The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and forty-seven, infinite war (17)

——? ? ? ——

Warp, Frozen Throne.

"..." Hearing the voice behind him, Thanos froze for a moment, then slowly turned around and looked: "Who are you?"

Appearing at the entrance to the Frozen Throne elevator was a boy who was incompatible with the style here - although Thanos himself was not much better.

The boy looked less than fifteen years old, with a slender figure and a pretty face like a girl. He had short, ear-length pink and white hair. He wore a red and brown pumpkin hat, a green sweatshirt and a blue middle coat. trousers, a red windbreaker, red-faced and white-soled sneakers on his feet, and he was holding a skateboard in his hand.

If you look carefully, you can see that one of his eyes is cyan and the other is gold, and the pupils are in the shape of squares and spades respectively. There is a red heart painted on the left cheek. In addition, there is a big plum blossom inlaid on the side of the pumpkin hat. Ornaments.

"I am [Tetu], you can also call me [Catalyst]" He glanced at Thanos: "You also want to chase me [Sister]?"

Thanos took two seconds to figure out the logic of this sentence.

He picked up the double-headed sword, first glanced at the Frozen Throne separated by the "air wall" and the sleeping girl on it, then looked left and right, and then turned to Tetu: "Who are there? Where are they?"

"The response is not bad," Tetu winked: "Let me add 5 points of favorability to you, mine."

"It's a great honor," Thanos responded nonchalantly, "but you haven't answered my question yet."

"It seems they are called Terror, Slaanesh and Nurgle," Tetu raised a finger and tapped his cheek, thinking as he said, "They wanted to take my sister's place, so I played with them. We played a game and now they are my sister’s ‘Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse’.”

"..." Thanos looked like he was punching the air: "What game?"

"No, no, no, we have to follow the rules," Tetu shook his finger: "After you ask me a question, you must first answer one of my questions before you can continue to ask."

Thanos raised his eyebrows and seemed to recall the previous conversation: "Then you ask."

"How did you and my sister meet?" Tetu asked.

Thanos froze.

"Do you want to say that you, like those 'Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse', 'came here because of their fame'?" Tetu narrowed his eyes, and there was a dangerous aura rising around him.

"That's the second question," Thanos said.

"Don't be stupid, do you think this 'rule' of 'one question, one answer' will be judged purely based on whether it is a question? As long as the previous question is not actually answered, subsequent questions will be considered invalid, and only rhetorical questions can be used When the question can be used as a question and an answer at the same time, the questioner can ask two questions in a row," Tetu said: "So, how did you and my sister meet?"

"I am a doctor, she is a patient, she came to my clinic to see me," Thanos replied: "If you want to ask details, such as what disease and where is the clinic, it is a new question."

"Hmph... What a pity. If you lie or refuse to answer, you have to accept punishment. That's how those cunning guys fell into trouble." Tetu casually gave some additional information, and then said: "It's my turn to ask again. "

"..." Thanos was stunned for a few seconds: "You were just answering my question of 'what game'? - This is not a question."

"Don't be so careful. The only time I can make a sidestep is before you don't know the rules of the game," Tetu said. "But if you want to ask about the details of the rules, it will also be a problem."

"I'm not interested in those little things," Thanos shook his head: "Just ask."

"So... where has your relationship with my sister progressed?" Tetu asked.

"You guys really consider yourself a younger brother," Thanos glared at Tetu: "It doesn't count if I say this unilaterally, and you can't verify it."

"You can say some landmark events that symbolize the relationship,

Tetu didn't take it seriously: "Compared to thoughts, actions and words are more intuitive." "

"She said, 'If one day we have to fight, I won't hold back,' and I said, 'Me too,'" Thanos said reluctantly.

"Pfft." Tetu covered his mouth and narrowed his eyes into crescent moons.

"Is it funny?" Thanos frowned.

"Huhu... Well," Tetu adjusted his expression: "Although you are lying, because it is too ridiculous, I will not erase the relevant memories."

Thanos thought thoughtfully: "You will lose the memory of related events if you lie or refuse to answer? - You said this yourself, I didn't ask."

"Indeed, your previous answer contained parts that you clearly thought were wrong, so it was judged as lying, so you have to answer again - the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse don't get this treatment." Tetu put down his hand.

"Hmph... the 'I' at that time was not me, so is this the reason?" Thanos muttered to himself, and after thinking for a moment, his expression became more and more reluctant: "I said, 'Please do it after you are discharged from the hospital. My girlfriend', she said... 'I'm glad you like me'."

"But you are a good person." Tetu answered naturally.

"Nonsense! We had normal communication afterwards! And we even held hands!" Thanos said angrily.

"I guess it was a polite handshake." Tetu continued.

"It's my turn to ask!"

"you please."

"Huh..." Thanos calmed down his attitude: "So, how is your sister now? How long has she been sleeping? Has she ever woken up?"

"I'm in a good mood now, so I just treat these as a problem." Tetu said.

"...Thank you very much." Thanos gritted his teeth.

"Sister, she has been sleeping for about three billion years. She has never woken up and cannot be approached. Icecrown Citadel originally only existed in its current location. Later, it underwent about forty spontaneous expansions before forming its current scale. Certain 'audience' procedures have been set up," Tetu pointed at his feet: "Based on some details and what I learned from the 'Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse', I can roughly confirm that every expansion is because my sister is active elsewhere. Influence, that is to say, there are approximately forty incarnations of Sister throughout the universe, but the specific location cannot be determined.”

"If nothing else, there should be [42] ones that conform to the [Cosmic Truth], but I'm not sure where it is. This one in the form of the Lich King just happened to..." Thanos touched his chin: "Now change You ask."

"Since you are looking for my sister," Tetu looked at him seriously: "Do you have any plan to wake her up? Even if the 'Reaper' harvests all the civilizations in the galaxy every 50,000 years, it will be useless. .”

"What's the use of that 'alarm clock that only plays soft music'? Either 'turn up the volume' or 'just blow it up.'" Thanos snorted: "As for me, just collect all six [Infinity Stones] ], with a snap of his fingers, he could kill half of all life in the universe in an instant, and 'turn the bed off', and she would definitely wake up."

"My sister is quite angry when she wakes up."

"I'm ready to have my head chopped off."

"No, no, no."

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