The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and eighty-six, mass effect (36)

"Collect Doomsday ()"!


Planet Vormel, surface of the geth mothership.

The invisible Normandy quietly "landed" at the predetermined rendezvous point, and the action team quickly ran out of a gap and ran onto the battleship through the opened landing hatch.

"[Welcome back! Commander! I don't know if you've seen it, but my wonderful dodge, of course, Tali and Galax's precise shooting are also very important,]" Thanos and the team members had just boarded the ship, and they heard Until Kaiden boasted about himself in the channel: "[It seems that you have also successfully completed the planned goal... um, is that a geth?]"

"['I' is 'Legion'.]" Legion still doesn't seem to be used to using odd numbers to refer to itself.

"Don't be nervous, these are my newly recruited crew members," Thanos raised his hand and pointed back: "Now, leave this old antique before my ship is disfigured by the pursuing Geth."

"[We are invisible...oh, hell.]"

It can be clearly seen from the landing hatch that has not been closed that there are densely packed geths like termites "swarming" out of the gap in the battleship where the landing team rushed out. Tactical stealth obviously has no effect on this numerical advantage.

"[Hold on tight!]" Kaiden shouted, activating the point defense cannon and shooting away the nearest geths, and suddenly flew vertically into the air, and the geths were stacked on top of each other as if they didn't want to give up. They tried to pounce on Normandy, but in the end, they just piled up a "mountain of people" that suddenly scattered.

"[Hey~ It seems you hurt it inside, Commander,]" Kaiden whistled: "[Maybe you should take a look at the battle situation on the ground, Grant is really good.]"

"If you strictly follow the arrangements before I left, there will basically be no problems." After the hatch was closed, Thanos led Ashley, Jenkins and Legion towards the elevator on the landing deck: "Geth All ground troops have been wiped out, three-quarters of the warships have been damaged, and they are in full retreat, right?"

"[You are really amazing, is this the strength of N7? I should have signed up in the first place.]" Kaiden rambled.

"Even if you apply, you still won't get through." Ashley interjected.

"[Don't underestimate the pilot, all the seniors with brittle bone syndrome passed it, I——]" Caiden suddenly changed his tone: "[Ah, no, Gallas and Tully are down there, even if she kills them A lot of geth ships returned to normal after that, but if I see a living geth... I should stop the elevator first?]"

"It doesn't matter,

It's normal for crew members to have some conflicts among themselves. Thanos said without pause.

"[That's not 'sort of'...but I think you can do it.]" Kaiden interrupted the call.

The elevator doors parted to both sides, and the field team and fire team faced each other.

"Shepard, I didn't know Tali was so good at heavy firepower. You're so... ugh." After seeing Thanos, Galax started to praise Tali, but at a glance he saw the person behind him. Geth was immediately stuck and subconsciously raised his hand to stop Tali who was following behind.

"Ah? What?" Tully walked out from the other side of his hand and took a look: "It turns out to be Geth..."

Although the quarians wear full-cover opaque masks, two small curved crescents can still be seen in the eyes. Usually Tully's pair of "crescents" are basically curved upward, but now, they are in The state of bending downward.

It looked like... a sleepy person who hadn't slept for a long time.

Perhaps due to the influence of this strange state, contrary to almost everyone's expectations, Tully did not become furious when she saw Gethmaw and drew her gun to fight. Instead, she stepped forward and poked Legion's breastplate with her finger: "Don't cause trouble, kid, or I'll cut you into parts with my own hands."

"[We have always respected the 'creator' very much.]" Legion responded.

"Humph, whose creation would drive the creator away from their home planet?" She walked past the legion and entered the elevator: "Watch your pets, Commander."

"That's our new crew member, Tali," Thanos responded.

"Whatever," Tali waved her hand and turned to Galax: "What are you waiting for?"

"No, it's nothing." Gallas followed with a confused look.

Then, the elevator closed and the two sides were separated.

"How did you do it? Let a quarian and a geth fight without meeting each other?" Ashley was surprised.

"If you had a hearty meal, would you be interested in a military energy bar to satisfy your hunger?" Thanos spread his hands: "After destroying a hundred geth warships, she saw that ordinary geth would only use it as a road. Pebbles on the side."

"[Actually, it's one hundred and twenty-seven.]" Kaiden resumed communication: "[Let me just say that Tully kept shouting about killing all the geth, but at the end of the fight, she voluntarily gave up and continued to control the main gun. The opportunity... But how long will this kind of 'full meal' last? I don't want to wake up and find a big hole in the cabin.】"

"No, the so-called 'big meal' is just a metaphor, so she won't be 'hungry' again," Thanos shook his head: "Her PTSD has been cured and she won't go crazy when she sees Geth."

"As expected of a commander!" Jenkins praised.

"[However, the geth mothership is still a problem,]" Kaiden said: "[If it plans to land directly and then roll on the spot, it will be in vain no matter how hard the krogan fight.]"

"The action you assume is interesting, but it won't do that." Thanos smiled and shook his head: "If nothing happens, it should evacuate quickly."

"[Huh? Why? What did you do inside it?]" Kaiden asked.

"I just made him believe..." Thanos paused: "If he continues to stay in Wormel, his soul will be gone."

"[I don't understand, but just think what you said is true.]" Kaiden closed the communication.

"What are we going to do now, Commander?" Ashley asked.

"Let's go find Liara and let Grant and Lex conclude an agreement." Thanos looked in the direction of the communications room: "If she is smart enough, it should have been completed."


A few hours later, the remaining geth warships all returned to the geth mothership.

Because the cylindrical battleship was too large and parked at high altitude, neither the Normandy nor the Krogan anti-aircraft guns could do anything to it.

The Krogans were all fully armed and stared up at it, waiting for its next move, such as firing a main gun or using some large-scale weapon.

However, the mothership did not do this. Perhaps it also knew that the operation failed and could not achieve its goal if it continued. Shortly after retrieving all the warships, it directly re-entered the clouds and disappeared without a trace.

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