The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty, Silver Box Guards (10)

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Cido galaxy.

Batari? Some kind of alien?

When Kangna listened to the content translated by the translation module, she didn't expect the origin of this name.

After all, humans have only joined the "Galaxy Alliance" for just one year. The main focus of diplomats is to understand the intelligence of aliens, mainly Turians, that they have come into contact with, understand the relevant laws and regulations of the "Galactic Alliance", and This will expand human influence in the Citadel.

So there is no time to pay attention to some alien civilizations in the corners - maybe Nick Fury has time?

And if Nick Fury had time to investigate and upload it, it should be in his database.

Since the other party's communication had already been sent, Kangna didn't have time to ask Saren or Qian Shu, and searched directly in the database - the android database was automatically updated every time it was connected to the Internet, and Kangna herself didn't know what she knew.

[Confirmed information: Batarians. 】

[Race: Batari. 】

[Category: Humanoid creatures. 】

[Home star: Kate’s Nest of the Milky Way, Khar·shan of the Hashan Galaxy]

[Population: 15.3 billion]

[Mainstream ideological trends: extreme authoritarianism and extreme xenophobia. 】

[Population characteristics: resettlement, wasteful, and disgusting. 】

[Government: Criminal Group. 】

What kind of weird format is this? Do humans have similar tables? Kangna clicked on a few clauses whose literal meaning seemed unclear.

[Criminal Group: The Batarians are a loose political system composed of dozens of criminal groups claiming to be 'nations'. This political system was found guilty of violating the regulations of the Galactic Alliance on 'prohibition of slavery', 'prohibition of weapons of mass destruction', They are prohibited from establishing an embassy in the Citadel due to a series of laws and regulations such as "Prohibition of Interference in the Process of Civilization" and "Prohibition of Research on Dangerous Technologies". However, individuals of this race can still use their status as "non-members of a civilized civilization" without violating any laws and regulations. Enter the Citadel with your identity. 】

[Extreme authoritarianism: The Batarians have a clear and strict class system. From top to bottom, they are 'warlords', 'slave owners', 'thugs' and 'slaves'. The superiors have the power of life and death over the inferiors. Hierarchy There was no upward path before, but after a fight between two criminal groups, the class of all members of the losing side may change significantly. 】

[Disgusting: Although the Batarians are generally human-shaped, they have brown-green skin and six eyes. This appearance will make most members of the Galactic Alliance feel uncomfortable when they see it - it is said that when talking, I don't know which pair of eyes to look at. 】

[Relocation: The 'Mass Effect Repeater' used by the Batarians to enter the interstellar era was too close to their home planet, which made the Batarians very insecure and therefore refused to expand outward. Their first This is the only joint fleet that almost never leaves its home planet more than two hops away - but the range of activities of the slave-catching fleet and the smuggling and plundering fleet is more than a hundred times greater. 】

Okay, I understand, Dr. Qian Shu has already negotiated with the seller after his research has just yielded results.

Compared with slaves who are disobedient and have to be supervised, the geth who can be directly controlled are naturally much more convenient.

After roughly understanding the current situation, Kangna immediately gave instructions to Cicero: "Pass my voice, but don't give the video data. If there is noise, fix it yourself."

Although I wanted to discuss it with Saren, seeing that he looked confused about the situation, I decided to forget it.

After seeing Cicero making an OK gesture, Kangna opened her multi-purpose tool and started to show off. After a short pause, she said in the voice of Dr. Qian Shu: "[Yes, bring the goods." Yes, how do you want to trade?]"

"!!" Because the voices were so similar, or basically exactly the same, the genuine Dr. Qian Shu and his assistant Carly both widened their eyes.

"A small function of a multi-purpose tool can turn into a sound that you have heard." Kangna said casually, and then looked at the wall: "The pressurized disinfection has not been completed yet?"

"[Because I didn't know that you also brought the Salarian people up, it took a while to remove some ingredients that were harmful to them,]" while Cicero muttered, the door of the isolation cabin opened: "[Welcome back Home, do you need to prepare a cell?】"

"An ordinary cabin will do. These are two civilian staff." For the reason of taking care of women, Kangna walked over and picked up Carly, motioning to Saren to take the other one: "And we have to solve the immediate problem first."

"Woof woof woof! [Those six-eyed monsters are not planning to trade at all, they are planning to kill people after robbing them.]" Babas was waiting outside the isolation cabin, barking at Qian Shu and Carly.

Okay, that's very syndicate-y.

If Batali succeeds, they might even laugh at themselves for trusting others too much - but that kind of thing is basically impossible to happen.

"Be quiet, they are not a problem." Kangna freed up a hand to touch Bass's head, and then walked toward the crew cabin with Qian Shu, who was desperate.

"[Using the old pirate method of course,]" Soon, the Batarian named Idan Hada sent back a communication: "[Set a password in the cargo hold and eject to the other party. After everyone gets the things and confirms them, let them know. The other party’s password.]”

"[Then let's get ready and wait for your signal.]" When Kangna finished this sentence, she also brought Qian Shu and Carly to the cabin where they were going to be detained.

"Very smart," Kangna pushed Carly into the room: "Batari has not established diplomatic relations with the Citadel, and the virtual currency cannot be transferred, so he wants something that can be easily sold?"

"[Now you have sufficient evidence about your research on dangerous technologies and dealing with criminals,]" Saren threw Qian Shu into the cabin, and when he was about to argue something, he said directly: "[Don't bullshit me. The evidence is not very powerful. I am a 'ghost' and no lawyer would dare to borrow such a list.]"

Sure enough, wherever there are laws and regulations, there are also people who specialize in exploiting loopholes.


A moment later, the bridge.

"[Bad news, Commander, we can use a short jump to escape from the planet Sidor, but we cannot easily escape from the 'Perseus Veil' while locked in a locked state," Cicero sent another communication: "[And The good news is, neither can the Batarians.]"

"Hmm..." Kangna kept thinking as she looked at the ships projected above the star map.

It was a heavy cruiser that was at least five times the size of "Dunkirk" - it could even be said to be a battleship.

Its appearance is completely different from what Kangna saw in the Citadel. Compared with those various warships that are finished products no matter how weird they are, this Batarian warship can be said to be an "unfinished building" .

There are tangled metal bars, inexplicable holes and antennas, meaningless filters, and some that have not been repaired at all after being shot. The rusty bullet holes and cracks are all the same as the large and small ones it is installed on. The muzzle and the missile launcher form a sharp contrast.

This is simply a clear and unmistakable statement to all ships that see it: If you attack me, you will definitely suffer.

Of course, according to common sense, frigates and even destroyers can fully rely on high speed and high dodge to play with such heavy warships, but the problem is that both sides are in the "Perseus Curtain". If there is a high-mobility confrontation, no one is paying attention. It will be hit by meteorites or debris and become space junk.

However, also because of these meteorites, wreckage and turbulence, the other party cannot use the method of directly blowing up the ship and picking up the scattered things in the warehouse. Even if they are ready to refuse the bill, they can only temporarily ask for a transaction.

Maybe there is a way to defeat them with the help of the environment here?

"[This is the Batarian's 'standard battleship',]" Saren explained: "[It's just that because it was built behind closed doors, it only reaches the level of a heavy cruiser according to the standards of the Galactic Alliance.]"

"Oh?" Kangna raised her head and glanced at Saren: "If it's just a cruiser, maybe you can try to kill him - after all, he only has one ship."

"[However, precisely because they worked behind closed doors, none of these warships' firepower did not exceed the standard. Even after the Galaxy Alliance warned and ordered rectification, they still went their own way, so they were prohibited from entering the alliance's jurisdiction,]" Saren spread his hands: "[ As for the strength and accuracy of its current weapons, I don’t know.]”

At least it would be no problem to lock on and destroy a frigate that dare not start at high speed, probably.

"I think there's something going on," Anderson said, "This Idan Hada probably left the fleet and came here to get some trouble. He didn't report to the fleet at all. Even if we kill him, we will have a safe period of time." be found."

"[Taking advantage of others?]" Saren didn't seem to understand the word, and seemed to doubt Anderson's conclusion.

"That's right." After being reminded, Kangna also reasoned to this level: "Where is this place? The Perseus Curtain where Quaili and Geth fought. There are no slaves to capture here, and there is no place to smuggle them. and robbery, then there is only one reason for them to appear here - scavenging."

"Exactly," Anderson nodded: "As a slave civilization, the Batarian should have been coveting the civilizational achievements of Geth and Quali for a long time, but the Geth refused to contact them, and Quali's wandering fleet has no fixed location. , it can only gradually collect the lost technology through 'scavenging'."

"[In this case, it is absolutely impossible for this guy who is not professional at all to be responsible for handing over the technology or device that can control the geth,]" Saren said: "[Because that is almost their ultimate goal." Target.】"

"So, Dr. Qian Shu did not have a communication channel with the Batarians, and just casually sent a transaction request to the Batarian fleet. This request was intercepted by a certain Batarian captain, and he pretended to be the person in charge. Of course, he didn't want to make a deal, and he didn't intend to provide the supplies requested by Dr. Qian Shu. He probably had the idea of ​​​​killing people and getting goods from the beginning. Our current situation is actually very dangerous." Kangna concluded.

"[Commander! Batari has sent a signal requesting a transaction, what should we do?]" Cicero's slightly panicked voice came.

"First throw out the few boxes of weapons we have not opened without passwords and call them gifts," Kangna ordered, then looked at Saren and Anderson: "I don't know if you have heard of 'Three Borrowed Banana Fans' s story?"

"Woof woof! [I'm so familiar!]" Bass shouted.



Kangna's eyes were completely dark, and she could only infer from the beeping of external indicators and the sudden disappearance of gravity that the container had been thrown out.

"It's too risky for you to do this, Shepard," Edith said in a very dissatisfied tone: "You broke into the tiger's den alone without knowing the structure of Batarian's spaceship and troop deployment, and that guy Anderson actually agreed to your crazy move. plan. 】

"If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't catch the tiger's cubs," Kangna responded while sensing the movement outside: "Of course I made this decision after confirming that they would put the containers into the warehouse properly."

[At least let Saren come with you, this is his mission. 】Etty complained.

"We can't take Batari without knowing whether he will detect whether there are signs of life in the container." Kangna remained motionless: "Those six-eyed monsters never imagined that there would be androids in the warehouse." Arrive and raid from within, then it's up to you to hack and take control of the entire ship."

[I don’t know how the Citadel will judge using ‘dangerous technology’ to deal with ‘criminal groups’. ] Edie continued to complain.

"Etty, you're nervous." Kangna suddenly changed the subject.

【……ha? 】

"You know, even if I fail, I will only lose the memory of the latest synchronization, and then it will be recreated by SCP, and your body is with Anderson, so what are you afraid of?" Maybe it's dark. The environment was very suitable for chatting, and there were no surveillance cameras around, so Kangna just handed it over.

【I am... Huh? 】

"You don't want my identity as 'N7 Special Forces' and 'Dunkirk First Officer' to disappear," Kangna smiled in the darkness: "You are starting to care about identity and interpersonal relationships. This is good. It proves your distance. One step closer to becoming truly 'life'."

[How come this sounds like sarcasm when it comes out of your mouth,] Yidi muttered again without going any further: [We are about to be captured by a Batarian warship, what is your plan? 】

"Hmm..." Kangna felt the slight tremor of the container: "The soldiers will block it, but the water will cover it?"


After a "hard landing" and continuous collisions, the sound of pressurizing air began to be heard outside the container, followed by the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps.

Then came the chaos of prying containers and the sound of conversation:

"[This batch of goods has finally been handed over. Hurry and find the items and deliver them to the captain.]"

"[Those Salarians also speak slowly and move slowly, which is completely different from the information.]"

"[Ha, do you believe those guys from the Galaxy Alliance? We have officially declared war on them, and they don't even dare to fart.]"

“[We were also warned that making and selling red sand is illegal, bah!]”

...Anderson, you can’t get rid of this kind of thing, can you?

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