The Collection of The End

One thousand four hundred and forty-one, Silver Box Guards (1)


Serpent Nebula, Dunkirk frigate.

Connor Shepard, who was wearing an official Starfleet officer uniform, was sitting on the adjutant's seat watching Anderson's crew members busy.

Of course, "pretend" to be busy.

Serpent Nebula is the capital and heart of the "Galactic Alliance" and the location of the "Citadel". Any foreign ships must obey the dispatch of its "Customs Agency". Any privately deviating from the route or carrying out actions that may cause threats - such as using Weapons locked on the Citadel will be warned by the "Citadel Patrol". If you insist on going your own way, you may even suffer a fatal blow.

Therefore, Cicero was the only one who was really busy on the whole ship.

Kangna glanced at David Anderson, who was holding his hands on the star chart, looking like he was going to study the stars, and opened his "universal tool."

[Confirmation information: Receipt from ‘scp-o5-07’. 】

["Agree to Connor Shepard's application and grant the right to act expeditiously. If any human-related matters are discovered during the operation, no matter how big or small, they must be uploaded immediately.\

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