The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and forty-nine, infinite war (19)


Citadel, Ring District.

"It is said to be a 'Citadel', but if you look closely at the structure, it is basically the [Spear of Glory and Reach] that I built before."

Thanos seemed to be in a very happy mood because he outshone Tetu in his speaking skills. When walking inside the castle, he was still in the mood to comment on his appearance:

"The anchors that fix the world, one black and one white, completely correspond, but no one should be able to pick them up and poke people. Even if they can be picked up, all the residents inside must be killed first... huh?"


Buzz! Buzz!

A red speed car suddenly detached from the special speed car channel above the ring area, turned around and ran away. Two cars were patrolling nearby, and the blue and white police speed car immediately accelerated to catch up.

Like other passers-by, Thanos raised his multi-tool to take pictures of the scene, but the flashing light of the camera function was actually the flash of the Mind Stone activated.

"Well... the person who was smuggling 'red sand' received an inside message saying that he had been targeted, so he ran away directly. The two CSEC anti-smuggling police officers who were following him had no choice but to give up their disguise and chase after them, but They judged that the other party's vehicle had been modified and might not be able to catch up..." Thanos put down his multi-tool: "Why is there such a scene in an old police and gangster movie?"

"Is this the third time this month?"

"Sure enough, even if it is a backward civilization in the corner, its destruction will eventually affect the 'center of the universe' called the Citadel."

Two passers-by who were also holding up multi-tools to take pictures began to chat, and Thanos, relying on the fact that he had the Reality Stone that others could not see or hear him, began to eavesdrop openly.

This is an Asari and a Salarian, perhaps they are proud to be members of the three major civilizations of the Citadel Council. Although they did not know each other before, the atmosphere between the two was quite harmonious.

"The six-eyed civilization called 'Batari' disobeyed the Citadel Convention and plundered the populations of other civilizations many times. The Citadel Council had long planned to destroy them, and now their home planet has been destroyed by humans. It can be said that He deserves it.”

"However, this is where the trouble lies. They are a civilization that is so rotten that it can't get any worse, so they dare to do anything illegal, including making, smuggling and selling red sand. It is said that they even have a fixed network Those contraband can be transported across the galaxy."

"Yes, that's right. After Batari was destroyed, the original smuggling network was emptied out. Naturally, the morons who provided these lines couldn't accept the sudden loss of their regular income, so they started looking for a new one to continue using these lines, but they couldn't find a new one to continue using these lines. The newcomers who come here are not good enough, and they get caught by the tail from time to time, and they have to hide the bottom line frequently.”

"According to internal information, because they have leaked the truth so many times, the council is already catching these moths, either this month or next month."

"Really? I also have inside information. It seems that the Batarians were not wiped out by humans, but legendary ones... These topics don't seem suitable to be discussed outside. How about we find a place to sit down?"

"Okay, okay."

Thanos looked at the two people leaving, shook his head and walked towards the ring area station.


The health district where the embassy is located.

Different from the ring area where most passers-by are Asari, Salarian and Turian, the racial types in the embassy area can be described as "a hundred flowers bloom".

Not to mention the weird humanoid creatures, there are even four-legged, cow-like creatures floating in the air, jellyfish wearing water masks, as short as moles, even indoors wearing a big round space helmet Canine creatures, and… dinosaurs with huge heads that walked upright that looked like they had escaped from a museum.

Obviously, these races of different civilizations all come to their own embassy to do business. Perhaps in their eyes, the three major races of humans and parliament are weird.

Thanos looked around at these strange races and walked through their "embassy" that looked like an office cubicle.

Arriving at the human embassy with a separate entrance and courtyard.

"Hmm, because humans performed well and even amazingly in the Batarian Counterattack, the Citadel Council gave humans a larger embassy. Although it was suspected of being arrogant and respectful, at least it showed its attitude. "

Thanos withdrew his gaze and was about to ring the doorbell, but before his hand actually touched the "doorbell", he took it back again and even took a few steps back, pretending to have just arrived.


The door of the embassy opened to both sides, and a human man with medium brown hair and wearing a Citadel police uniform walked out angrily, shouting as he walked: "If you are not willing to provide assistance, I will - —”

He saw Thanos in front of the door, looked at his N7 armor up and down, and then interrupted his words: "New here?"

"Yes, sir." Thanos gave him a Star Alliance military salute.

"No, I'm not your commander yet, and maybe I won't be in the future," the man returned, then glanced back at the closed door: "Go, that old cunning Nick Fury is inside."

After that, Thanos didn't wait for a reply, and walked past him quickly and left.

"Hello, Ambassador Fury." Thanos walked into the embassy, ​​checked in at the front desk, and soon met the bald human ambassador to the Citadel.

"Hmm..." Nick Fury flipped through the information on the terminal: "John Shepard, N7?"

"Yes, sir." Thanos stood at attention, as straight as a javelin.

"Okay, okay, another Shepard, don't you N7 have a code name you like?" Nick Fury shook his head and added something on the terminal.

"Kanna-senpai is our role model, sir." Thanos replied.

"Although you seem to be looking forward to what mission I will give you, it seems that you are going to be disappointed." Nick Fury shook his head: "Because the Star Alliance showed extremely strong combat effectiveness in the Batarian Counterattack. , the range of activities of our ships and soldiers has been strictly restricted. If you choose to stay, you will either work as a ground handler for the Star Alliance fleet stationed in the Citadel, or join CSEC as a Citadel patrol."

"I obey your arrangements, sir," Thanos replied without hesitation: "But I would rather get a job where I can show off my talents."

"Well... in this case... I will send you to CSEC." Nick Fury looked at Thanos, seemed to have thought of something, looked around, stood up and approached him, and lowered his voice: "You should watch Now it’s time for Allen, who just left angrily. He is troubled by the unfavorable issue of pursuing the smuggling of red sand, and has been accused by the media of being an insider. I will send you to verify and solve this. If there is an insider If so, how about finding him?"

"Promise to complete the mission, sir." Thanos replied instantly.

"Well...if they can even drag down N7 fresh graduates," Nick Fury took two steps back and looked at Thanos: "Then I will admit defeat."

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