The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and seventy-nine, the fourth natural disaster (89)

Latest website: Although the observation room is directly above the containment room, if you want to get there from the ground, you have to go around the space station in a big circle. I highly doubt which genius designer designed this space station into a spiral shape and got approval. .

If you think about it carefully, they are probably designers from Ute or Wataum. With their large bodies, if they come up with a more complex and delicate structure, they might get stuck directly.

When I took the stupid system to the observation room, the Green Light warriors along the way looked at me with a mixture of awe and awe. Judging from their expressions, they were thinking, "She is very strong, but now she is on our side, which is great." Although I I'm not confident in interpreting their expressions, but just treat it like that.

[No, no, it is indeed like that,] Stupid System said: [As a psychic unit, the Queen of Blades has certain telepathic abilities, although you can only passively receive them and not actively explore them. 】

'Oh, their heads will explode if they explore? ’

[No, they will genuinely think what you think they think. 】

‘No matryoshka dolls allowed. ’

Since the insect swarm itself had almost breached the defense line, I only made a short detour to reach the observation room that also serves as the wartime headquarters.

Just like the space station itself, the observation room is also huge and rough. In addition to the Green Light family, there are also many unidentified personnel from Ute, Bao and Wataum.

They seemed a little nervous at first, but after seeing the stupid system at my feet, they seemed to be inexplicably relaxed.

[According to statistics, people who know how to keep pets are generally kind-hearted and easy to communicate with. 】

‘Even if I raise someone as ugly and cruel as you? ’

[I’m not stupid—no, I’m not ugly! 】

This is so outrageous that I don’t even want to take the opportunity to attack it.

"Welcome, Queen of Blades." In the observation room, the King of Green Light was standing in front of a huge star map hanging on the wall: "Now that you are here, we can start formulating a plan to counterattack the swarm - what we just talked about Where are you, 'Queen of Purple Light'?"

"I just mentioned that those bugs convey the orders of the 'Hive Mind' through the 'node'," the Queen of Purple Light glanced at me: "And the Queen of Blades seems to call it the 'Overmind'."


Node,]" I found a chair of suitable size and sat down: "['Queen' and 'King Insect' are both this kind of 'node'. If you plan to make some insect swarms out of control by attacking nodes, I can only say , the 'Master' must have been prepared. ]"

"We cannot give up the attack just because the 'weakness' itself is very strong," Queen Purple Light seemed to say something contradictory: "The cost of destroying a 'node' is much lower than destroying the insect swarm that will go out of control when the node is destroyed. quantity'."

This is actually true, but...the Queen and Overlord are both very fragile, right? Where is it stronger? Maybe she's talking about the queen who guards the "interstellar lair"? That's really hard to fight.

"In view of the ability of the 'Queen of Blades' to seize control of out-of-control insect swarms, we should focus our current strategy on killing specific nodes to allow her to quickly expand her troops," the Queen of Purple Light continued: "The Hive Mind discovered After responding to this point, the focus will shift back to head-on confrontation and finding gaps on the battlefield to sneak attack on the node commanders. As for where to attack, how to light other details, we can decide on the spot - what do you think?"

"That's right." The guard captain responded: "I have nothing to add."

Wait, this guy is a "military consultant", right? Let a "cultural consultant" take the job and look happy and relaxed?

If you think about it carefully, the "economic advisor" over there has become a complete decoration after entering the space stage.

But it's a pity that I'm just a Queen of Blades who doesn't know their internal structure. Although I "absorbed" a lot of knowledge from the Queen of Purple Light, I just pretend that there is no information about the internal structure of Green Light.

"If this is the case, we should give in on the frontal battlefield, let the insect swarms disperse, and sneak attack the powerful units that serve as nodes when they attack other planets." The King of Green Light raised his hand and slid a few times on the huge star map. Next: "The nearby galaxies...are mainly composed of Utes and our green-light ones. Envoy, how long will it take to organize the evacuation of your people?"

Thinking about it, in the current star sea community, Bao has special attributes, Wataum is a newcomer, and the only ones who are experienced and have many colonial stars are Ute and Green Light.

"Each of our cities is a spaceship," the Ute envoy, who looks like an octopus and a squid, responded: "As long as you get the evacuation order, you can completely evacuate in just a few days, but you have to give a reason."

"Didn't the reason just say...?" Queen Purple Light realized something was wrong mid-sentence, so she lowered her voice.

"Indeed, we cannot tell the residents that 'we are preparing to lure the enemy deep', otherwise the insect swarm may notice it - the powerful units among them are smart enough." The military adviser looked at me.

"[I just thought you were complimenting me.]" I didn't intend to participate in the making of the plan. I leaned back in the chair and listened to them continue to discuss - by the way, these wings can also be used as cushions, which is really good.

"Don't worry about this," Queen Purple Light said: "In order to prevent the morale damage caused by the collapse of the front line, I have been instilling in them the subconscious mind that 'the front line may fail' through evacuation drills and air raid warnings. As long as one false defeat on the front battlefield is enough ”

"In addition, since the battle is concentrated in the 'Meat Grinder Galaxy', all parties are transporting supplies to which direction. These transport ships, if comfort is not considered, can transport residents with a little modification." This time it is a small follower, Or so the economic adviser chimes in.

It's really rare that they all did the right thing.

"According to the current scale of the insect swarm, we may have to abandon ten to twenty galaxies. After all, the insect swarm will also be wary of sneak attacks when they first retreat. We have to wait until they spread out smoothly and relax their vigilance before counterattacking," Special Envoy Ute Nod: "Since they will only expand on land, as aquatic creatures, we can leave some elites to lurk on the seabed and cooperate when clearing the 'nodes'." seems a bit strange, how come they trust me so easily? I have not considered the possibility of "I am under the control of the master again" at all. I don't seem to have the authority to use the world consciousness, right?

[Perhaps you are confused by your beauty? 】

‘You are absolutely sarcastic! ’

I was about to pick up the stupid system and punch it a few times, when the King of Green Light spoke.

"I'm thinking... On a fierce battlefield, a false defeat can easily turn into a real defeat. It's best to have a more appropriate reason for the frontline troops to retreat."

etc? If you use this now...

Boom! A violent explosion came from below the observation room, and the station broadcast sounded at the same time:

"[Warning! There are multiple subspace passages in the space station! Please evacuate the staff immediately! Repeat! This is not a drill!]" will become like this.


Although the "power of thinking" thing is unreasonable, it must at least be logical. Why did the Thorins directly open a subspace channel to kill them?

Watching a group of people in the Xinghai Community jumping up and commanding themselves to defend themselves against the enemy, I walked to the observation window and took a look down. I had gathered a large force in the containment room before. Are they not seeking death if they dare to teleport here?

Well, what exploded was a pile of unused crystals. An unlucky bug got stuck in it due to a teleportation error, and then exploded, destroying half of the hatchery where it was stored.

This accident caused the springtails and hydralisks that were originally lying there to run around wildly, and then sickleworms appeared from the subspace one after another. They were beaten as soon as they appeared. If I had not instructed them to stay in time, The living mouth had probably been torn into pieces.

But...Hormagaunt? What kind of strange species is this?

Since the battle situation in the containment room was already one-sided, I directed the springtails and hydralisks to march to the battlefield outside. If those stupid green lights thought that this was part of the exercise, they would probably die miserably.

However, probably because the previous "exercise" had not ended long ago, most of the green lights participating in the battle were still parked at the original "pass" position, boasting about their performance in the previous battle or repairing equipment, so when they were attacked by the Thorins , the second battle started seamlessly.

On these battlefields, in addition to the "knife bugs" that rush and slash and look like a mantis, there are also the "termagant" with long bone spurs on the claw joints, which looks a bit like a grasshopper or a katydid, and the "Termagant" that looks like a mantis. A "Gargoyle" with bat wings and a hound-like body.

‘Hell, I know why people in the Xinghai Community don’t doubt me. ’

【why? 】


At this time, the floor of the observation room suddenly shook violently. Before everyone who was busy giving orders could react, a monster with a body like a cobra but six huge sickle legs jumped out from under the floor. .

The military advisor shouted and prepared to charge to meet the enemy, but before that, the strange snake was chopped to the ground by my wing.

I looked at its name, and as expected, it was Raverner.

‘——Because the bugs I created are completely different from the ones they are fighting! ’

It could be seen when the insect queen was captured, but all its troops were turned into charcoal.

[Hahaha, they are fighting the Warhammer Zerg, but you created the Interstellar Zerg. They will think you can jump to the counterattack——]

Boom! Click!

【——That’s weird. 】

The second snake emerged from under the floor again, but its head was cut off by the stupid system with a flying swoop.

‘To be careless, the shapes of the worker bees of these two bugs are quite similar, and the [Broken Tooth] was basically made by you, because two springtails will hatch at a time, so I pinched two more. ’


"[When you came to this space station, did you thoroughly disinfect the spacecraft?]" I looked at the King of Green Light, who was slightly shocked by the combat power of the stupid system.

"Of course...but..." The King of Green Light kept frowning and relaxing.

"[Forget it, that's not important, you guys are ready to evacuate the space station,]" I, the evil person, complained first, and waved my hand to ignore the topic: "[I'll find the brain worm, kill it, and take over its troops. If I'm lucky, If so, the space station can still be repaired and used."

"I sent someone -" "[No need, you have seen the strength of my troops before, now it's time to see my own strength and protect your king.]"


I turned around and stepped on the third snake that lurked under the floor. I pushed the door open and left the observation room with the stupid system.

[What a pity, Snake Insect is pretty easy to use. 】

‘Then you have to wait until the brain worms are killed before you can receive them. I don’t think they can control these guys who can burrow into the ground. Fortunately, they always operate in groups of three. There shouldn’t be a second group coming to me for the time being. ’ I observed the overall situation of each battlefield on the space station and quickly determined the target.

Although I didn't see it directly, when my insect swarm was spread all over the space station, there was a spherical area that was completely invisible. It was strange that the target was not there.

According to the structure diagram of the space station, that location is the communication room for external communications. Maybe some stupid staff member sent the news of the "Queen of Blades"'s appearance in clear code.

Even before entering the communication room, it was already certain that the opponent's leader was inside.

Because there is a "Hivetyrant" and three "Tyrantguards" guarding the door.

The former is shaped like a giant mantis with four scythes and a white carapace, while the latter is a weird beetle with a thick black carapace, four legs on the ground, and only two scythes.

Compared with those knife bugs and gun bugs that look like scraps, these guys perfectly correspond to the original "Ghost Blow" and "Skin Hardening" of Irisson.

However, with the strength of these four bugs, if they take the lead in charging, it is impossible for ordinary green light to block it. The reason why they must stay here...could it be that the guys inside are particularly afraid of death?

However, because the Queen of Blades cannot see through the surrounding "shield" with her own strength, I am not sure what is going on inside.

Then we can only fight in.

"Gah-hoo!" "Choke-hoo!"

Maybe the bugs in front of me have something similar to combat intuition, and they charge directly when I plan to take action.

"[Oh? Instead of running away, are you approaching me actively?]" In view of the possibility of being watched by those in the observation room, I maintained the arrogance of the Queen of Blades: "[Then fall down!]"

I raised my hand and used "Psychic Grasp" to grab the fastest "Insect Tyrant" from the air, and then smashed it towards the three "Tyrant Guards" behind me. When they rolled into a ball, I stamped my feet again, and countless bone spurs rose from the floor and pierced them. In view of the need to collect, I deliberately controlled the force of these attacks so that they would not die, but at least they would not be able to regain their fighting strength for a few hours.

[Is this the move that can kill Thor instantly? Seems very weak. 】The stupid system that had no chance to take action was sharpening its claws nearby.

‘Long-winded. ’

After walking past the unable to move elite monsters that were still trying to attack me, I kicked open the door of the communication room, and as expected saw a "Zoanthrope" and a subspace tunnel that was still open.

This kind of bug can be simply described as "a red and white seahorse with a carapace floating in the air."

"[Are you surrendering now, or will you surrender after being beaten by me?]" I kept approaching it with my feet.

That subspace tunnel is a problem. If the Cerebrate directly disturbs it with the idea of ​​perishing together... the entire space station will be sucked into the subspace.

"The great [Swarmlord]," the brain worm said in a strange voice, like an electronic sound with echoes: "[Abathur] pays high respect to you."

ha? Abathur organized this attack? But that guy obviously belongs to Irisen?

Before I could ask any questions, the seahorse floating in the air exploded into a red ball, and the subspace tunnel behind him slowly closed.

Okay...this time there are not only rebels, but also traitors.

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