The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty-Two, Matrix Revolution (3)


Gotham PD.

At night, the entire Gotham seems to have entered another world. The towering Gothic buildings and the dots of dim lights create a nightmare-like atmosphere. Even with the emergence of Batman, a hero, to deter criminals , resulting in much improved security at night, but pedestrians on the road were still walking in a hurry and had no intention of staying outside for even a moment longer.

In this environment, the beam of light rising from the roof of the Gotham Police Station and creating a bat pattern on the low clouds was extremely eye-catching.

Wearing a windbreaker and a wide-brimmed hat, James Gordon stood next to the specially customized bat lantern, staring intently at the bat mark in the sky, wondering what he was thinking.

"[I thought you would hesitate for a long time before using it, Commissioner Gordon.]" Anderson walked out of the shadows of the rooftop and said to the police chief.

After half a year of practice, Anderson has fully grasped the "persona" of "Batman": go straight to the topic, don't talk nonsense, talk when you can do it, talk mostly with sarcasm, and never tell cold jokes. If you encounter a question that's hard to explain, just answer "Because I'm Batman."

But even such an inaccessible figure still has a large number of fans in Gotham, and there is even a strange organization called the "Batman Fan Club", which is simply outrageous.

"I didn't expect that," Gordon turned to look at Batman: "In the eyes of the police, all your actions will be regarded as internal fighting between criminals."

"[So, what happened?]" Anderson didn't intend to pay attention to this kind of talk. Correct results and correct processes are basically incompatible.

"'Blackgate Prison' was captured," Gordon also skipped the topic and got down to business: "by 'a man'."

"[Give me information about the target.]" Anderson responded in an unchanged tone.

Counting the time, it's almost time to show up, other people who also possess "advanced technology that cannot be seen from the outside".

"Eduardo Dorrance, now known as Bane, my -" Gordon paused: "comrade-in-arms."

"[...]" Anderson did not respond and looked Gordon up and down.

In Zion, although there are also countries divided for the sake of restoration, under the control of the Citadel, there is no war, so there will be no army in the conventional sense. So the "comrade-in-arms" in Gordon's mouth can only be him A comrade in the battle with the "Matrix".

One came to Zion to be the police chief, and the other became a supervillain. What happened to them when they fought the Matrix?

But that's not important.

"[How are your skills?]" Anderson asked.

"Super strength, super fast reaction, super endurance, firearms expert, fighting master." Gordon took a breath: "He can be called a human tank. The security measures of Blackgate Prison are useless to him."

Therefore, even if he brings people there, it will be in vain, and he can only turn to "Batman" who is also skilled in close combat.

However, for such a big matter, why didn’t the Kane family’s intelligence network send any news? Could it be that when Cathy went to Arkham to bail Victor out, no one from the Kane family was there?

"[The news we received is that there is a power outage in Blackgate Prison and external communications are interrupted,]" Mrs. Harrison said into the headset as if she guessed what he was thinking: "[Director Gordon obviously has his own intelligence channels.] "

"[I'll subdue him right away.]" Anderson responded to both of them at the same time, then turned around and jumped off the police station building.

"The threat this time is not just Bain himself, he also brought five helpers -" Gordon turned around, only to find that the rooftop was empty, so he turned off the bat light angrily.


Blackgate Prison.

As a prison for Gotham's felons—especially ordinary people—Blackgate Prison's defense facilities and security personnel's equipment are of a very high level. If they are well prepared, they can even withstand an entire division's onslaught here—still Specifically refers to ordinary people.

However, at this moment in Heimen, the original situation has been reversed.

Various prisoners roamed the prison and threatened and intimidated the guards who were locked in their cells with batons and firearms.

"" A prison guard who was trying to escape secretly was being pinned in the corner by a tall figure in a brown cloak, muttering to himself in a broken state.

"Huh? Who are you calling a monster? I'm going back to my ancestors!" The tall figure angrily raised the prison guard and was about to smash it against the wall.

"[Huh-hiss-don't be too troublesome.]"

However, before he could implement this plan, he felt a light touch on his hand, and the prison guard was taken away, followed by some strange and heavy breathing sound.

When the cloaked man turned around, he saw a man who was taller and stronger than himself. He was dressed like a professional wrestler, with a mask on his face that looked like he had dug out the eye protection of a gas mask. wearing a strange mask and speaking in a dull and breathy voice.

"[Huh—I took down the Black Gate myself—hiss—they are all my prisoners—huh—the right to dispose of it belongs to me—" "The Wrestler" glared at the cloaked man while carrying the guard: "[Or - phew - you plan to challenge me?]"

"Huh, you have the final say, Bain." The cloaked man adjusted the hood that covered his face, turned and left.

It can be clearly seen that his exposed forearms have pitted green scales, and the outline of his head does not look like a normal person.

"Uh...thank you?" The guard who was lifted up in the air looked at the cloaked man who was walking away and then at the taller Bain. He seemed to feel that he was more friendly, so he said.

"[Huh-hiss-I have no interest in releasing these scum, or killing you-huh-hiss,]" Bain carried the guard to the cell door from which he had just escaped, and threw him away. He went in and locked the door: "[I just want to know - hiss - 'Batman'.]"

"Uh..." The guard was thrown into confusion and tried to communicate: "In that case, it would be faster for you to attack Arkham Asylum directly. This place is full of ordinary criminals, and Batman usually won't come."

"[No one - hoo - knows Batman better than I - hiss -.]" Bane turned around and left with heavy steps.


The outskirts of Gotham.

Anderson is driving the Batmobile towards Blackgate Prison, while also looking through the information on Bane provided by the Kane family.

It has to be said that he is very pitiful. He has nothing except some mercenary and security experience. It is as if he fell from the sky.

Ha, isn’t that just like me?

It is very likely that Gordon and Bane were rescued from the matrix in the same batch. For unknown reasons, both of them failed the psychological evaluation and had to stay in Zion.

It’s definitely not “being suspected of being a savior”.

"[Master Batman, Miss Cathy is back,]" Mrs. Harrison said through the earphone: "[She asked me to tell you, don't treat Bane as an ordinary human being. Many attacks that are enough to cause ordinary people to lose control are useless to him. It has no effect, and some obvious weaknesses are not weaknesses at all to him.】"

"[Understood.]" Anderson responded.

Everyone in the matrix, whether they are ordinary people, hackers, NPCs or even agents, all have normal weaknesses. Unless they miss, there will be corresponding effects as long as they hit. This is also consistent with its role as a machine and AI. identity.

In comparison, reality is not so reasonable. "Human tanks" like Bane do not exist in the matrix, otherwise all agents must look like that.

If we continue to reason, this Bane is probably a warrior trained by a large family to fight against matrix machines in reality, but there was just a small accident.

Of course, this "family" is not on the level of the "Four Great Families of Gotham". It is probably the power behind a certain council member in the Citadel.

However, no one can be sure that the families on the surface of Zion have no connection with the families in the Citadel.

But no matter what, if I can defeat Bain, there should be a lot less doubts about the "Savior". Originally, the "Savior" can only exert his strength in the matrix, and the not-so-credible "Savior" is also very capable in reality, but he is Important plus.

Wait... what if becoming Batman is the result of the operations of the Kane family, which is directly connected to the Citadel? Does the Kane family belong to the side of "believe in the savior"?

However, if you ask Cathy based on this, she will definitely not admit it, and Martha is obviously unwilling to participate in family affairs... Tsk.

"[Wow! Falling object! I dodge!]" At this moment, Robin suddenly shouted in an exaggerated tone, and instantly took over the Batmobile and made a big drift, avoiding a black shadow falling from the sky directly in front of him?

boom! The black figure made a big hole in the road, and the Batmobile stopped not far away.

Anderson walked out of the Batmobile. After briefly observing the environment, he stared at the... person in the pit?

At this time, we were very close to the Black Gate Prison, which was in chaos and gunshots were heard from time to time. Judging from the distance, this man seemed to have jumped directly from the top of the tallest building in the Black Gate Prison.

The reason why "man" is a question mark is because this guy looks like a lizard or crocodile. His exposed skin is completely covered with layers of green scales, and his head looks like an exoskeleton. Lizard head.

"It seems you are Batman?" Apart from a few flicks of tongue, "Lizard Man"'s words were quite clear: "If I kill you before Bane finds you, will he be disappointed? "

What kind of monster is this?

"[This is a Turian, a type captured by the Matrix -]" Mrs. Harrison seemed to be reading the information she had just received. Even she herself didn't quite believe it: "[Aliens, generally It is said that the Citadel will not save non-human races, but there are always surprises in everything.]"

Gee, only in this case can I feel like I'm in the "future".

"[Argonians?]" Listening to Mrs. Harrison's immediate information, Anderson responded casually: "[I thought your warlike race was extinct.]"

"What Argonian!" Unexpectedly, the reaction of this "lizard man" was greater than Anderson expected: "I am a human! This is atavism!"

"[...]" Anderson thought for a moment and then understood.

Grox is a super AI created by humans. The illusion it uses to detain prisoners will naturally be based on human society. This alien has lived in a false human society for too long and completely regarded himself as a human. He was rescued by the Citadel. Later, he insisted that he was just a throwback to his ancestors... Tsk, you have turned into a monkey by returning to your ancestors.

"It seems that you are the same as those guys who treat me as a monster, so die!" The Argonian swung his cloak and rushed towards Anderson: "My name is 'Killer Croc'!"

Heck, would it be a diplomatic incident if he was beaten?

Anderson was still free to think wildly while he saw the tricks.

There is no other reason, Yalong, no, Killer Crocodile's fighting skills are too poor. He seems to rely entirely on his physical fitness, strength and speed to suppress his opponents. Once his opponent's physical fitness is equal to his, he will take advantage of it. There is no advantage at all, he can only be played with, and the only thing that is more threatening is his steel tail that humans don't have.

All attacks were pure blows, without any return moves or throws. Anderson felt that he could beat him down even without wearing this bat armor.

"[Master Batman, Miss Cathy said that even if the Argonian empire still survives, it is impossible for them to cross the Grox's sphere of influence to cause trouble for you. You can fight at will.]" Mrs. Harrison seemed to have asked clearly, and quickly said.

This is not like the knowledge that a young lady from a local family in Zion can know. It seems that my previous guess that "she is actually from the Citadel family" is correct.

"Die! Batman!" At this moment, Killer Croc swung his tail to the ground and used the force to launch an upper punch at Anderson.

To deal with striking techniques, defense, dodge, and retaliation are common responses. Every time Killer Croc used this move before, Anderson would always choose to dodge, which seemed to give him the illusion that "Batman can only dodge this move." .

However, to deal with striking skills, there is actually the most vigorous and simple response, which is to use the same moves to fight back. Then it will be a competition of strength, speed and defense. Anderson had not planned to do this before because he was afraid of destroying this " "Alien Friends" is a good thing. Now, of course, I no longer have such worries.

When Killer Croc rushed towards him, Anderson put his fist into his arms and then swung his upper fist straight out.



The two fists collided hard together, and the shock wave generated even caused the dust raised by the fighting to spread outward in waves.

Anderson took half a step back, and Killer Croc flew backwards in the sonic boom faster than he could punch.

"No way—ga!"

Killer Crocodile didn't fly too far upside down, and just when he was about to land, someone pinched his neck like a chicken.

"[Huh-hiss-trash,]" A huge figure walked out of the shadows, casually throwing Killer Crocodile aside, and then stared at Anderson with his strangely masked face: "[Huh-- It seems like you won’t let me down—hiss—Batman—let’s fight to the death.]”

"[...]" Although he didn't think he could beat him, Anderson still felt a chill in his back.

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