The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and eighty-five, Wings of Freedom (25)

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On the surface of Planet Aiur, the ruins of the Temple of Kara.

This is a giant tetrahedral building built of dark stone. Its three parts standing on the ground are slightly separated, leaving three roads for people to reach the center of the temple.

The main building of the temple is still intact, but all the furnishings and decorations on the three passages and in the center of the temple have been completely destroyed. The entire ruins are in a mess, as if they have been silent for a long time.

And in the dead silence, a dim crystal suddenly lit up with a faint blue light, spreading some kind of silent and extremely loud spiritual voice.

【Today, we will take back our homeland,】

[Take back the glory of the stars! 】


In the darkness of the ruins, nine eyes flashed with blue light.

Boom, boom, with the sound of heavy footsteps, a tall star spirit whose armor was in ruins, the crystal decoration was completely shattered, and his left eye was blinded by a long claw mark walked out of the shadows and picked up the crystal.

"[Are they Kara's reinforcements?]" Two more protoss with the same armor as him walked out of the darkness.

"[No,]" the one-eyed star spirit said with disgust: "[It's my stupid brother, 'Sleeping Tassadar'."

"[First of all, he is not your brother," "Secondly, he is not stupid,]"

The last thing that emerged from the darkness were two armor styles that were very different from those of the one-eyed protoss. They were more suitable for the protoss sitting at the back than charging into battle, and there were even afterimages left during their actions.

"[Tassadar's title is not 'Sleeper'," "He is a high-ranking Templar."

The two protoss just finished speaking sentence by sentence, and it sounded like the same person was speaking.

"[Hmph, the tacit understanding is no better than that of your brothers.]" The one-eyed fanatic didn't look back.

"[Sacred Kara connects us.]" The star spirits suspected to be twins said in unison.

"[The quarrel can wait,",

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