, okay?" Renault decided to do the next best thing.

"Of course, I'm not stupid." Ariel replied.


"Who said she wasn't stupid just now? Huh?"

In a "temporary resting place" in the middle of the mine, Tychus and Tosh, two relatively strong men, were pushing their bodies against the metal door of the resting place. Tychus was shouting while pushing against the door.

Outside the gate, there are a lot of vines that look like green pythons. Because there are so many of them, it is impossible to tell how many there are. All that is known is that the force of their crazy smashing on the door makes the full power output of the two power armors still a little higher. Can't live.

Renault aimed his gun at the door, ready to fire at any time when the two of them could no longer stand it. At the same time, he asked Ariel without looking back: "Ms. Hansen, how long do you have until you can finish?"

"Soon, just hold on." Ariel replied while pressing a few more buttons on the complex panel in front of her.


Boom boom boom!

The strange alarm sound that came out at the same time made the vine army outside the door even more violent, and Tychus and Tosh didn't even have the time to curse.

Renault looked at the giant culture tank that was trembling with Ariel's operations over there, and decided to leave things he couldn't understand to professionals.

About half an hour ago, Renault and his party found this underground building that was suspected to be a miner's resting place under the mine. They roughly judged that this should be arranged by the person in charge of the federal secret base to prevent the miners from going to the surface and causing trouble.

When they were planning to take a short rest here, Ariel somehow managed to open a secret door and discovered a botanical research institute inside.

The research institute may not be exact. To be precise, it should be a specimen showroom. There is almost no experimental equipment here. The more eye-catching things are vines with different postures in a row of petri dishes, and there are nameplates next to these "specimens" These plants grow in different environments, such as acid, alkali, cold, heat, atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen content, etc.

What surprised Renault was that no matter what the environment, these vines would be "slim" at best, but overall they all appeared to be very healthy.

What Ariel was tinkering with at this time was the only surviving vine among these samples. According to the instructions on the nameplate, the environment it was in was a strange environment with extremely high humidity and current flowing through it at any time.

When Ariel tried to take out the vine, due to improper operation, the alarm in the showroom was triggered. Not only did the vine be protected again, but a large number of vine monsters that had been seen in the surveillance were also killed outside. .

Then, Tychus and Tosh blocked the door, and Ariel tried to turn off the alarm so she could take out the vine.

"[Commander, I think even if Ms. Hansen turns off the alarm, the vines outside will not leave easily. Can they use incendiary bombs?]" Jimmy secretly chatted with Renault privately on the channel.

"Don't do that yet. If you switch to incendiary bullets, you can tell from the appearance. I'm not sure Ms. Hansen understands this." Reno responded in a low voice.

"[Okay]." Jimmy also raised his gun and aimed at the door.


Finally, Ariel successfully turned off the alarm on the petri dish and took out the tiny vine.

Almost at the same time, the vines outside stopped knocking on the door. After wandering around outside the door for a while, they dispersed and left.

"According to experimental records, these plants hate high-frequency sound waves," Ariel explained to Renault: "Normally they should feel disgust and fear and stay away from the sound source, but when the fear reaches the limit, it turns into anger, so they turn It was decided to completely destroy the source of the sound.”

"Oh..." Renault responded not caring much: "Then what are you going to do with this thing?"

"I have memorized its experimental steps. When I go back, I can arrange the same environment and conduct further research." Ariel put the small vine into a small petri dish and put it into her backpack.

Renault frowned slightly. Why did he feel that she was very interested in the Federation's research results?

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