The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and ninety-nine, mass effect (49)



[John, your ship is smaller than mine. It only has three floors. The warehouse, mechanical repair deck and landing module are on the same floor. There is no separate captain's cabin? 】

After confirming that even if the ship jumped, she would maintain the relative distance from John Shepard like a satellite orbiting the planet, Connor began to wander around with confidence - dragging John with her.

The lively energy she displayed was completely inconsistent with the "calm and capable" image in the Star Alliance information. Perhaps she originally had this character, but was bound by the android's body.

"You are a 'ghost'. In order to save face, Star Alliance and the Citadel will also decorate and renovate your car." John pretended to inspect the ship and followed Kangna around: "And I Just a regular N7."

[Although your ship is small, you can recruit a lot of crew members.] Kangna flew to the mechanical deck: [I didn’t recruit quarians. 】

"Commander." "Shepard." Galax and Tali greeted John.

They were studying some potentially valuable Reaper warship wreckage there. In order to take care of the Legion's emotions, the geth wreckage was not brought on board.

"The threat of the Reapers has been eliminated for the time being. Aren't you two going to go home and take a look? Liara and Grant have both left." John looked at the two of them: "With this achievement, maybe the Turians will give Gallas, you lead a battle group, and Tully, we defeated the geth army that attacked the Citadel, and we also obtained a lot of geth technology. If you bring back the immigration fleet and run it, you may even become a quarian. Ambassador at the Citadel.”

"No... it's a little early to meet the parents... now..." "We plan to continue learning from the commander for a while!" Gallas directly interrupted Tali's self-destruction.

[The quarian face is really strange, why is it purple? Isn’t it warm to have such long pointed ears covered in a hood? ] Kangna relied on her ability to penetrate entities and got directly into Tully's mask.

"You decide for yourself, but let me tell you, the genes of quarians and turians are both left-handed, so it's not a big deal except for a little trouble with immunity." John said casually, closing the door and exiting before the two of them made a more self-destructive reaction. : "That's a subspecies of 'Night Elf', so it's not unusual."

【Yeah? I think it’s quite strange,] Kangna looked around: [Ah, it’s Geth! Can talk! 】

"[Commander Shepard,]" the head of the legion who stayed in the corner of the warehouse was looking left and right as Kangna moved around it: "[Although you gave the 'heresies' heavy damage, they are still Maintain a certain level of strength, please be careful.】"

[It seems like it can see me? 】

"The 'ancient machine' you are following has been wiped out. What are your plans now?" John replied: "It is just wondering about the phenomenon of electromagnetic waves in the sky, which is called 'haunting' for short."

【I am not a ghost! 】

"[Although the 'Pioneer' is gone, our beliefs have not changed,]" Legion replied: "[We should have our own purpose of survival, instead of becoming the puppets of the 'ancient machine' like the 'heresies', and 'I ', Legion, I want to follow you for a while.]"

"Any time." John nodded, turned and left.

[I always feel like...the attitude of the black and white getis has reversed? But it seems not? ] Kangna wrote doubtfully.

"Because Raven is not a 'reaper'." John replied.

[Oh, it turns out like——] Kangna suddenly paused in the middle of typing: [How do you know about Raven? Did Saren say it or did Anderson say it? 】

"I heard about it from the 'Supreme Mage'," John raised his lips: "Do you want to meet her?"

[Hmph...that half-assed Harold Winston...her? 】


Normandy Communications Room.

"[John, I heard that you mistakenly identified your wife again, so I came here to laugh at you.]"

"How can I admit my mistake?"

"[Harold said,

You've been chasing 'Connor Shepard'. ]"

"That was a chase in the literal sense. Are you stupid or is your agent stupid?"

"[That must not be me.]"

【? ? ? 】Kanna couldn't say anything except holding up a sign with question marks written all over it.

The person communicating with John was a bald woman wearing a khaki monk's robe, with a thin build and a sharp appearance.

The two seemed to be very familiar with each other. They did not exchange greetings or exchange information when they met, but directly began to communicate quickly about certain things.

"[Seriously, don't you think this behavior of 'choosing to sacrifice yourself in order not to sacrifice any of the Starfleet Fleet or members of the Council' is very similar to [her]? Have you never doubted it?]"

"Judging from the name, I know it's impossible. If we speculate further, it can only be the [Soul Gem]."

"[The mysterious national treasure of Cyberlux was spread out without knowing when. This is a major accident.]"

"If nothing else, Emiya Kiritsugu should have fallen in and Illya should have popped out when he popped out."

"[This is too casual. Grox who is looking for it in the 'deep sea area' will probably go crazy. 】"

"How is Raven? Having controlled the 'Pioneer' for so long, are there any side effects?"

"[She can already manifest the Reaper battleship in the matrix.]"

"Isn't that serious?"

"[It doesn't matter, the DC world view has been initially formed. When the time comes, we will say that they are Darkseid's men.]"

"I don't have that kind of subordinates."

"[When are you coming to my place? We already have clues about the 'Architect'."

"If you don't go, 'Batman' is a special attack on me in every sense. Don't let him go."

"[Have you decided yet?]"

"How will you know if you don't try? At least your attempts have failed."

They seemed to have a disagreement on some issue that was difficult for Kangna to understand, and they suddenly fell silent together.

"[You should know that even if you win 'Infinity War', it will be useless, because there will be 'Endgame' later,]" After a few seconds, the Supreme Mage slowly spoke: "[Villains can be whitewashed, but not May win.]"

"I know," John replied, "but if everything goes her way, [she] will just sleep better."

"[Okay, maybe you have your own plan, but I can't help anymore. Just prepare to be beaten by the Avengers.]" The Supreme Mage shook his head.

"Oh, don't worry, you may think this world is 'StarCraft', 'Avengers' or 'The Matrix'," John smiled: "But in fact, its theme is [Mass Effect Trilogy] .”

"[I only know that it is a commonly used technology in this world, but I don't remember this work. Who is its protagonist?]"



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