The Collection of The End

One Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty-Five, Mass Effect (5)

"Collect Doomsday ()"


Eden Prime, satellite orbit, Normandy.

"Well..." Thanos opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling of the Normandy medical cabin. After being stunned for a moment, he said, "What happened?"

"Captain, you are finally awake." As he asked, an old male voice sounded beside him. When he turned around to look, he found that it was the old ship's doctor assigned to Normandy by the Star Alliance: "The first injured in the new post. The problem turned out to be the captain, it seems that my old bones have not been able to take time off recently."

"What happened to me?" Thanos sat up and asked, pinching his forehead.

"Although you can look at the combat recorder, I suggest you talk about what you remember so that I can confirm whether you have memory loss." The old ship's doctor turned his chair and assumed a listening posture.

"I remember..." Thanos pinched his forehead again: "After the first encounter, we quickly encountered the 212th Squadron responsible for defending Eden. They were fighting fiercely with the geth."

"Yes, Corporal Ashley Williams was the one you rescued and is on the ship at this time." The old ship's doctor nodded.

"Williams...?" Thanos raised his eyebrows.

"That's right, the granddaughter of the First Fleet Commander. The old man must have never thought that the ordinary agricultural planet where juniors are trained would be attacked by the geth. Although the girl was not very happy, she has been forcibly ordered to board the ship and you will take her there. Return to Star Alliance." The old ship doctor continued to nod.

"Ordinary ship doctors would not dare to call the First Fleet Commander 'Old Man'." Thanos looked him up and down.

"An ordinary N7 can't recruit turians and krogan as its crew," the old ship's doctor obviously didn't intend to explain: "continue."

"After rescuing the 212th Squadron and a settlement, we learned from the residents that Eden discovered the Prothean ruins when developing new farmland. It was those ruins that attracted the geth and...'Reaper '." Thanos said as he recalled.

"Obviously, their guess was not accurate," the old ship's doctor shook his head: "Those ruins first attracted a group of Batarian pirates, and they somehow attracted the Geth, and they were destroyed by those mechanical monsters. It's in space, and as for the Reapers, I'm skeptical about whether these things from myths and legends exist."

"This mission doesn't look simple." Thanos looked at the old ship's doctor meaningfully.

"With the current shortage of manpower in the Star Alliance, how can we possibly give you a ship to run around?" The old ship's doctor calmly changed the subject: "After evaluating the Eden report, we believe that the things found in the ruins are possible Caused a second technological leap, and prepared to send you to secretly transport the valuable items, but apparently, the intelligence was leaked."

"So... what you found?"

"That's a question for you."

"..." Thanos recalled for a while and continued: "After fierce fighting along the way, we successfully arrived at the excavation site, but before that, the Reaper battleship had already taken off and left. If the local residents found anything of value, , I believe it has been taken away.”

"About this, I'm not sure whether your memory is accurate," the old ship's doctor shook his head: "Although almost all the crew members insisted that a Reaper warship appeared, there is no evidence to prove this - any 'reapers' should theoretically be photographed ', that ship does not exist in any of the impact data."

"How is that possible?" Thanos frowned.

"From my point of view, either that ship has the ability to 'erase the images it left behind', or it is actually just a virtual image released by Geth to scare people, or... your minds are entering This system was also subject to 'warp erosion'."

"This..." Thanos pinched his forehead, seeming worried.

"But that kind of thing has nothing to do with me, an ordinary ship's doctor." The old ship's doctor shook his head. "Continue to think about your experience and see if there are any omissions or gaps."

"Next..." Thanos raised his head slightly and thought: "Jerkins, Gallas, Grant, and Ashley will fight together.

After cleaning up the remaining geth in the excavation site, we discovered that they were trying to set up explosives to blow up the entire excavation site. We deactivated all the detonators at the last minute, and then found something like an antenna, and then... then... ? "

Thanos pressed his forehead, his expression becoming confused.

"You don't have to force yourself to think about it," the old ship's doctor waved his hand and turned the terminal on his desk: "It's not a big deal to lose about 10 minutes of memory. You can move freely now."

"Hmm..." Thanos looked at the screen on the terminal. It seemed to be Gallas's main perspective. The elite team was exploring everywhere, and there were subtitles below.

The most eye-catching thing is a strange cylinder with a hollow ring inserted at the top.

[Galas: Shepard, what do you think this is? Some kind of antenna? 】

[Shepard: No matter what it is, it will not be the target of the geth and the reapers. They have already left and are trying to blow up this place. 】

[Ashley: But it’s the only thing sending out information in the entire excavation site. 】

[Shepard: Then, it may be the key to causing this attack, but the on-site investigation should be left to the Star Alliance scientists. 】

[Grant: Hey! Shepard, look, they dug a big hole here. 】

When everyone carefully surveyed the environment and prepared to retreat, Jenkins walked up to the "antenna" in a daze at some point and tried to touch it.

[Jerkins: It's...calling me...]

[Shepard: Hey! careful. 】

Thanos in the picture rushed forward, grabbed Jenkins and threw him back. Unexpectedly, the "antenna" suddenly emitted a cloud of turbid green light, directly "sucking" Thanos in On the "antenna".

The scene was filled with chaos. Several crew members wanted to rescue but were isolated by the green light.

About two minutes later, the strange cylinder and the ring at the top exploded, ejecting Thanos adsorbed on it, and the live video was immediately turned off.

"Hmm... I really don't remember this situation," Thanos jumped off the hospital bed and moved his hands and feet: "But he didn't seem to be injured?"

"Then do you know that you were asleep for a total of 42 hours?" The old ship's doctor glanced at him: "And you were in the REM state the whole time. Were you having a sweet dream?"

"I don't remember," Thanos raised his lips: "But it must be a sweet dream."

"42...sweet dreams of spending time with her day and night..."

As usual, no one could hear the last words but himself.

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