The Collection of The End

One Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty-Nine, Mass Effect (9)

"Collect Doomsday ()"


Citadel, Guard District.

The Citadel is a fortress and a city. In addition to normal foreign trade, there is also a market for trade between the residents living inside the Citadel.

In addition to normal transactions related to living supplies, manufacturing materials, design blueprints, weapons and equipment, and even spacecraft, there will naturally be various abnormal and even illegal transactions. The two parties often agree to do so in a remote place, and even if something goes wrong, CSEC will not be able to arrive in time. At this time, having the power of self-protection is an important condition for completing these transactions that are not protected by the laws of the Citadel.

At this time, a similar transaction was going on in a remote corridor in the market area.

One of them is a creature that is similar to a human, but more slender, and is suspiciously female, except that she has strange reverse-jointed knees and amphibian-like feet, and her whole body is covered by a one-piece blue-gray space suit. Wearing a hood and an opaque full-coverage mask on his face, his face cannot be seen clearly.

On the other side were four fully armed Batarians.

In this situation, even if the worst VI were to deduce it, one could conclude that Batari wanted to take advantage of others, but the woman obviously hadn't realized this yet.

"Are you the agent of the 'Shadow Brokers'?" She asked in a slightly electronic voice: "Can you provide me with a channel to submit the evidence of human and Turian ghost rebellion to the Citadel Council?"

"Of course," the leader of the Batarian bared his teeth and said, "The information of the 'Shadow Broker' is a hot commodity in the Citadel Council. Now, just give us the 'evidence' and leave."

The woman took two steps forward and suddenly paused: "Wait a minute, I think the agreement between me and the Shadow Broker is 'give me a deposit after confirming that the information is valuable, and you will make up the balance after selling it'?"

"That's right, we have already figured out how to divide the deposit." The leader Batari raised his hand, and the other three Batari drew their guns at the same time and opened fire on the woman.

"What the hell!" The woman waved her hand first, wrapping herself in a thick white shield. However, these shields could only support her until she threw herself behind the nearest bunker when faced with the suppression of ferocious firepower: " You are not from the Shadow Brokers!"

"It's just 'no more'. We are still very familiar with that set of things." The Batarian maintained fire suppression while approaching the woman's hiding place: "If you want to blame it, it's your lack of information. Contact us who have been kicked out. Former employee.”

The woman took out a small pistol and tried to fight back, but it only slightly slowed down their advance: "You deserve to be kicked out!"

"That's all the fault of that damn human CSEC. Your evidence can help us stab humanity, and we can also get a share of intelligence revenue, and may even return to the hands of the Shadow Brokers," the Batarian continued to suppress fire. Said: "As long as you die here, the whole link will be perfect."

"It seems that you have to learn what incomplete beauty is, six-eyed monster." Following a man's voice, a round, shining red thing flew from a distance and landed at the feet of several Batari.

"Shet!" Batari couldn't catch it and kicked it.

Boom! !


Normandie, conference room.

"Shepard, I think there is something wrong with your definition of 'mutilated beauty'," Galax looked at Thanos: "A person who is not torn apart can represent 'mutilated beauty'."

"How do I know he's going to kick a big pineapple that explodes on a second collision?" Thanos shrugged.

"Ha! We will definitely be rated as the most unpopular passengers in the Citadel by CSEC!" Grant laughed.

"Don't worry, they will get used to it after a few more visits," Thanos turned to look at the woman: "So, what do you call this Ms. Quali?"

"Do you know this is a kidnapping? Commander Shepard?" The quarian woman looked at Thanos and then at Gallas - although she was not sure because of the mask: "You want me to give up complaining about your race. The ghost?"

“We generally call this kind of behavior ‘life-saving grace’.

Madam," Thanos and Gallas looked at each other, and then said: "In addition, due to the multi-faceted operation of our ambassador, even if you throw the so-called evidence in their faces, they will turn a blind eye. "

"Hmph, disgusting politics," the Quarian woman tilted her head: "Then what do you want to do by bringing me here? Humiliate me?"

"No, that kind of thing is meaningless," Thanos shook his head: "We judge that the reason why you continue to complain is not because you have any prejudice against humans or turians, but because you hate them for mixing with geth. ,right?"

"..." The Quili woman was silent.

"Do you think that humans and Turians will tolerate their agents betraying civilization and betraying the Citadel? But is it too hasty to make a direct conclusion based on a single piece of evidence?" Thanos looked at the Quarian women and said: "We Next, we will conduct a series of investigations on the geth who suddenly appeared outside the Perseus Veil. If they really betrayed us, we ourselves will not let the traitors go, and we invite you here just to allow you to participate and participate in the whole process. Supervision.”

"Then I request to participate in all on-site operations, rather than hiding on the ship and listening to reports." The Quali woman sat up slightly.

"Of course, I think the Quarians' mechanical knowledge and understanding of the geth will be of great help to us," Thanos stretched out his hand: "So, deal?"

"Well..." the Quarian woman hesitantly stretched out her hand to shake his hand: "Let me introduce myself again, my name is Tali, Tali Zora Na Leia, now I am named Tali Zora Normandy. Leia."

"Huh?" Thanos looked like he entered without understanding the name of the ship.

"This is a special thing about Quarian names," Gallas explained: "The front is the official name, and the two suffixes are 'the ship in service, and the ship where he was born. During the wandering period, the middle name The name will be 'None'."

"Oh..." Thanos nodded to express his understanding: "I am John Shepard. I believe you already know. Now you can go and choose a room of your own. We will set off soon."

"No, before that, I have to show you the evidence. It was intercepted when I dismantled a geth," Tali shook her head, activated her multi-tool, and started to play an audio.

"[...Eden a major victory...]"

"[...The return of the one step closer...]"

Although the voices were intermittent, the voices of Saren Atreus and Connor Shepard could still be heard.

"What the hell," Thanos said: "How can we get back on track when the plot has become such a mess? Did the two of them do it on purpose?"

As always, no one could hear his second sentence.

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