The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty Seven, Captain of the United States (7)

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"Horizon" space station, station administrator's office.

"Stationmaster Landru, you are so brave," the nine-tailed fox crossed his legs and sat on the chair of the stationmaster's desk, holding his chin in one hand and flipping through the stationmaster's terminal device with the other: "Even the military has clearly informed Dare to leak the secrets of machine A."

"That's not my fault, it's you who used this low-secret level channel!" The middle-aged man known as Landru's webmaster was sweating a little, but he still retorted forcefully.

Jack, who was wearing an ordinary Star Alliance military uniform, was standing next to the nine-tailed fox pretending to be a guard. Hearing this, he looked up at "Stationmaster Landru".

It was a brown-haired man wearing green casual clothes with only symbolic epaulettes on his shoulders. Although he had a square appearance and a resolute expression, his slightly fat figure still exposed the fact that he had almost no fighting ability.

However, even without combat capability, William and Eva still dutifully stood by his side to perform custody tasks.

"Oh, you want to say that our nine-tailed fox leaked the secret?" The nine-tailed fox narrowed his eyes: "Do you know what your words mean?"

This means that he is accusing the SSR, a key department of Star Alliance, of leaking secrets. If it is found to be untrue, no matter how he leaked the information in Horizon, the charge of "leaking secrets as a key department" will be superimposed first. This seems to be "false accusation." "Sit" principle.

However, there is no need to explain this kind of thing. If the guy doesn't know it and insists on biting, it can teach him an unforgettable lesson.

"No, no, no," Landru shook his head repeatedly: "What I mean is that you don't use 'top secret' channels to inform, but use 'confidential' or 'secret'. Although the people below don't know the content, they will definitely know it. 'Here comes a mission that needs to be kept secret', and here, similar missions are basically surprise security inspections."

"..." The nine-tailed fox was silent for a moment, and then said: "You don't even have official documents? The most common official documents are also 'secret' level."

"But the official document will be copied and delivered later. Everyone knows that it is an official document," Landrieu said with an innocent face: "If we were a relatively important space station and had many undisclosed tasks, the secrets would not be leaked at all. "

This sounds like... because there are not many people living in the residential area to be infiltrated. No matter how much the infiltrating agents pretend to be residents, the local residents will find something wrong.

Maybe this webmaster is really innocent?

Ta, da, the nine-tailed fox tapped the table with his fingers a few times, then suddenly slapped it.

"Obviously, Mr. Landrieu, you have known about this loophole for a long time. You also know that your subordinates are relatively clear about the transmission of confidential and below information, but have no intention of rectifying or strengthening confidentiality. They are no longer suitable for the Horizon space station." Stationmaster, I am now quoting the relevant provisions of the Star Alliance Emergency Regulations to relieve you from all duties. You will be detained indefinitely until the Star Alliance Military Court makes a judgment. This space station will be controlled by the 'Nine-tailed Fox' tactical force under the SSR Department. Total takeover.”

"You! Huh, there are still many space stations like Star Alliance that are not taken seriously. Do you nine-tailed foxes want to take over them all one by one?" Landru seemed to want to argue, but in the end he decided to give up and was beaten by William. and Eva escorted away.

"What? Little cutie~ What do you think?" The nine-tailed fox turned his seat half a circle and looked at Jack.

"There is nothing wrong with his crime. Neglect of duty must always be punished, but you have taken over too many space stations and military bases along the way, right? There are so many people in the SSR?" Jack answered, and silently added: That's a mistake. Everywhere, not a blade of grass grows.

Starting from the "Cape of Good Hope" military base, the Nine-Tailed Fox - both individually and collectively - has taken down the heads of two military bases and three space stations and taken them over.

Of course, the people in charge of these places all had problems such as laziness, lack of seriousness, and dereliction of duty. Normally, they would be punished with warnings or demerits at most, but every one of them was taken down and imprisoned.

According to this standard, probably only those who take their duties as seriously as Governor Lichtem and can find no faults at all will successfully pass the Nine-tailed Fox's review.

However, although the move is a bit big, it is still acceptable on the premise that Ambassador Waller has visited without any problems.

Of course, that's just the surface. Cerberus caught him in private. The guy who tried to disrupt the alien visit or even directly assassinate him was the reason why the Star Alliance military turned a blind eye to the SSR.

Those people... how should I put it, they have their own logic, insist that what they do is for the development of mankind, and resolutely deny any relationship with the "Guardians of the Earth".

In contrast, those responsible persons who were taken down were basically just "lazy" and "incompetent". Moreover, Jack himself did not believe that they were educated.

"It seems that you still don't quite understand what 'enlightenment' is," the nine-tailed fox shook his head: "It is not a crude method such as mind control or parasitic body, but to make the 'enlightened person' sincerely believe that doing so" There is no problem, and guys with mental holes are excellent targets for indoctrination. Such people are simply not suitable to stay in key positions."

"Oh..." Jack nodded.

First put a label of "suspected of being indoctrinated". If the label is successfully removed, it will also leave a trace of "easily indoctrinated". You will probably not be sent to any important positions in your lifetime - this seems to be a good thing?

"You have to think more about everything, little cutie~" the nine-tailed fox shook his finger: "I can lead the team this time, but I can't lead the team every time. If you don't lead well, the people under you will be killed."

In other words, she is actually here to guide the work rather than discovering that there are new people joining in the fun? But I really can't learn from her behavior.

"Sir," Eva re-entered the "Stationmaster's Office": "Sharon is here with the analysis report of the space station staff."

"Don't be so reserved when there are no outsiders. Just let her come in directly. We can just discuss the next itinerary." The nine-tailed fox waved his hand.

Wait... didn't Eva go to escort Station Commander Landru?

Jack carefully observed Eva's expression and found that she glanced between him and the nine-tailed fox very quickly, then responded and turned around to open the door.

By the being jealous a psychological flaw?


A few hours later, Starport.

A round and fat strange battleship sailed into the dock and was firmly fixed by the adsorption device. Then, the hatch opened and an equally round alien walked out.

It was a creature that was as big as a walrus. He was about a little over one meter tall. His whole body was covered by a tan space suit. Only two dark eyes were exposed on the pug-like helmet.

This is the actual suzerain civilization of the Turians, the Wallers. They have smart minds and strong business intuition. After joining the Galactic Alliance, they have flourished among the major civilizations. Nine out of ten anti-monopoly investigations have been filed. Everything is related to them.

However, as the saying goes, every gain must come with a loss. In addition to being dwarf and ugly, the Wallers are also unable to adapt to the air that most Citadel races can breathe. About 20% of the oxygen is highly toxic to them.

In most cases, he cannot take off his breathing mask and still has to run around to do business among the galaxies. He is a role model for businessmen.

For humans who have just joined the Galactic Alliance, it is naturally a good thing to obtain investment from such "cosmic Jews". Even if they have any plot, they can come to cover it up.

Before coming to the "Horizon" space station, Ambassador Waller had inspected several locations and also talked with representatives of the Star Federation Council. This was the last time he would log in to the human space station, and he would return by ship later. If the Earth Guardian wanted Whatever you do, this is your last chance.

"Welcome, Mr. Fanta Tox," the personnel arranged by Star Alliance came forward to contact him: "I am Andrew, the director of this space station."

"It's Landru!" The nine-tailed fox was observing the scene through the surveillance camera. After hearing this, he slammed the table angrily.

"Well, Ambassador Waller doesn't know anyway." Jack tried to persuade him.

"Details, details determine success or failure. If the other party has not investigated these space stations in advance, why do they have to name them one by one?" The nine-tailed fox waved his hand, "Forget it, just treat him as having a serious accent."

"[Hello—Hello, Landru,]" what came out of the Waller translator was extremely standard human language. If you ignore the breathing sounds: "[This is the last stop of my visit to human civilization. , I hope this journey can come to a perfect end.】"

"Of course, Mr. Tox," the agent pretending to be Landrieu was obviously aware of the problem and simply ignored the topic and turned to open the door of the Mass Effect vehicle: "Your schedule has been arranged, please come with me."

Ambassador Waller nodded slowly and stepped onto the float vehicle with his short legs.

Then, the leading and rear vehicles responsible for escorting the ambassador started simultaneously after the vehicle in which the ambassador was riding floated, and the entire convoy began to gradually move and leave the starport.

Those who protect the ambassador are just ordinary Star Alliance soldiers, at most some special forces, and the "nine-tailed fox" will not participate.

"Fat Waller has started moving, and the position is synchronized with your universal tool." Nine-tailed Fox opened the communication: "Are your people in place?"

"[Same as the previous times, I promise to complete the task.]" Sharon replied.

Um? Something seems wrong?

Jack thought about it turned out that he didn't call him "Sweetheart".


Near the star port.

As the convoy passed through the residential area, several humans hung a banner from the top floor that read "Welcome the greatest businessman in the galaxy." Ambassador Waller happily opened the window and waved to them, but those few people didn't seem to see it. , stood still in place.

bump! boom!

After Waller's motorcade passed by, a few people throwing banners on the top floor leaned back stiffly. They could not move anything but their eyes. They could only watch a few people in security uniforms walk out of the stairwell and take away the sniper rifles. He put handcuffs on them and said to the communicator:

"This is Farkas, the attack on the port has been prevented, over."

Trade block, commercial street.

Ambassador Waller walked on the commercial street where all the pedestrians were soldiers pretending to be soldiers. He spoke fluent Earthly dialect and asked the vendors about business details and bargained for prices.

The vendors have received subsidies in advance, but they are also very interested in making money from the aliens. The scene can be said to be quite lively.

Wow! Boom!

Several people carrying bags were put into the bags they were carrying and hung from street lamps.

"This is Tristan. The kidnapping in the business district has been stopped. They actually think they can extort ransom from the Star Alliance by kidnapping alien ambassadors. I'm really sad for their intelligence. Over."

Entertainment area, central garden.

In order to welcome Ambassador Waller's visit, the central garden turned off the lights in advance and used a water curtain composed of fountains to play three-dimensional scenery.

Ambassador Waller applauded and discussed the principles with "Landru".

Boom! Snapped! Wow!

Below the fountain device, several people who tried to add ingredients to the fountain water were hung from the water outlet to undergo "baptism."

"This is Ella. These guys are going too far. They are preparing to put chemicals to increase the oxygen content in the air and break through the ventilators to poison the Wallers to death. Do you know that the high concentration of that stuff is harmful to people? It’s also harmful! It’s over!”

"It seems that Sweetie's men are doing a good job. They are indeed the team I like." The nine-tailed fox seemed to be in a happy mood as he watched the live broadcasts coming from various scenes.

"It was the same at the previous visits. He was playing and we were trying our best to catch people." Jack watched Ambassador Waller's safe and smooth visit to various facilities of the Horizon Space Station. He commented casually: "We went out in private. This fat man probably doesn’t even know how powerful it is.”

At the previous access points, Jack and his men checked in advance and found all the attackers and attack plans through Sharon Qi's incomparable intuition. In order not to alert the snake and cause the plan to change, the American captain and her team members waited until the attackers. Only when an attack actually occurs will we intervene to stop it.

"There is no great achievement for those who are good at fighting. If you are asked to protect the ambassador, you can perform 'blockbuster operations' such as gun battles, car chases, escapes, explosions, last-minute rescues, etc." The nine-tailed fox kept switching between "Cerberus" ” Picture of the members: “I will throw you to Mars to mine.”

"I think Mars has banned the mining of mineral deposits because of the discovery of ancient ruins?"


...This probably means "never come back."

"I said, do you know where the little sweetheart is?" The nine-tailed fox frowned: "The law enforcement recorder she carries has been stuck for a long time."

"If I remember correctly, she seemed to be in the 'New Louvre' in the entertainment area," Jack thought for a moment: "She said her work was done and she wanted to see the Mona Lisa, given that she has been working so hard these days. , I agreed."

"..." The nine-tailed fox turned around and looked at Jack with a look that looked like a fool: "After getting along with her these days, did you find that she has a record of being lazy and doing personal things during work?"

"Maybe not."

"With so many unconnected attacks, how could there not be a mastermind behind it? And she has a strong intuition to find the mastermind..." The nine-tailed fox jumped up, picked up the coat on the back of the chair and ran out: "Let's go quickly , if she had gone late, she would have taken all the credit!"

Is that the point? ?

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