The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and fifty-seven, mass effect (7)

"Collect Doomsday ()"


"Overlord" Reaper battleship, conference room.

A racially diverse crew is discussing their next plan.

Although the appearance of the Prothean Javik with "four eyes and eight pupils", "three petals" and "three fingers" is a bit weird, the crew members have even seen living reapers. This weirdness is not a barrier to communication at all, especially It was Benacia, whose intense gaze whenever he was seen led Jarvik to repeatedly declare "I have no interest in lower aquatic molluscs."

So Asari evolved from starfish?

No, this guy wasn't so venomous in the fantasy world. Could it be that he was suppressed by his superiors and didn't dare to reveal his true nature?

"So, Commander Jarvik, I have roughly told you the current situation. How do you think we should deal with the Reapers?" Kangna put down the "current situation of the galaxy" summarized by Etty and asked Jarvik.

"[Lie down and die.]" Javik responded.

"...Benacia? Is there something wrong with your communicator? Why do I think he said 'fight to the death'?" Kangna turned to the Asari matriarch.

"You can doubt me, but you can't doubt Asari's technology. This is our most advanced 'Scholar V' universal tool." Benacia said with a proud expression: "The translation is to wait for death, that is to wait for death .”

No, this is nothing to be proud of, right?

"You mean..." Saren touched the exoskeleton beside his mouth: "You are very unfavorable about our current military strength?"

"[We, the Protheans, failed to defeat the Reapers despite gathering all the forces in the galaxy. And instead of concentrating our forces, you also came up with what kind of 'Galactic Alliance'? Those civilizations with only one or two small galaxies have Do you have any ability to protect yourself when facing the Reapers? When they are destroyed, they will turn into 'corpse puppets' and become elite warriors to attack the next civilization!]" Jarvik slapped the table: "[Not just waiting to die. ! Still sending it!】"

"But, it was you who left the message saying that all civilizations cannot be wiped out and one family can dominate." Kangna spread her hands.

"[The meaning of that sentence is that all existing civilizations should form an unbreakable alliance, not this so-called 'alliance' in which each other is still in intrigues and fighting against each other because of differences in politics, economy, military, culture and even values! ]" Jarvik is still dissatisfied.

Well, this translation function does work.

"So...the specific reason?" Kangna asked.

"[Corpse puppets, mechanical auxiliaries, conventional vehicles, ships, and even small Reaper warships can all be dealt with by conventional forces, but -" Jarvik pointed to the surroundings: "[If it is this kind of incidental education ability The 'Overlord-class' Reaper, how many battleships do you think it takes to kill it?"

"[Don't hit me QAQ~]" Ruiwen's image jumped out, relying on the fact that she was a virtual image, and even made an emoticon.

"[...]" Jarvik was suspiciously silent for a few seconds before saying: "[You are lucky this time, using the AI ​​you illegally researched to control the abandoned Reaper warship, but what if it is the lively ones?]"

"In other words, we need a 'hero', the kind who can kill the giant Reaper warship alone? But what does this have to do with preserving civilization?" Kangna thought about the situation at Europa Academy 7 and felt that this There is a door.

"[A superpower who is powerful enough to challenge the Reaper warships is naturally necessary. Even if he cannot arrive in time to every civilization under attack, it will be of great help to improve the morale of the entire confrontation. As for preserving civilization... ...For example, if there is only one civilization in the galaxy, then all places not under its control will be marked according to known 'values', such as mineral resources, such as biological resources, and they will be developed only for these reasons. value, and potential 'combat power resources' will be ignored, for example, an insect swarm that can multiply rapidly and have strong combat power after modifying its DNA.

It will only be regarded as a strange native species, a plant that can merge with other living things and replicate, it will only be regarded as a piranha, and only a certain civilization is limited to a certain range, and it still has to do its best to resist the reapers. Only when you make contributions can these things be discovered and applied. In the current form of your 'Galactic Alliance', although similar weapons may appear, they are basically used as secret weapons to deal with neighbors, right? ] Javik said he was a little thirsty, so he grabbed the cup and started drinking water.

"About that kind of insect swarm, maybe you are talking about 'Rachnai'," Benacia turned over her multi-purpose tool: "But they were wiped out by the Krogan people a thousand years ago because they were too prevalent. Well, as for what kind of plant... we don’t seem to have records.”

"[Impossible,]" Jarvik put down the water glass and narrowed his eyes: "['Insect swarms', due to the simple structure of DNA, can be born in any biological laboratory. If someone secretly leaves the tissue for testing, According to research, the possibility of reappearance is basically 100%. Can you guarantee that not a single cell of those 'Raxnai' is left?]"

"I can guarantee that they must have cells left behind. Those Salarian people will not let the research objects disappear, but since there has been no decent results for a thousand years, it is obvious that they have not been able to study anything." Benacia turned the page. Universal tool records.

"[The beacons I left behind should contain some preliminary transformation results. If you are confident enough to control them, you can create some to use as cannon fodder. The advantage is that they will not turn into corpse puppets.]" Javik nodded.

"The Geth under our control should have sufficient conditions," Benacia nodded: "But we have never heard of plants that can fuse with animals."

"[That kind of inert plant is in a dormant state most of the time, have you heard of it...]" Javik paused: "[No, even if the planet has been developed, the name must be the same as yours..." Different, have you used our 'cosmic coordinates'?]"

"There are some in the Scholar's Multi-Tool, but they are not commonly used." Benacia fiddled with the Multi-Tool in his hand, nodded and then shook his head.

"[I will give you the coordinates, go there and look for it. As expected, those sleepy plants are still there.]" Jarvik looked at Benacia's arm: "[Insects, plants and machines, as separate One surprise soldier should be enough.】"

"Why bother? Why don't you give me some pointers on my star map?" Benacia drove over with a multi-purpose tool.

"[I must reiterate that I am not interested in lower aquatic molluscs.]"

"Well... if you look at it this way, the operation of Eden Prime can be said to be a major victory." Saren ignored the cross-species flirting over there and turned to look at Kangna.

"But Geth was actually able to receive the order to destroy the ruins and Javik, which means that the return of the Reaper is one step closer." Kangna shook her head.

Wall-E~Beep~Fortress, who had nothing to do the whole time, turned his head and looked at this and that.

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