The Collection of The End

One thousand four hundred and ninety-eight, Overwatch (8)


Planet Akuz, a closed mining area.

Due to the large number of mechanical giant insects emerging from this newly built camp, it has been completely blocked by the Star Alliance army that was subsequently sensed, and the road leading to the colony is full of destroyed mechanical wreckage.

At this time, a Graytip Shark personnel carrier passed through the uneven "auxiliary road" and arrived at the periphery of the mine.

"[It's strange,]" Saren Atreus was the first to jump out of the car: "[You humans actually prioritize counterattacking the Batarian instead of looking for the technology that may exist here.]"

["Those who offend humanity will be punished no matter how far away they are." (Model)]

["Things are dead, people are alive." (Rebellion)]

["Didn't we come here already?\

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