The Collection of The End

Chapter 154 The Werewolf and the Girl

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 17th, 21:00——

"Sindin, mother said you should go to rest." Lavicia ran into the grain mill and said to the gray-haired man pushing the mill: "She said 'Faucres has more dead than alive, even if more No one bought the flour'."

"Heh," Xin Ding didn't stop, "You can tell your mother that those imperial soldiers will definitely buy a lot of food when they leave tomorrow morning. They didn't intend to be stationed here."

"No, Mom said I'll watch you stop working." The little girl looked around, ran to a wooden bench in the corner of the mill and sat down, watching Xin Ding work with wide eyes.

She probably misunderstood the meaning of that sentence, Xin Ding thought, this batch of grains will be finished in a while, so it shouldn't be a problem to ask her to wait for a while.

Xin Ding is a homeless person, which is an unpopular status, because Tianji Province is sparsely populated, if it is not lazy, whether it is working in the town, hunting or even joining the army, he can survive and become a A homeless person means that this person has a tendency to become a robber or a thief, and the town guard will not give him a good face when he sees them.

Therefore, when Sintin came to Falkreath and was taken in by the Mathis couple of "Corpse Light Farm", he made up his mind to work hard to repay them.

Although the name of the farm may sound scary, compared with the "Dead Man's Wine" inn, "Grey Coffin Grocery Store" and "Crypt Steel" blacksmith shop, it seems quite normal. The city has been dubbed "the largest graveyard in Skyrim".

It has no city walls. Surrounding the center of the town is a large group of cemeteries. These cemeteries have a longer history than Falkreath itself. Since it borders Cyrodiil and Hammerfell Province at the same time, it is a battleground for military strategists. Countless wars have broken out in history, and soldiers who died in battle are buried here. Even now, Imperial Legions and Stormcloaks will send soldiers who died in battle.

Finally, due to the dense cemetery of Falkreath, one of the eight holy spirits, Arkay, who is in charge of the cycle of life and death, funerals and cemeteries, has attracted the attention of Arkay. , endowing Falkreath with the trait of "not affected by seasonal changes". Although his original intention may be to protect the cemetery, the result has turned Falkreath into the second largest food producer in Skyrim.

The farm where Xin Ding works is just one of the smaller ones.

Those imperial soldiers claimed that they had captured the leader of the Stormcloaks, but he was rescued by a dragon, which is simply nonsense. Sindin continued to push the stone mill. Judging from the tired and embarrassed appearance of the soldiers, he probably captured the Stormcloaks. This matter was true, but instead fell into an ambush by the other party and was beaten to shame.

Due to the particularity of Falkreath, neither of the opposing sides intends to use this place as a strategic stronghold, but to secretly compete with each other in terms of lord replacement.

In this way, I should be able to live here quietly for a few years, and then slowly find a way to solve "that problem", instead of being forced to wander around.

After Sinding stopped the stone mill and collected the husks and flour separately, he found that the daughter of the farmer Mathis, Lavisia, who was just nine years old, had fallen asleep hugging her knees.

Hehe, Sinding chuckled. As a homeless person, the children of Falkreath have always avoided him. You don’t need to guess to know that it’s because of the attitude of their parents. Scare them yourself - scaring ghouls or ghosts is less effective due to the surrounding graveyards.

Only little Lavisia is not afraid of him, and she is very close to him. The reason... Maybe it has something to do with her not liking planting and harvesting, but preferring wild animals and hunting.

When she grows up a bit,

And with the permission of the Mathis couple, Xin Ding thought, maybe he could give her all his hunting clothes, longbow and hunting experience.

However, this idea was shattered in the next moment.

When Sin Ding was about to reach out to pick up the girl and send her back to her parents as he did several times before, a familiar wild thought that frightened him instantly suppressed his thoughts.

【prey! Shred! blood! 】No, wait...【Kill! die! Devour! 】Stop——

Xin Ding watched in despair as his arms stretched out towards the girl were instantly covered with thick animal fur, and his hands, which had recently become accustomed to farm work, turned into giant claws.

No! His Majesty Hircine! why! ?

The desperate call was not answered at all, and what Sinding saw before his sanity was completely swallowed was the light reflected from the huge ring on his paw.


Lavicia didn't like the crops on the farm at all. They were as cold and silent as the tombstones around Falkreath, far inferior to the flying butterflies, the occasional wild goats, and the one that Runier raised. The old dog is kind.

Runier is the priest of the Akai Temple and manages the surrounding cemeteries. He looks very old and always likes to say some strange things like "reincarnation of life and death".

Lavisia used to go to play with his—his dog a lot, but not long ago, after he told his parents something weird about "will die at the claws of wild animals," they never let her near any animals.

Moreover, after hearing that the new wanderer had been a hunter, he even directly hired him as a helper.

She didn't know how to express it, but this big man named Sinding made her feel like a beast that was more ferocious than Runier's dog. Although she was a little scared, she couldn't help finding excuses to approach him every day.

When awakened by strong heart palpitations, Lavisia saw a huge beast in front of him. Its body looked like an unusually strong person, covered with black hairs like upside-down steel nails, but its head But it was in the shape of a wolf, baring its snow-white teeth and waving its sharp claws towards her.

"It's beautiful." She blurted out.

Swish—huge claws passed in front of her, the braid hanging on the right shoulder was cut off directly, and a slit was caught in the clothing on the shoulder.

But she herself had already appeared outside the mill, being hugged by a big sister with black hair, black eyes and sharp ears, wearing a hood and a robe that looked somewhat similar to Runier.

"Wow," she heard the female mage muttering to herself: "Hiersing's 'beast instinct' is really strong. He found out what I was going to do just as soon as I opened the 'Gate of Annihilation'."

"Sister, can you help Xinding?" Lavisia reached out and grabbed her clothes.

"His words are very troublesome. As long as the ring is there, he will always be controlled by Hirsine. It is safer to lock him up." The female mage said something that the girl couldn't understand, "Anyway, lock him up first, if you like werewolves If so, I can send you to a place full of werewolves around."

The female mage freed a hand, drew a row of beautiful words in the air, and then tapped lightly, Lavisia saw a "self" appearing in front of "Sinding" who was roaring loudly because he lost his target, and then Blindfolded.


"My God——" Lavisia felt the female mage holding her trembling and twitching: "Even if you prepared to reduce the damage in advance...I'll go, you mad dog, ah—"

After the female mage let go of her blindfolded hands panting, Lavisia saw the blood-stained Sinding, who had been restored to his original form, staring in a daze at a large pool of blood in front of him.

"Lacey—" "Oh no—" "You have committed a great crime against the inhabitants of Falkreath. Come with us."

The Mathis couple fainted on the spot when they heard the howling of wolves, and the heavily armed Falkreese guards unsheathed their weapons and surrounded him nervously.

"I..." Xin Ding raised his hand, looked at the end of the little braid between his fingers, and looked at the blood on the ground, his eyes gradually lost their luster: "You guys kill me..."

"Father—mother—" Lavisia struggled to run over, but was hugged tightly by the female mage. It was especially strange that everyone close at hand turned a blind eye to the two of them.

"Lavisia, you are a big girl," the female mage said with a weak voice, "If you must go out now, Xin Ding will only instantly turn into a monster just now, and kill these guards along with your parents. "

"Then what should I do?" The little girl stopped struggling. Although she still couldn't understand what happened, there was nothing wrong with the female mage helping herself, and no one was injured so far—except the mage herself.

Although her robe was not damaged, there were many claw-shaped and tooth-shaped bloodstains constantly appearing on it, and then disappeared with the faint golden light that appeared in the same position.

"Hurry up!" Since the opponent could turn into a werewolf, the guards didn't dare to kill him directly. They held up their weapons and escorted Sinding towards the cell: "You will get a justice!"

"Damn Sin Ding! We shouldn't have believed you!" The Mathiss quickly woke up and cursed at Sin Ding who bowed his head and left: "You are not a hunter, you are a beast yourself! Damn the beast !"

"I will send you to a place." The female mage waved her hands and summoned a crack full of stars in front of her: "There are many people there who are like Xin Ding, but they can control themselves. When they decide to release their blood At that time, you brought up Xin Ding's affairs and asked them for help."

"Mom, Dad, and Sinding..." Lavisia looked at the chaos not far away. It seemed that the lord of Falkreath was alarmed, and sent his own guards to inquire about the situation, and immediately joined the escort team.

"Because the demon god was involved in this accident, they didn't dare to deal with it arbitrarily, and they should have pressed him in the deepest water prison and reported it." The female mage led the girl into the crack: "When this matter is finally resolved, you can come back — not long."


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