The Collection of The End

Chapter 139 Wish Part 3

My name is Elijah,

I'm listening to... wait?


"My wish is for Sola to have the magical ability to create a family on her own."

"My wish is for Kenneth to be the 'crown' magician of the clock tower."

After Kenneth and Sola made wishes in different wishing rooms, they suddenly found the figure of the other party beside them, and also vaguely heard the other party's wish, so they looked at each other with a little embarrassment.

"If you keep making this kind of wish, it will be endless, so I just put you together." Ilya sat at the round table, looking at the unmarried couple with her hands on her hands: "First of all, for my The magic imprint transplanted by Sola is enough for her to start a family alone, and secondly, after experiencing this Holy Grail War, Kenneth has no obstacles on his way to the 'crown position'."

"If you must continue to make this kind of wish for the sake of the other party, why don't you ask what the other party really wants?" She looked at Kenneth and Sola in front of her with a narrow smile.

"Sola, there is no need to waste a single wish for such a trivial matter as a 'crown'."

"Aren't you a waste? What's the use of the magical ability to start a family after marrying you?"

"Because I feel that you seem to be envious of your elder brother, not to inherit the family business, but to be valued by your father-in-law because of your magic talent." 'The magician, if you are crowned, he will probably be willing to talk to you like an ordinary father-in-law and son-in-law."

"For you, I will impress him with my own strength!"

"I just need your attention!"

After a brief exchange, Sola turned away with a blushing face, while Kenneth started to giggle.

"Invisible dog food is the deadliest..." Illya complained, picked up the holy grail on the table and knocked it: "I said, since there is no need to make a wish to each other, let's think about what to make a wish again." .”

"In fact, we have already left the stage early, and we never thought about having the opportunity to make a wish," Kenneth touched his chin: "Why don't we make a wish for Weber, he will definitely make a wish without thinking carefully."

"No, wait a minute, there is also Luna, if she recovers on her own, I don't know how long it will take to become the same as before." Sora crossed his arms and thought: "I also plan to introduce her to Renee. "

"Then the specific wish should be—" The two began to consider the wording.

"Well, your wish is, 'The importance of this Holy Grail War will be greatly increased, so that Webber Velvet will gain a great reputation in the clock tower', and 'the moon spirit marrow fluid will be restored to its heyday'" Two?" Illya held up the holy grail that began to emit golden light: "As you wish."


"You must make this wish? Don't think about it again?"

After entering the wishing room, Ryunosuke Yusheng sat upright on the chair, staring at the Holy Grail and Illya with piercing eyes, with an appearance of "I have already made a wish".

"You said let me think about it again, but until I walked in here, the wish still hasn't changed," Ryunosuke said: "I have seen the reality of the world from you, if you leave me here, I am very happy It may be on the original trajectory."

After the previous "review" of the entire war, Ryunosuke discovered without any surprise that he was chosen by Caster as a pawn to disrupt the game from the very beginning, and unlike what other participants guessed, he could never be due to "" He was selected for reasons such as "a layman", "a follower who can't be controlled", and "the first one out".

Recalling that before I met Caster, my uncontrollable "talent" and the various "death" behaviors I was about to try proved that he and the summoned servants had caused destruction to this Holy Grail War Impact.

Caster, who was well versed in this period of history, didn't rule him out as an unstable factor in the first place, but spent nearly five years training him to be a qualified magician, and finally realized the ridiculousness of his actions.

Therefore, her wish is "not to let anyone die", not "all masters", and those "vortexes of death" surrounding her are undoubtedly the people she rescued when she was trying to save other worlds The "mortal fate" entangled with this level of "death", of course, that evil god has no power to fight back - because even if he completely destroys this world, the strength of the so-called "evil in this world" cannot match She has one percent of "evil".

"I hope to leave with you," Ryunosuke repeated, "to save other worlds."

"Although I really didn't hide it too much in front of you...but it's amazing to be able to think of this." Ilya's eyes were blank for a moment, and then changed back soon.

"I must remind you that the levels of power in different worlds are different. Specifically, the evil god Ahriman can be crushed to death with two fingers, but I can only fight through Illya," Illya continued: " I don't know what the next world will be like, although most of them still won't be able to do it by themselves, but if the overall energy level of the world is higher than here, you will probably become very weak, and maybe you won't even be able to retain your memory. Is there no problem?"

"That's the so-called level of mystery. No problem. There is relevant knowledge in this world. It is said that even a powerful magician can travel between worlds." Ryunosuke said firmly.

"Well, that's fine, but this can't be regarded as a wish. It belongs outside the 'world', and the Holy Grail whose influence range is within the 'world' can't do anything about it." Illya picked up the Holy Grail and shook it: "You can now Make a wish within a world."

"I hope—" Ryunosuke looked at Illya: "There is a 'Yu Sheng Ryūnosuke' who is exactly like me to take care of my sister and parents."

"Huh? I thought you were going to erase the traces of your own existence?" Illya looked a little surprised: "Even if you were created, it wouldn't be you?"

"No, 'he' is me." Ryunosuke shook his head.

From that "Lin Hao", it can be seen that "Illya" has no problem at least in creating humans, and "another Ryunosuke" will only regard himself as the real Ryunosuke, and will inherit his own during this period of time. Learn everything.

The only difference is that here, "his" wish to leave will be rejected, and then he will make a wish to eliminate his ability to see "death", and continue to live like himself.

Moreover, if there is a chance to come back, there is no ethical problem in replacing him again.

"Well, okay," the Holy Grail in Illya's hand began to shine, "As you wish."


"My wish is for Illya to stay."


"Let that Ilyasfer von Einzbern from the future, who holds the title of King of the End, pretends to be the Holy Maiden of Winter to make trouble, and turns herself into the Holy Grail at the end of the war, to stay in this world. "


"Illya from other parallel worlds can be left alone, but this Illya who has a common experience with us must stay, no matter what her identity is."


In the wishing room, Irisviel completely ignored the daughter in front of her, kept talking to the Holy Grail on the table with a serious face, and was still adding conditions to fill in the loopholes.

"It cannot be impersonated or faked. It must be the body of the will that spoke to us in the Holy Grail War. Illya from other world lines in this war will not be accepted."

"Mom... I said that this is only my first stop. Although I have achieved my goal perfectly, if I stay here, what should I do in other occasions where a large number of magicians die needlessly?" Ilya had a dumbfounding expression. .

"I'll go for you." Irisviel turned her face and looked at her with the same ruby-like eyes: "If I have the foresight information, I can also make none of the magicians die in those occasions."

"That can't be done!" Illya raised her voice subconsciously: "I came back just to save my mother—"

"Then why do you think me and your father gave birth to you!?" Irisviel's voice was louder than hers, making Illya speechless in fright.

"Stupid child..." Irisviel went around the table and hugged the stupefied Illya into her arms.

"Kiritsugu and I are people without a future—that's what we thought at the time," Irisviel stroked Illya's soft silver hair, and said slowly: "No matter what the outcome of the war is, I will definitely die because of Disappearing after becoming the Holy Grail, and the magician who is qualified to participate in the Holy Grail War cannot be the kind that Kiritsugu can easily kill, so his chance of survival is only one-seventh."

"But—" "Listen to me."

Irisviel hugged Ilya hard and interrupted her words, and then continued: "The two people who have no future, what they want to achieve is 'saving the world' and 'realizing the Cup of Heaven,' the third method ’ such a desire to make the future better.”

"What's so good about a nuclear war..." Illya muttered.

"At that time our relationship hadn't reached that point, but when the topic of 'future' was brought up, I said in passing, 'If we have a child, we can let her watch it instead of us'," Alice Phil chuckled Get up: "And Kiritsugu replied foolishly 'then we should get married first'."

"Mom, what you were thinking at the time must be alchemy to create human beings." Ilya tried hard to roll her eyes.

"Grandpa is very supportive of this, but before you were born, you have undergone various modifications to prepare for the next Holy Grail War..." Alice Feier moved her daughter to the front and straightened her hair Finally, he gently stroked her cheek - where her fingers passed, a bright red Command Seal appeared and disappeared.

"Although I can't be your real mother, I know that 'she' will not want you to continue to experience such [unfortunate] things, so I hope you can stay and let me take care of you instead of 'her', Okay?" Irisviel's eyes began to glow.

"Uh... Huh?" Illya spoke in a very embarrassed manner, but suddenly looked at the void in surprise: "Is this okay?"

【My wish is to bear all the pain and misfortune in the world, whether they come from the past, present, or—the future】

"Illya?!" Irisviel exclaimed as she watched the girl in front of her suddenly turn into a golden spot of light and began to dissipate.

"Uh, that, Mom, you'd better go back to Germany quickly..." Illya's voice became intermittent after dissipating: "I'm afraid that I will fight with Illya—"

The holy grail that was left alone on the round table began to emit dazzling golden light.

--as you wish.

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