The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy-Nine, Man of Steel (9)


Elishan Star, leisure and entertainment area, grand theater.

"[Today is the wedding ceremony of Mr. Sam Fisher (er) and Ms. Anna Elena (a), please take your seats~]" The host dressed as a priest was standing on the ceremony stage with a microphone. delivered a speech.

The clean white tables and chairs, the white gauze arch with green leaves, and the guests in either formal or casual attire made this wedding look quite formal.

This is a large theater originally used to play movies or perform plays, but it also provides rental services when there are no performances. Because it is equipped with virtual imaging technology, the seats, tables and drinks are real, and the surroundings are It's perfectly fine to simulate a church and a wide lawn, as long as the participants don't run around.

In addition, looking at the serious-looking bodyguard in black among the guests, I knew that a well-known big shot would be attending this time.

"Mr. Sam is one of the best spaceship pilots in Mount Ili," the host continued to boast: "He has almost never missed Governor Jingu's 'Outstanding Contribution Commendation Conference' in the past three years, and recently invited Mr. Governor is participating in this wedding. Of course, Mr. Governor has not arrived yet, but we all know that he will only be absent and will never be late~"

Sam Fisher is a young man of medium build, slightly dark skin, short black hair, brown eyes, and a slightly honest expression. He is looking at the woman in a wedding dress next to him unnaturally.

This is a tall woman with shawl straight black hair, a natural expression, a calm and generous demeanor, and an overall heroic appearance.

"Ms. Anna Elena is an officer of the Star Alliance Second Fleet garrison that protects our colonial star. She..." The host seemed to be shocked by what was written on the manuscript: "I won't tell you her specific achievements. Yes, everyone just needs to know that she can hold Sam down and beat him with one hand."

There were bursts of laughter from the guests.

"If anyone objects to this marriage, please raise it now and explain the reasons~" The host looked around the audience: "Are there any? If not, I will conduct a formal marriage ceremony~"

Since we are on a border planet, many wedding ceremonies have been simplified accordingly, and the parents of both parties are unable to come. After the wedding, it is completed after it is registered with the relevant department of the local governor.

"Although I should introduce how the bride and groom got to know each other, after I applied, I only received a warning notice for 'suspected of spying on military secrets.'" The host slumped his hands, causing a burst of laughter: "Then I will directly ask Now, Mr. Sam Fisher, are you willing to marry this beautiful, smart, and virtuous lady next to you as your wife? Love her, respect her, and protect her forever. No matter you are poor or rich, sick or healthy, Will you always love her, protect her, and take care of her?”



The roof of the Grand Theater was blown off by the violent explosion.

The guests attending the wedding ran around in panic, but forgetting that this was an indoor illusion, they bumped into the wall one by one.

Throwing through the huge gap, you can see densely packed strange warships in the sky breaking into the atmosphere, and sirens blaring one after another.


With some strange accompaniment, a certain golden armor that everyone is already familiar with flew into the wedding scene from the breach with a roar, and landed in a very handsome posture, like a roc spreading its wings with one hand on the ground. Center of the venue.

Almost at the same time, a second batch of alien missiles rushed towards the roof of the theater, making the guests who saw this scene even more panicked.

The golden armor remained motionless, calmly returning to its standing posture, then slowly raised his hands, and a blazing beam of light emerged from his palms and swept past, detonating all the incoming missiles.

The shock caused by the explosion made the guests even more panicked, and more and more people hit the wall.

"[Ilishan was attacked by the Batarians. The wedding was suspended. Everyone immediately looked for the nearest shelter.]" The golden armor turned off its own BGM and looked at the newlyweds. "[Anna, protect you." Guests!】"

"!" Anna raised her hand to salute a military salute, turned around and prepared to leave the ceremony stage.

Sam grabbed the bride who was about to run away with her wedding dress, and forcibly finished the line he had been stuck on: "The answer to the question just now is - I do!"

"Hee~" Anna freed up a hand, leaned over and kissed him: "I'm willing too!"

While Sam was petrified, Anna was already running away.

"I declare the two newlyweds to be legally married -" the host hiding behind the fallen ceremony platform raised a trembling hand and announced.


Governor's Mansion, General Control Room.

Multiple split-screen images show images of Mass Effect repeaters, satellite orbits, and various colonial blocks in Mount Ili.

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Without exception, they were all scenes of the Batarians' tattered space battleships moving forward.

Although there was an early warning from the Star Alliance, the attack just two days later still caught the defense department of Mount Ili by surprise.

And Siduli was in the command center, wearing headphones and microphones to issue instructions to the defense forces of all parties. Most of the security personnel and defense systems executed her instructions perfectly, except for a certain golden guy.

"Can you please stop playing? Governor, General," she said word by word in the remote communication channel: "You can obviously block all these deterrent coverage attacks."

"[Don't be so serious,]" Jin Gu's cynical tone came: "[A person may have more than one wedding in his life, but there may only be one alien invasion during the wedding.]"

"You are probably the only governor who lets the enemy attack our own facilities just to look cool." Siduli mocked.

"[This is to make residents aware of the seriousness of the matter~]" Jin Gu responded, "[And I can guarantee that no one will be harmed.]"

"I think Sam's romantic heart has been fatally damaged." Siduri added casually.

"[Little Pepper...]" Jin Gu said in a low voice.

"What's wrong? Besides, I'm not Little Pepper." Siduli was a little worried.

Because Jin Gu disguised himself so well, she subconsciously thought of him as the playboy governor, but his secret identity was still the leader of the "Earth Guardians". There should be some deeper meaning to these actions...

"[So you are looking forward to an extremely romantic wedding?]" Jin Gu's tone instantly became frivolous: "[If you had told me earlier, I would definitely arrange everything for you - Eh? If you say that, are you interested? People?】"

"Bye!" Siduli directly cut off the communication with Jin Gu.

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