The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and eighty-eight, Wings of Freedom (28)

Latest website address: ——? ? ? ——

Although it was said that she was "about to" enter the next stage, there was no sudden scene change and then throwing her to a new place. Instead, a montage started, starting with the little girl Xia Lei being taken away by Natalia, to Xia Lei fell ill from time to time but was suppressed. After she recovered, the two got along awkwardly. Natalia began to teach her how to use firearms and equipment, and took her to perform some simple bounty tasks. In the end, Xia Lei became a fairly competent person. Assistants accompany her on missions.

The whole montage is relatively slow at the beginning and becomes faster as it goes on.

This is also a normal phenomenon. People will be more impressed by scenes that they are unfamiliar with or have a greater impact on, and feel that time passes very slowly. However, for the same daily life, from time to time, they will inexplicably feel, "Where did the time go?"

In fact, the "memory infusion" technology used by the Federation is similar, but the montage in this fantasy world obviously did not mean to brainwash Kerrigan into Xia Lei, but just used her familiar method to tell the island girl about the past few years. What have you experienced.

And it is precisely because of similar experiences that Kerrigan immediately pays attention to the details when seeing these montages instead of just seeing them.

The result of this behavior was that she confirmed that the planet Xia Lei and Natalia were on was "Earth".

Theoretically, this is impossible. If the earth had already had similar terrifying plants, the scientists who cultivated the plants, and the bounty hunters who hunted these botanists, there would be no mention of them in the federal historical materials about the earth. So peaceful.

Judging from the text, maps, and country names that Kerrigan saw in the montage, if this is not an organization that is so crazy that it changed the terrain of the planet to the earth, named the countries, all copied from the earth, and the human race and culture were completely reproduced. The strange condition of the earth, then, this is the earth.

What can slightly overturn this conclusion is that there are "psychics" on this earth.

You must know that psychic powers were awakened by humans after they came into contact with the terazine and other psychic equipment left by Ute. Even in the Federation before the split, the number of ghosts was very rare compared to ordinary people. It is completely impossible for clones to awaken supernatural powers. If possible, this percentage will be even lower.

Natalia's usual job is to hunt down those who use psychic powers to do evil. Not only is she not impoverished, she maintains a decent life while also having time to train Xia Lei, which proves that the number of these "psykers" will never be small. .

By the way, Xia Lei also awakened as a psyker after she recovered. Kerrigan did not see the specific classification of psykers.

So she took it upon herself to classify her into the plant control department based on her demonstrated abilities.

Since Kerrigan's previous job was actually similar to Natalia's, she really felt that the little girl had good abilities. Think about it, no matter whether it was tracking or lurking, no one would suspect that an ordinary plant was monitoring and eavesdropping. It is possible to provide advance warning for "passing plants suddenly tying themselves up".

The only problem is, her abilities are useless in an environment where plants can't grow.

Like... now.

——? ? ? ——


After Kerrigan finished watching the montage and regained control of her body, she found that she, or Xia Lei, was in a confined space similar to a luggage compartment. In front of her were all large and small packages and suitcases, accompanied by a low voice. The roaring sound and the faint blue fluorescence on the walls made the whole space look a bit solemn.

Kerrigan immediately checked "himself" and found that Xia Lei had grown a lot and was now wearing a dark blue flight attendant uniform.

Obviously, she is now pretending to be a flight attendant, and as expected, the target should be one of the passengers.

However, based on the circumstances of the first scene, there is a high probability that she will - huh?

Kerrigan raised her hand, crossed her fingers, and ignited a small psychic flame at her fingertips.

"Ha." Even with Kerrigan's palace, a sneer escaped from the corner of her mouth at this time.

There is no other reason. Compared to the little girl who had no power to bind a chicken, Xia Lei now has psychic powers. Perhaps she can only use psychic powers related to plants due to her own experiences, but Kerry Gan Ke is a senior "ghost". Spiritual energy, a power driven by consciousness, is not bound by the body.

In other words, the person standing here is not some girl who can only control plants, but the former ace ghost of the Federation, Sarah Kerrigan.

"Let me see who is seeking death this time." Kerrigan extinguished the flame and looked at this mission.

[Hunting the "Death Apostle Bee" Odd Vorak. 】

This is the main task for the largest font size, and there are corresponding branch tasks below for two sizes smaller font size.

[Find the suitcase hiding the dormant Death Apostle Bee. 02. 】

[Unmasking Oded Bolzak. 01. 】

[Reduce the casualties of crew and passengers as much as possible. 303303. 】

[Safe landing. 01. 】

Compared with the "Novice Difficulty" at the beginning, now there are no detailed tips at all, and you can only rely on yourself to perform on the spot.

But Oded Bolzak...who is it?

Looking at the entire mission prompt, only the word "Death Apostle" is familiar. It should be what it looked like after "losing control". At that time, Natalia also called Xia Lei "little Death Apostle", although it did not become a "little Death Apostle" in the end. That's it.

Although the detailed definition is still unclear, as expected, it should be "something that involves psychic participation in the manufacturing process and will attack living creatures indiscriminately without control."

Then, further inference shows that the main ability and method of this guy named "Dead Apostle Bee" is a kind of crazy bee. He is usually protected by a swarm of bees, so he cannot hunt him. Only when you need to take a transoceanic flight and have to store those bees in your suitcase can you make a sudden attack on the main body.

However, there is a mission of "unmasking the disguise", which proves that he will not get on the plane with his true colors. If the target is wrong, it will be difficult to handle if the other party becomes alert.

"[I have found out the alias Bolzak used and his location. How are you doing there?]" Natalia's voice came from the earphones.

If it was Xia Lei herself, it might take a while to search, but in Kerrigan's eyes, the slowly undulating psychic energy fluctuations in the two metal boxes in the warehouse couldn't be more obvious.

"I also found it," Kerrigan pressed her ears: "There are two boxes in total. Although they are in a dormant state, they may wake up if they are stimulated. What should I do?"

Because there was no voice in the montage, Kerrigan wasn't sure what Xia Lei's usual tone was, but even if Natalia had some doubts now, she wouldn't doubt that her little apprentice had been replaced.

"[Set it on fire~]" Natalia didn't seem to notice anything was wrong: "[I've turned off the fire alarm in the warehouse, just don't burn through the cabin.]"

It's outrageous that you can continue to be a bounty hunter with your unscrupulous behavior.

Kerrigan ended the call and looked at the two metal boxes.

Uh...what should I use to light the fire?

——? ? ? ——

"Damn it! This madman!"

"Bang! Bang!"

Natalia was hurriedly flipping switches and buttons on the aircraft's dashboard, while violent crashes were heard from the cab behind her.

Hmm... I'm careless.

Kerrigan looked at the cab door where banging noises were coming from, and took a look at the mission.

[Find the suitcase hiding the dormant Death Apostle Bee. twenty two. 】

[Unmasking Oded Bolzak. 11. 】

[Reduce the casualties of crew and passengers as much as possible. 2303. 】

[Safe landing. 01. 】

Originally thinking that all of Bolzak's belongings were in those two boxes, Kerrigan returned to the cabin after burning the boxes and the bugs inside, adding some spices to Bolzak's drink, and finally met with Nata Together with Leah, they blocked people outside the bathroom, and the matter of a few rounds of bullets from the silenced pistol did not attract any attention at all.

And just when Kerrigan thought the matter had been resolved, Bolzak's body exploded and flew out a large number of Death Apostle Bees that were not dormant.

He actually used his body to hide bugs! It’s simply too ungrateful!

Without a commander, it was not difficult for Natalya and Kerrigan to deal with the Death Apostle Bees who only had instincts, but the problem was that they only had instincts. After finding that these two people were difficult to deal with, the Death Apostle Bee Swarm turned around. Killing the passengers who could only scream, the two were unable to stop them. They watched the passengers being bitten, falling to the ground, and turning into new Dead Apostles. They tried to eliminate them but failed, and finally had to retreat to the cab.

"Don't worry, Xia Lei, I have already asked for help from the 'Bounty Hunters Association'." After the plane was piloted, and the Dead Apostles outside the door couldn't rush in for a while, Natalia relaxed a little: "After landing, There will be professionals to deal with these things, unless they just run out when they land, then Los Angeles will become a dead city."

Although this mission basically failed, can you stop assuming that it will come true as soon as you hear it?

Kerrigan was about to speak, but suddenly her hair stood on end and she shivered.

Even if there are nearly three hundred Dead Apostles behind him, the danger caused is not that great!

Natalia said she just contacted the Bounty Hunters Association? If the people sent by the association find it troublesome...

Kerrigan directly unfolded her psychic field and probed in all directions.

Damn it, where did that surface-to-air missile come from? !

"Xia Lei, you..."

As soon as Natalia finished speaking, Xia Lei, the large passenger plane, and the three hundred Death Apostles on board turned into a giant firework blooming high in the sky.

[Loss of synchronization]

——? ? ? ——

"[I have found out the alias Bolzak used and his location. How are you doing there?]"


"[Xia Lei?]"

"Ah, sorry, I'm still looking."

"[It's okay, there's no rush, this flight has a four-hour flight, just catch that guy before landing,]" Natalia's voice did not sound very urgent: "[I'll go find the captain. Have a cup of coffee~】"

Kerrigan listened to the sound of the communication being cut off from the headset and turned her attention again to the box containing the Death Apostle Bee in front of her.

This mission of complete freedom is incredibly difficult.

Bolzak hid part of the unboxed Death Apostle wasps in his own body. Once they die, they will fly out and bite people. Just imagine how difficult it is to catch flies with your bare hands.

Once the plane is full of Death Apostles, it will be shot down with surface-to-air missiles.

And if you choose not to kill him, how to control him is also a problem. The body structure of a guy who can hide bugs in his body is completely abnormal. He cannot be knocked unconscious and can only be restrained and imprisoned.

The first time he did this, because this guy knew that he had too many criminal records and would not get any good results if he was taken away by the Bounty Hunter Association, he directly used his flesh and blood to feed the dead apostle wasps in his body, forcibly hatched them out, and dug through them. The plane fled, and the plane of course plunged into the sea.

Not to mention internal troubles, there were also external ones. After several attempts, Natalia succeeded in locking Bolzak in a giant refrigerator to prevent the bugs in his body from hatching. Shortly after she contacted the Bounty Hunter Association, a A completely unmarked fighter jet arrived and directly fired air-to-air missiles to blow up the entire passenger plane.

Obviously, there are people behind this guy, but they will not save him, they will only ensure that he does not fall into the hands of the Bounty Hunter Association alive.

After many attempts, Kerrigan found that it was almost impossible to complete this mission. No matter which route he took, it was a dead end. Even if he persuaded Natalia to give up the hunt with the excuse of "cannot find the box", after the plane landed, A [Loss of Synchronization].

As for how many times she had lost synchronization now, she was too lazy to count.

To sum up, it is actually very simple to pass this mission.

Or, use stable and reliable means to control Bolzak and capture him without contacting the bounty hunter association that hides the mole and asking for cooperation.

Or, use a fast and trouble-free method that can crush Bolzak to ashes in a short period of time, without any chance of letting the dead swarms come out to kill him.

Unfortunately, neither Natalia nor Xia Lei, who has Kerrigan's psychic experience, can fulfill these two requirements.

Just bugs, how could they make waves if the Queen of Blades was here?

Queen of Blades...wait...

Kerrigan turned her attention to those tasks again.

Just like the mission does not require killing Bolzak, there seems to be more than just "burning" the two boxes of Death Apostle Bees?

The Death Apostle Bee will turn the person it bites into a Death Apostle, and the previous experiments on the island had the same result, so...who is better?

It’s no big deal if you try. At most, you’ll lose sync and start over again.

Kerrigan laughed at her own whims as she opened the box and used psychic energy to activate one of the Death Apostle Bees, causing it to sting her arm.

squeak - squeak -

At this moment, Kerrigan, or Xia Lei's body surface suddenly appeared purple-red lines like vines, and then, as if offended, he directly pinched the Death Apostle Bee that stung his arm and swallowed it.


The dormant Death Apostle Bees suddenly woke up, took off in a hurry, and frantically tried to bite Xia Lei. Then, they were all devoured one by one by the strange vines on her body.

Kerrigan, who had lost control of her body at this time, stared at the sky speechlessly as she looked at the bone wings growing out of Xia Lei's back, the snake hair hanging down from her head, and the carapace tight armor that was gradually taking shape on her body.

It must be that the little girl was accidentally bitten by a Death Apostle Bee during this operation? What was the purpose of using his ghost ability to keep her unharmed throughout the entire process?

"Sir, I'm sorry, you can't go in, sir?"

Boom, boom, boom!

Bolzak, whom he had met several times "before" and was already very familiar with, rushed into the cargo hold amidst the dissuasion of the flight attendants. He obviously noticed something unusual about his family.

"You are, you are -" He pointed at Xia Lei, who was already in the form of the Queen of Blades, speaking incoherently.

"[Submit to me!]" Xia Lei turned to Bolzak.

"As you queen..." He hesitated for a moment, as if he was about to kneel down on one knee, but: "Uh-huh, uh-huh!"

The Death Apostle Bees originally hidden in his body burst out of his body uncontrollably and swarmed towards Xia Lei, leaving only Bolzak who was like a rag bag.

"[Huh? Are you talking to me?]" Xia Lei took in these dead disciple bees and then raised her head to look at the hatch: "[Natasha, I'm going to trouble you next.]"

"Well..." Natalia supported another flight attendant who fainted because of Xia Lei's image, and looked at Xia Lei up and down: "I think you need a new name, [Queen of Blades], how about it?" "

[Synchronization completed. 】

[Synchronization rate: 99%]

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