The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and seventy-one, the fourth natural disaster (81)

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‘[I am the insect swarm. 】’

While saying this, I returned to the "Biological Evolver" interface after a long absence.

The difference from before is that not only are there a lot more available components this time, but the DNA points that need to be consumed and the corresponding functions have also completely disappeared, so no matter what you choose, it is just a difference in appearance.

[Ah, this is the ‘space adventurer’ mode that is unlocked after going through all the evolutionary stages. 】

'What? ’ I was excitedly preparing to pinch someone, but when I heard this, I had to complain: ‘The essence of this game is entirely on the [Galaxy] level map, right? Creating a race to conquer the galaxy doesn't have the apocalyptic feel to it, but this time you just start playing the Freelancers? ’

[How should I put it, this is actually not the kind of adventurer you think of who flies around the galaxy.] The stupid system replied: [Only an 'adventurer' like Malefia who has no logistical pressure, life limit and influence. Running around, generally speaking, an 'Empire Trailblazer' like Seven Color Light is already the limit. 】

‘So, an adventurer traveling between several or a dozen galaxies? She is actually running a business, right? ’

[He can do anything, but because of the lifespan limit, it is almost impossible to run too far. His main function is...] Silly System thought for a while: [Ah, it's like "Sim City" has a "Sims" embedded in it. Similarly, this adventurer is mainly used to experience the impact of doomsday elements created by 'players' on galactic civilization, and to carry out some small adventures. 】

‘Then does he have a chance to become a hero and defeat the doomsday elemental army? ’

[You can’t think that everyone is Shepard just because the world background is Mass Effect. 】

‘Actually Master Chief is fine too. ’

[No chance, no chance,] Stupid System concluded: [The adventures that adventurers will experience are all determined in advance, such as the scene of contact with alien civilizations that have different attitudes towards their civilization, such as friendly, neutral, hostile, etc., in the doomsday element It affects the early, middle and late stages of the civilization to which it belongs, as well as completing some meaningless tasks given by meaningless civilizations. 】

'Hmm...wait a minute,' I took a look at what the stupid system said: 'If an adventurer completes various meaningless tasks in the early stage of the doomsday element, he will transform civilizations that have a neutral or hostile attitude towards it. To be friendly, and limit the development of doomsday elements through these tasks in the mid-term, and finally conduct a grand decisive battle in the later stage to completely defeat the doomsday elements...'

[Then he is really bored,] the stupid system said: [This kind of gameplay is completely left-handed versus right-handed. If he wants the adventurer to win, he has to pretend not to know what the adventurer did when controlling the doomsday element, and expand step by step. Just fine. 】

‘...It seems that is indeed the case. ’

Ignoring the shortcomings of this model for the time being, I started making the Queen of Blades using existing parts.


"I am the swarm" is the famous line of Sarah Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades, in the "StarCraft" series. When paired with the overwhelming swarm of worms in the CG, it is indeed very shocking.

But unfortunately, that was just a dream.

While I was thinking about the appearance of the Queen of Blades in the CG, I began to pinch people. The game model was definitely not good, it was too rough.

Speaking of which, it seems that she only has one line that is more classic, and the other lines are not impressive.

[I don’t have time to play games with you? 】Silly System said.

'Your drama is outrageous. Although Sylvanas and she are from the same family, their experiences are similar, and they seem to have the same voice...'

[You are more outrageous. Before, you clearly despised the ugly appearance of bugs, but now you want to transform yourself into a Queen of Blades. 】

'What if? Do you think any of the current civilized races looks good? ’ I was trying out the accessories one by one, and found that it was quite easy to make monsters and even Pokémon, but basically how to make people look like monkeys. Fortunately, the Queen of Blades itself doesn’t have too many human characteristics.

[That’s not what you said when you were rescuing and directing them to fight.

You need to understand the difference between "wanting them to exist" and "becoming a part of them." ’

[Like protecting wild animals? 】

'Roughly the same. ’

Because the goal is clear, in a few sentences I have already created a "Queen of Blades" who looks very similar to her.

First of all, it is a "body" that is not tall and has an outline similar to that of a human woman. Then there is a close-fitting "weird shell" whose main body is horny and part is bone. Combined with slender "clawed arms" and "sharp blade feet", it is almost just a human body. The "broken dragon wings" with only a skeleton left, and the "messy hair of Medusa" like a snake.

The only problem is the face. Since the facial features are all parts, if one part looks inappropriate, the whole thing may have to be replaced.

In order to create such a noble and domineering female face, I spent a lot of effort.

[Hmm... the shape seems to be quite restored,] Stupid System observed it carefully before saying: [But how are you going to give birth to the 'Queen of Blades'? Although there are psychic powers now, there are no humans. No matter how you think about it, it is impossible for the Thorin swarm to naturally produce such a human-like shape, right? 】

‘Of course there are ways, it just depends on the combat effectiveness of the Green Light [Star Ocean Community]. ’ I turned my perspective to the “Queen of Purple Light”.

[Ah, that’s it. 】The stupid system suddenly realized.

Before the unification of the emerald grassland planet, the members of the Purple Light Tribe, who still maintained their original colors, were more like night elves in terms of shape and color scheme. They could also communicate by temporarily "merging" parts of their limbs with other species.

‘If we want to find an origin for the Queen of Blades, it would be a more reasonable scenario for them to have an accident when they were involved with Thorin. ’

[A researcher was bitten by an insect and then discovered that he had the ability of an insect? ] The stupid system is trying to play tricks.

'Spiders are not insects! ’

Whoever called Parker a bug must have failed to learn biology well.

[That kind of thing is not important, but as a cultural consultant, she will not go to the front line at all. How are you going to arrange for her to be exposed to bugs? 】

'I have a hundred ways to throw her to the front line, but in that case the ax mark will be too heavy, and she will easily notice something wrong in retrospect, so the best way is to send the bug in front of her. ’

[This is true in theory, but how to implement it specifically? Green Light's current war strategy takes no prisoners. 】

'please! Hint sister! ’

【Hello! 】

Before complaining about the stupid system, I prompted my sister to flash two rows of messages.

[Tip: When the Thorin swarm attacked the 'Hot Volcanic Planet', it encountered a volcanic eruption and all ground troops were wiped out. A beautiful zerg queen was seriously injured and on the verge of death in this disaster, but she still had vital signs. Catch her Keeping her alive is a great achievement. 】

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