The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and ninety-four, the fourth natural disaster (94)

Latest website: 【Tips: The 'Doomsday Element' is about to appear, the acceleration will stop. 】

After the First Alliance spread Mass Effect repeaters across half the galaxy, the acceleration ended.

Although they briefly awakened, they were still a "lost empire", so their construction speed was relatively slow. It took 25,000 years to pave the "interstellar highway" all over the galaxy.

Let me see, what kind of doomsday element is it this time?

[Tip: Discover the doomsday element: ‘Dimension Demon’. 】

Why is it you again! Legion returns!

Tip: Sister still ignored my complaints and directly opened a new window on the Milky Way panorama to start playing the doomsday preview:

Somewhere in the deep sea, in an abandoned Ute city, a group of "starfish" and a group of "phosphorus fish" are instilling psychic energy into a giant gate-shaped building.

Although they worked very hard to imbue them with psychic energy, the lights on the door-like buildings never came on.

"Is your theory correct?" A, uh, a phosphorus fish that looked like a leader asked the starfish next to him: "This ancient ruins can really open the door and travel between galaxies without the need for a mass effect repeater. The portal?"

"Don't worry," Haixing said in a calm voice, "We are the ones spending a lot of money, you are just doing some hard work."

"Hmph, although we are a bit upright, we are not stupid. The money you spent on this project far exceeds the tolls paid by the Mass Effect Repeater for every transaction. If anything happens, we will not be in advance. "Say, we will turn around and leave when the time comes." Phosphorus said harshly with his eyes widened.

"Well..." Haixing turned his eyes and looked at the door: "Actually, it's not that we can't say it. It's just that after opening this door, a powerful enemy will probably appear, and we will need to use your force."

"Ha! I knew it!" Phosphorus bared his teeth: "Then our charges this time will be as 'bodyguards' instead of 'security guards.'"

"I said 'maybe'," Haixing was unmoved. "If nothing comes out, you can only get a 'security' level commission. What I just said cannot be used as a reason to increase the price. And if something comes out, , after your bloody battle, the remaining people will naturally be promoted to the 'bodyguard' level, so your words are in vain."

"Huh?" The leader of Phosphorus Fish seemed to think it made sense.

Stunned on the spot.

What an idiot! pension!

That is to say, the doomsday elements are not under my control, otherwise I will directly let them go out and fight, but not a single mercenary will be killed. Let's see what these starfish say.

However, this is just a preview, and the event has not actually happened yet, so there is no need to dwell on it.


The next second, the door frame of the entire ruins gate suddenly emitted a strong light, all the indicators were fully lit, and at the same time, a purple swirling "water surface" appeared in the "door frame".

This thing can be said to be quite deceiving. Although it is "charged", it only has two scales: 0% and 100%. The charger has no idea when it will be turned on, so it is basically certain to be attacked.

Then, the phosphorus fish and starfish that opened the door were beaten by the "bandage man" who rushed out of the door.

The methods of these dimensional demons are still the same. After they demonized the phosphorus fish and starfish, they quickly took control of the planet, and then based on that planet that was not taken seriously, they continued to expand outwards.

Since other civilizations are in a "lost" state, Green Light does not pay attention to the expansion of territory by lower races at all, and only thinks that it is the work of Ute. Under the influence of other civilizations, Ute has not been "lost" yet. , but also returned to the previous state of salted fish, adopting an attitude of turning a blind eye and being happy to see the results of the phosphorus fish and starfish becoming inexplicably good relations and actively expanding outward.

This fishing behavior eventually led to this group of "dimension demons" occupying more than one-third of the galaxy, and then attracted the second and third batches of dimensional demons. In the process of conquering each other, the new life except the lost empire was Civilization was completely devoured, and Green Light belatedly sent a large fleet to put out the fire, but it was too late.

What’s special about this “doomsday preview” is that it ends with all the “dimension demons” being killed by the furious green light.

"[Those poor creatures made a big mistake and chose to invade our dimension!]"

With this unusually empty and lackluster declaration from the King of Green Light, the doomsday preview ends.

In other words, if I do nothing, this crisis will be saved by the green light, but all civilizations except the Lost Empire will die out, so there is no "doomsday element" to be included in the account.

'However, since the "Dimension Demons" have already been collected once, even if we help this time, there will be no benefit...'

[No, no, no, although you already have "Dimension Demon", the two derivatives "Dimension Demon-1" and "Dimension Demon-2" that will be chased later can still be collected. 】The stupid system interjected.

'And the things I like to do most are things that don't do any good - what did you just say? ’

[I didn’t say anything, you continue. 】

The current situation is that after the Lost Empire fell silent and the Star Ocean Community ceased to have frequent activities, some originally suppressed races gradually developed their own civilizations, but they have not experienced crises or united, so facing the "doomsday elemental race" " is very fragile. According to the preview, many civilizations, even if they are saved by green light, will eventually be destroyed by the fleets of "dimension demons".

With Mass Effect repeaters already spread all over the galaxy, and some Gaia and Alaya running around playing, such a big move to "roll back" civilization is not possible, and it is easy to be seen through.

Therefore, if you want to save them, you must first let them learn to save themselves, or at least be able to stand in a stalemate with the enemy for a while and wait for the green light to arrive.

But, as mentioned before, if there is no threat, they have no reason to develop space military and planetary defense. After all, if the sky falls, there will be tall people to stand up - who would have thought that they would not dare to smash this "sky"? tall?

Then... we can only "vaccine" them in advance.

I flipped around on the star map a few times and quickly found the starfish in the "preview" that led people to charge the psychic jump gate.

The identity of this starfish is a 'relic hunter', a profession that specializes in collecting relics of ancient civilizations and selling them to collectors in Wataum. There are obviously many illegal things in those "relics", so he will try to open up new routes. To avoid being caught by the owner.

At this time, he was exploring the underwater ruins in the "preview" and had not yet encountered his destined "jump gate".

I stared at Starfish's movements, and when he flipped a certain switch, he directly activated the "jump gate" and then threw the "Dimension Demons" I collected into it.

"!!" He was surprised to see that the ancient ruins portal suddenly activated, and then a group of "bandage men" walked out of it. After these bandage men controlled and assimilated several marine creatures, they rose directly to the sea.

Starfish waited for a while, then rolled and crawled back to his vehicle and fled the scene at a very high speed.

[Speaking of which, is this really useful? Did you lose money? 】

‘As long as it’s true that the ‘derivatives’ you said can be collected, it’s not a loss. ’

[Don’t you remember it very clearly...]

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