The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and one, the final battle (1)

——? ? ? ——

John Shepard is dead.

In other words, the man who was born on Earth, was abandoned since he was a child, was involved in gangs as a boy, joined the Star Alliance Navy by chance as an adult, spoke with his fists and military exploits along the way, won battles in extremely bad situations, and was then recommended The man who went to N7 for training and was eventually recommended by the Star Alliance as the second human "Ghost" had no chance of surviving when he was hit head-on by the main gun of a geth mothership.

The geth mothership apparently thinks so too.

The fifth round of its main gun fired accurately detonated the Normandy's mass effect core and triggered a second explosion, leaving only charred fragments of the battleship in its original location.

The geth mothership repeatedly scanned the wreckage of the battleship, finding no signs of life and no bodies.

Its logic calculation module was very certain that John Shepard was on the battleship when it exploded and there was no way he could have survived.

The emotion simulation module believes that it is necessary to see a person in life and a corpse in death, otherwise it cannot be 100% sure that he is dead.

The tactical scanning module gave the scan results of those rescue capsules and encouraged the tactical operations module to capture the helpless Normandy crew members.

The communication intelligence module reported the news that the Starfleet fleet was coming, saying that if you want to be blown up and dismantled for research, just keep arguing.

In the end, the geth mothership fired another round of missiles at the scattered wreckage of Normandy, and then started its engine and fled before the Starfleet fleet arrived in a jump.

At this point, all the intelligent creatures who had experienced the geth sneak attack were convinced with different emotions that John Shepard was dead.

Except for Connor.

When she was attacked in Normandy, she neither had to flee nor could she help others. She could be said to be the "person" who knew best what happened in the whole process.

Before the attack, John had already made excuses to disperse all the crew members who were in the danger zone, and after the bombardment, he made a series of perfect rescue operations to send everyone away safely, even the "stubborn" one who was unexpected. The "Pilot" incident only delayed him for two minutes.

And the tactician who made such an exquisite response would die because of a main gun attack that was completely devoid of tricks? It would be strange to believe you.

So, when the geth's last main cannon was about to fire, and John put on an air of generous sacrifice, Kangna was floating next to him, with a look like "You just have to perform, I'll win if I frown."

John originally seemed to be planning to say something about classic death, but found that the only audience member was uncooperative, so he had to shrug his shoulders and stop pretending.

When the geth mothership's main gun was about to hit, he took a light step to the side, and his whole person became ethereal - exactly the same as Kangna's state at this time.

The next second, the mass effect cannon of the geth mothership "washed" like a raging waterfall, but it had no effect except bombarding the already miserable Normandy even more miserably.


[So, you are also ‘dead’ now? 】Kanna held up the dialog box sign: 【It seems that no one named Shepard has a good end. Those parents should think twice before naming their children. 】

"It's not 'me', but 'Shepard' is dead," John said, "Although it's not impossible for your Dunkirk to take this shot, I'm worried that you won't be able to rescue everyone. Just leave yourself to die."

[It sounded like it was glorious.] Kangna, who had various surreal experiences, was not too surprised. She looked at the gradually dispersing wreckage: [What should we do now? Do you have time to reshape a poor little ghost's view of time? 】

"You can think of me as...Anakin," John said.

[Oh...] Kangna tilted her head: [Are you a villain? 】

"Although I want to refute it, you seem to be right," John shrugged: "To put it simply, we are the people in the 'story', and the 'plot' will generally develop as planned. Some can be changed, while others cannot.


[So, what’s the price? 】Kanna wrote.

"I thought you were going to ask me how I knew I was the person in the story?" John raised his eyebrows.

[You should be able to see some things that others can't see, right?] Kangna didn't use question marks: [If you see comments and explanations on everything you see, and occasionally 'options' pop up when you encounter key decisions, that's for sure. They will also doubt the reality of the world. 】

"Well..." John raised his head: "Indeed."

[So, what is the cost of changing the ‘plot’? ] Kangna asked: [22 people were originally going to die on this ship, but you saved them, so you have to stay and wait to die? 】

"...Yes." John seemed to want to explain something, but gave up.

[In this case...] Kangna now has no logic module to help her think, so she can only think about it by herself: [What I encountered before, whether it was the Savior Council or the Savior Alliance, was the 'plot'. One of them must have sacrificed, but I 'sacrificed' Save yourself and save both of them - from this point of view, they are not as 'expensive' as your crew. 】

"That's not the case," John shook his head: "If you are familiar with the name of each ship in the Fifth Fleet, the name of the captain, the number of crew members, or the families, careers, dreams and preferences of the Citadel Councilors, and still want to Save them, then you can’t talk to me now.”

[So... is it a brushstroke, or is there a difference between flesh and blood? ] Kangna began to think: [Looking at the words of the Supreme Mage...]

"Most changes are free of charge," John said: "You can even drive Anderson to the earth to herd sheep. As long as the process is reasonable, there is no cost at all, but if he must accidentally break his leg, and you want to If you stop this, you will at least get a bump on your head, about that..."

[So, your wife has completely disappeared from the world except in your memory because she saved someone or something beyond her ability? 】Kanna suddenly raised the sign.

"..." John looked at Kangna and hesitated to speak.

[The Supreme Mage said, 'You have recognized the wrong person again', that is to say, you have gone to many 'stories' to look for her, but have not found her yet,] Kangna was thinking while typing: [Her hobbies, or in other words, her You like to save others, and your plan is to go to those 'possible rescue' nodes to see if anyone comes to the rescue, and if so, then further determine whether the rescuer is your wife. 】

"..." John stared and was speechless.

[In other words,] Kang Na blinked and her typing speed slowed down: [I, maybe, am your wife? 】


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