The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and twenty-one, the fission of the earth (1)

"Collect Doomsday ()"


[Exiting subspace...exit completed]

The speed of leaving the subspace this time was unusually fast, as if someone had kicked him out.

After returning to her android body, Kangna immediately confirmed the current time and the conditions of Saren and Benacia.

It took a total of one hour and thirty-eight minutes from the time she started "uploading" her consciousness to regaining control at this point.

Saren and Benacia were still fainting, whether it was because of the heavy blows they had received before, or because of some other reasons.

[Mission goal: prevent Saren Atreus from being civilized: 15. 】

[Mission goal: Prevent Benacia from being civilized: 15. 】

Judging from these two unchanged tasks, the situation does not appear to be getting worse.

There seems to be something wrong with the time ratio. Previously, she and the fortress went all the way through the Soul Furnace, the Saron Mine, and the Overthrow Hall, met the Lich King, were hunted down, and drank tea and snacks at Kama Taj. It's about ten hours.

In other words, when she went to "Cloud City" before, she obviously spent a lot of time there, but in reality only a few minutes passed. It was very reasonable.

Beep beep~ beep beep~ Bastion waved his arms aside.

Well, the two "people" who were lost in the subspace due to an accident this time have returned safely, but...

Kangna looked at the unconscious Saren and Benacia, but the matter was not resolved at all.

Since the consciousness of this Reaper battleship has completely collapsed, finding a solution from subspace is no longer possible, so we can only use the original plan, which is to take them out of the wreckage of this battleship first.

"Etty? Did anything happen while I was 'hanging up'?" Kangna carried Benacia on her back and signaled the fortress to take Saren with him and prepare to return the same way.

[Captain Anderson has tried to contact you many times, but because there is no one left in the infantry vehicle, he has been unable to contact you. Therefore, I am preparing to bring the Dunkirk over. I have to take it upon myself to tell him that you are okay. 】Etty replied.

"You're right. His current identity is a black businessman supplying Batarians. What does he want to do by casually going to a satellite that obviously has nothing? If the Batarians who put their interests first find out, they will definitely One after another." Kangna nodded and walked out with Benacia.

Speaking of which, although the subtitles that always pop up in front of my eyes look the same, they seem to have very different permissions.

The more basic "target analysis" and "mission briefing" come from SCP. They will be interfered by signals normally. Girls in Cloud City want to interfere with it as easily as drinking water.

The slightly more advanced one is Etty. As a strong AI with self-awareness, she can hack into many systems that cannot be interfered with by normal means. At the same time, she can communicate with Anderson regardless of signal interference.

Even more advanced are the dull "mission reminders" and "objective explanations" when entering Cloud City. They seem to be separate communications from various subspace entities.

And today, Kangna saw a new kind. When faced with the "Lich King" who could isolate herself from Cloud City, it not only was not affected, but also reversed the spiritual interference of the Apocalypse Knights. It is described directly in words, as if they are mocking their low-level methods, and in the end they can even cut off the interference of "The End of Reincarnation" or "The Lich King" - although it is not clear whether there is the help of the Supreme Mage. .

I'm just an ordinary android policewoman who works part-time as an N7 agent and a Citadel ghost. Why do I attract so many big bosses' attention?

Kangna ran through these questions dozens of times in her mind, but no one came out to respond. She didn't know whether it was the wrong way or because they didn't bother to respond to this silly question.



Just when Kangna was halfway back, the Reaper battleship suddenly experienced a violent vibration.

Because the body of consciousness collapses, will the body of reality also collapse?

Kangna raised her eyes and scanned the nearby structures.

But I found that they were quite sturdy and didn't look like they would fall apart any time soon.


Strong roars and earthquakes came again, and this time Kangna could clearly distinguish them. They came from the shell of the Reaper battleship.


[This place is being attacked by Batarian warships, Commander,] Yidi responded: [They may have intercepted my communication with the Dunkirk, sorry. 】

"No, let's not say that they don't have the technical capabilities. Even if they intercept it, they won't send warships without warning." Kang Na shook her head: "This kind of reaction can only be because..."

The fact that he benefited from the "End of Reincarnation" without having to pay the price was discovered by the guy from Batari who had signed a contract with the "Instrument of Desire" based on some occult principles.

This selfish race has always had only one option for grabbing things that do not belong to them. They may have discovered this Reaper warship, regarded it as their own vehicle, and prepared to use force to snatch what they had obtained. If that " If "things" cannot be transferred, they will be destroyed directly. In short, other races cannot benefit - even if it has great hidden dangers.

Obviously, they had no idea that what they got from the Knights of the Apocalypse was basically intangible and insubstantial. They just thought they had drawn the lottery at that time - this is also a common problem among short-sighted and greedy races.

All in all, it is best to escape from the Reaper warship first and let them hit the warship hard to attract the hatred of the Reapers to them.

After all, this is the ultimate weapon responsible for harvesting civilization, and it can last for a long time even if it is bombarded by an entire fleet.

After making up her mind, Kangna greeted the fortress, and the two "people" took Saren and Benacia, who were still unconscious, and ran towards the place they entered before inside the constantly shaking and trembling Reaper battleship.

The results of this investigation came out, and the benefits came from the void. Batari was left with a big blame, and he finally escaped smoothly. It was like a wonderful movie.

If there was no twist at the end of the film.

Just as Kangna ran to the middle of the Reaper battleship, a powerful mass effect cannon penetrated the hull of the Reaper battleship, destroying a large area of ​​the internal structure near her position, revealing an unusually large The core of Mass Effect.

Kangna, who was not directly hit, casually pushed away the debris flying towards her, and then discovered that the core that had been extinguished for an unknown period of time had a faint blue light that lit up after being hit.

Could it be that the mass effect cannon can also recharge the core? But it will be completely destroyed before it can be restarted, right?

Kangna was about to continue running away when a voice stopped her.

【it hurts! 】The huge Mass Effect core shouted: 【Who hits me! 】

Raven! ?

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