The Collection of The End

Chapter 148 Winterhold and the Mage

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 17th, 10:00——

Farauda stood at the gate of the Master Academy, a little bored.

As an elf from the Summerset Isle in the south, she has adapted to the severe cold of this city in the northernmost part of Skyrim, but she still has some maladjustment to the sharp and cold eyes of the residents of Winterhold.

Unlike Morningstar City, which is located in a depression in the west and has a good port environment, the coast of Winterhold (Winterhold) is covered with snow that does not melt all year round. Rocks and ice structures constitute a huge obstacle from Winterhold to the North Sea. There are also some Pebble beaches are dotted all over the place, and as a result, the sea routes are completely cut off. If you want to exchange materials with the outside world, you can only rely on land transportation between the mountains surrounding it and the ice sheet between the East China Sea, but all kinds of violent elemental creatures will attack anyone who passes there. Things, so the life of the residents of Winterhold is also extremely difficult.

But the fault can't be blamed on the academy. A passing guard of Winterhold deliberately watched her spit at the side of the road, which made Farauda a little annoyed, but finally suppressed the use of magic tricks to teach him a lesson. idea.

In today's Winterhold, there is only a barren village and town left in the fief, which is the capital of the fief in a sense. It is located near the entrance of Winterhold College. The other parts have completely disappeared with the "big collapse" more than 20 years ago. When mentioning Winterhold now, only the Wizard Academy and "the small village at its gate" come to mind, and there are rumors circulating throughout Skyrim that it was the Wizard Academy that destroyed Winterhold.

What a joke!

The mages of the Mage Academy predicted 50 years in advance that Winterhold would collapse and slide into the sea of ​​undead, allowing the surrounding residents to migrate and seek refuge. .

Even if the Nords advocate force and disdain magic, they shouldn't be so arrogant. Farauda once seriously discussed with his colleagues that they should just ignore those arrogant Nord barbarians and let them sink to the bottom of the sea. , but was rejected.

In the end, when the empire and the Somor elves started a war, the mages used various spells to forcibly transfer all the residents of the collapsed area to a safe area, and then the entire Winterhold sank to the bottom of the sea in front of the stubborn people. The mage academy protected by magic remains.

Afterwards... Farauda was still angry when he thought about it, "why not protect the entire Winterhold if it can protect the academy," "why not transfer our wealth if it can be transferred", "the academy must provide us with shelter" and other strange arguments , even after nearly two decades, there is still a market in this barren village.

This also made it extremely difficult for the Mage Academy to recruit apprentices. Today, there were only three apprentices who came here admiringly, and none of them were natives of Skyrim Province.

When Farauda was about to end the recruitment work and close the gate of the academy, a girl in a mage's robe and a hood appeared in front of the gate.

"Well, is it over?" she asked in a soft voice.

Although she looked like a blond Nord, but with the intuition of the elves and the keen perception of the mage, it could be judged that the woman was not malicious at all, and Farauda decided to give her a chance.

"Did you see the magic well behind me?" She pointed to the "well" emitting blue light inside the gate, and said to the Nord girl, "Ignite it with magic, and you are qualified."

This kind of magic well is used as regular lighting inside the academy, and it only needs the simplest transformation spell "Magic Light" to ignite it. It will provide gentle blue light lighting and slow mana recovery until the magic salt in it is exhausted.

"Is that so?" A small ball emitting white light appeared in the hands of the Nord girl, and she raised her hand and threw it into the magic well, and a blue beam of light rushed out of the well in an instant.

"Very good, you are qualified, go to Mirabelle Erwen to sign up after entering and accept her arrangement.


Farauda watched the Nord girl igniting the magic wells on the long bridge leading to the main building of the academy one by one, and was very satisfied.

The magic wells at the door will go out shortly after they are lit. Their function is only to test the total amount of magic power of the apprentice. Generally speaking, if a magic apprentice who has just awakened his magic ability lights one of the wells, all the mana will be consumed. However, this apprentice unexpectedly All five magic wells along the way were ignited in one breath, which relieved Farauda's depression after standing in the snow for a long time.

Mirabelle must be happy that I have found such a good apprentice, Farauda thought, locking the door of the Wizard's Academy carved with stars, triangles, and suns and double moons in relief.


The main body of the Mage Academy is in the shape of a huge cylinder. It can be seen from the rest of its foundation after the big collapse. In addition to the surface buildings, there are obviously underground parts.

After passing the test of the long bridge, the wind and snow stopped suddenly. This is a circular square with a barrier to block the wind and snow. The main buildings of the "Hall of Arcana" and "Arcane Hall", while on both sides are the residences of apprentices and mentors "Hall of Achievement" and "Hall of Faces".

The Nord girl looked at Farauda who was "finding someone by herself", shrugged and walked towards another male mage wearing a brown mage robe on the square.

"Hey, Gump," she said, "See Mira?"

"Don't call me Forrest Gump!" The male mage was furious instantly: "My name is Anel Gump!"

"Okay, Forrest Gump." The girl continued, "I'm looking for Mira."

"Oh, wait, you are—" Anel Gan looked up and down the Nord girl: "Have you made progress in the transformation spell?"

"It's okay, I'm probably about to be promoted to a legend," the girl gestured in Farauda's direction: "At least one of them has been fooled."

"Hehe, Legend," Anel Gan's eyes twitched, "Mirabelle is in the Temple of Faces, and she is being haunted by that 'consultant'. You, a 'new apprentice', don't make trouble."

"Tsk, the two of them would probably spend a whole day arguing with each other when they met. I really don't know what Suo Mofei is going to send him for." The girl smacked her lips: "Then I'm going to find my father."

"I said, you don't even have the confidence to deceive me, how dare you go to Toftdir? Master of transformation?" Anelgan's hand flashed, and his face turned into an old, kind but revealing Stern old man's face: "Nonsense!"

"It's not like that at all," the girl spread her hands and walked straight to the Temple of Elements, "Besides, father won't expose me in front of the new apprentices, so I'm sure I'll win this bet."

"Who did she bet with and what?" Anel looked at the girl's back, shook his head and turned to leave.


"I think we're fully aware of the dangers of magic, and we wouldn't be here if we didn't know anything about it."

A slightly shrill female voice echoed in the empty hall.

The Temple of Elements is a vaulted hall with a huge magic well. The ring-shaped area in the middle is a place to teach and practice magic because the magic well can be used to quickly restore mana. The tables, chairs and bookshelves around the hall are for learning and recording. As well as the place where the scrolls are copied, in its heyday, this hall, which can accommodate five tutors teaching at the same time, requires a queue to enter.

But now, there are only three apprentices standing in the middle of the hall, and they are taught by Master Tovdir, who would not normally take on this task. Generally speaking, the new apprentices are trained by Anel Gan, who has just graduated from apprentices. After graduation, a mage who has obtained the qualifications of a mentor will serve as a teacher—but since there are only three students at present, there is nothing to complain about.

Moreover, since the operating funds of the Mage Academy are not mainly based on the tuition fees of apprentices-this amount is actually quite low, except for a few mentors who miss the lively scene of the past, the masters are basically happy and leisure, using the enchanting master Sergius Tu Lianus' words: "If they want to enchant weapons or spell scrolls, they still have to come to us."

"Of course, my dear, of course, you all have special talents, I am quite sure of this," said the master surrounded by three apprentices, his voice was old but full of spirit, his dark blue robe looked very old, But the temperament of the whole person does not appear sloppy: "But what I am talking about is the precise control of magic so that it will not escape from one's control. To achieve it requires years or even decades of research and study."

"Then what are we waiting for, let's get started!" said the strangely hissing words from a tailed apprentice whose face under the hood looked like a leopard.

"We just came here, you still don't know what we are capable of, why don't you let us show you?" The remaining male apprentices had red skin, and they seemed to be Redguards who had a hard time becoming mages.

Zag the Tiger, Briarina Mayo the Dark Elf, and Angmond the Redguard, these are the only three apprentices accepted by Farauda today, and they all seem to be from the Grumpy Destruction Department .

"Oh, your last classmate is here," Tolfdil thought, turning his gaze to the Nord girl who sneaked in: "What do you think about this? Should we practice it immediately?"

"I think safety comes first." The girl looked away.

"Don't listen to her, we know our own strength!" The tiger bared his teeth at the girl.

"Oh, well, we can conduct a temporary test, I will use a shield spell, you use your own spells to attack, I will know your approximate level, of course, don't worry about hurting me, old man There is still some confidence in this." Tovdir said while taking two steps back, and unfolded a semicircular barrier.

"Ha!" "Hoo!"

The Khajiit and the Redguard shouted and threw fireballs and lightning, while the Dark Elf flew out several ice blades, and the shield remained motionless.


A huge flame exploded, the barrier flickered and almost went out, and the other three apprentices were dumbfounded.

"I... learned how to control the spell because it is too powerful." The Nord girl shrugged and extinguished the flames gathered in the other hand.

"Oh, well, you should practice the spell I just used. After you are all proficient, I will take you to explore other ways of using magic in history." Tovdir put away the shield, and then put Turning to the Nord girl: "I think we need to talk about how to 'control' your 'power' through some 'means', Zela Pesh (Zero Patient)."

Through the disguise of the illusion, he saw the black-haired, black-eyed "Nord girl" in an academy uniform shivering.

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