The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty-Two, Alliance of Fathers Worried (12)

Text 1482. Alliance of Father-worried Persons (12)


Europa 7, Starport.

The usually relatively spacious take-off and landing area was now crowded with people, and large transport spaceships were taking off and landing in an orderly manner.

Perhaps because of the importance of this operation, there were many shuttles and frigates escorting the surrounding airspace, and outside the atmosphere, there were even destroyers and cruisers patrolling in directions invisible to ordinary people.

The codename of this operation is spring trip...or social practice, which is always something similar. It will be held in each academy class unit from June 3rd to June 6th.

It is said that this behavior was proposed by General Williams to test the students' learning results. In other words, it was a test called tourism.

After all, the overall number of superpower users is quite rare, and there can be no final elimination. Anyone who has awakened superpowers will always have a place where he or she shines.

Of course, the specific itinerary will be determined by the different circumstances of each class. Currently, there are many colonial planets in the Star Alliance, and there is always a planet suitable as a test-or social practice location.

According to what Kaos overheard, there seem to be some minor problems in those practice locations that must rely on the abilities of the students. Overall, it can be said to be a win-win situation.

Considering that there are currently the most students in the "Physique Variation" and "Energy Transformation" categories... shouldn't most of the students have to work hard or generate electricity?

"Everyone, line up~go this way~" Teacher Yueyong sat on Winston's shoulder, holding a small flag to greet Kaos and his classmates.

Well... classmates... Kaos held the back of his head with his hands and turned to look around.

"Hey, Illya, do you feel that her attributes are the same as yours? Are you a little worried?" Naiya, who was wearing a school uniform, trembled and tried to get angry.

"Yes," Ilia, who was sitting on the bear's back next to her, actually nodded: "But shouldn't everyone feel safer with the protection of such a huge bionic animal?"

"...Hmm." Naiya didn't think of how to answer the question.

You deserve it, this is called natural restraint.

"Sister-sama~" Lina was holding Misaka Mikoto's arm and rubbing it: "I will not be allowed to 'flash' when riding on the spaceship. I feel very insecure~"

"That's really great..." Mikoto didn't know what she was thinking, and was looking around absentmindedly.

Princess Bilibili and her pendant have become a scene in Carcosa. The students have long been accustomed to it, and some even cheer for Lina.

Kaos naturally knew exactly what Mikoto was looking for. It was Miss Misaka No. 10032. As the first sister to awaken to herself, she was also the one who actively integrated into society.

In the accidents caused by Naiya in the past year, she has played an important supporting role in several of them. As long as she takes off her goggles, blocks her halo, and exudes aura, as long as there is no real fight, she can completely fake it, even Lina It also takes more than ten seconds to determine that it is a fake.

Maybe she'd gotten into the transport ship somehow... who knows.

"Yes, yes, yes... I got it..." On the other side, Ms. Suzu, who was in charge of other classes, was grabbing Yuriko Suzuko's hand and telling her repeatedly, while the white-haired girl who had nothing to say about "my king" had a look of displeasure on her face. Patiently, but with no intention of breaking away.

Proud? No, it doesn't seem to be used that way. Forget it, don't get into trouble with her to avoid being reckoned with by the queen.

"You said...where is Akuz?" "I don't know, the teachers won't tell me." "Should I ask Kaos?" "Isn't it good? What if it's a confidential matter? ?” “What’s so secret about the place we’ll be arriving tomorrow?” “It’s best not to embarrass Kaos-san, right?”

Kaos didn't need to look back to know that it was Cedric and Hannah who were whispering about him behind his back again.

It was no use no matter how quiet the two of them suppressed their voices;

Not to mention that Cedric is his beloved, it is completely impossible to mention the name of an "Old One" at such a close distance - even if it is an incarnation - and expect it to go unnoticed, okay?

This pair...let's call them a couple. Instead of developing into "lovers" over the past year, their relationship has developed into "hard buddies" amid disputes, accidents and misunderstandings. It's really hard to watch. Everyone else in the drama was anxious to death—excluding Kaos, of course.

If the boy's physique mutated and the girl's energy transformed, maybe the two of them would have become friends long ago, but the supernatural attributes of these two people are reversed. Even without deliberately predicting their future, Kaos can still see Hannah The sight of Cedric's ears being pulled on his hips, if they ever got there.

Should we arrange a third party from the heavenly system among them? But if you do this, you'll get kicked by a donkey...

Kaos was thinking as he followed his classmates into the transport ship.

At this time, Crowley touched him from the side: "[Seriously, what's wrong with that Akutz? Tell me a little bit, like how much energy should I accumulate?]"

"[Don't, you will burn other people's colonial stars into glass.]" Kaos shook his head.

"[I'm not a stupid person, so why did I destroy the entire planet for nothing? Come on, come on.]" Ke Doli asked.

So the fact that a certain Naiya destroyed a planet cannot be revealed, right?

"[No, I'm talking about burning glass in the literal sense,]" Kaos entered the spacecraft and began to look for his seat: "[The planet Akuz is covered in deserts, Gobis and caves. If you throw flames everywhere, it will be everywhere. It’s all glass.]”

"[If the environment is so harsh, why did they establish a colony and let us go on a school trip?]" Kedoli seemed to have lost interest.

"[Because the reserves of element zero there are relatively abundant, and the recorded reason for this arrangement is to let us each use our own abilities to improve the environment, but if I am not wrong, Star Alliance may intend to see what I am doing How far can you go without any restrictions?" Kaos twitched the corner of his mouth.

"[Under the premise that there are so many superpowers to command?]" Kedoli slightly widened her already big eyes: "[This is to develop you into the direction of a commander.]"

"[Who says it's not...]" Kaos sat on his seat and casually pulled down the safety brake that fixed his shoulders.

However, this seems to have Lechtem's intention in it. Due to the prosperity of Europa 7, it is almost impossible for him to command a large fleet, so he puts his hope on himself?

Tsk, there's really no other way. Until he dies, let's just walk in the direction of "Fleet Commander" for the time being. He shouldn't be able to climb to a very high position...probably.

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