The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and three, the final battle (3)

——? ? ? ——

Connor regained consciousness.

This is not quite accurate, because she has no body at all at this time, and can only be said to be "recovering from an unconscious state."

Moreover, it seemed that he was "awakened" by a sound.

"[Yes,]" it was the voice of an old woman: "[That's Lothric.]"

What? where?

"[It is the hometown of the Fire King through generations, and it is also a place where wanderers gather.]"

"[Pilgrims all go here, just to understand the meaning of the prophecy.]"

"[The fire has gradually extinguished, and the king is nowhere to be seen,]"

"[When the fire of inheritance is extinguished, the bells will ring throughout the surroundings.]"

"[Then awaken the ancient kings in the coffin.]"



After the old woman's words disappeared, a disembodied bell rang from nowhere.

And Kangna also saw the surrounding scene clearly.

This seems to be a... cemetery.

Black soil and gravel, gray and dilapidated eaves and broken walls, as well as numerous tombstones and coffins with indecipherable handwriting, were covered further away by billowing black mist, and the sky was pure black with an ominous meaning. I don’t know if it’s blocked by thick dark clouds, or there’s no sun at all.

As for Kangna herself, she was under a huge dead tree. The criss-crossed withered roots of the giant tree were entwining and binding a huge sarcophagus under the tree.

Is this the afterlife? It’s not what I expected...wait? Where's John?

Kangna took out the dialog box, paused for a moment and then put it back. If no one could read it, could it be that the "Where are you, John" sign was floating everywhere?

Kangna randomly chose a direction and tried to float away, but then found that she couldn't get away from the huge dead tree three meters away.

[Ah, you turned into a tree? ] Kangna circled the tree twice and took out the sign: [You must have not done enough good things during your lifetime. 】

The dead tree was silent.

【What to do now? Will burning you work? 】

"You can try." John's muffled voice sounded.

[But I don’t have a fire starter... Huh? 】Kanna turned her head and looked in the direction where the sound came from - the sarcophagus.


The lid of the sarcophagus was pushed open from the inside, and then John Shepard, wearing only his underpants, stood up from inside.

[All your equipment is gone? ] Kangna said in surprise: [Wait, where is my soul stone? 】

"Without your soul stone, I wouldn't be able to come here, so don't worry." John looked around and nodded with satisfaction.

[Are you going to meet your wife dressed like this? 】Kanna stared at John's muscles: 【It's quite impressive. 】

"You can't bring in anything related to science and technology... Also, I think it's necessary to talk to Ambassador Anderson about your education."

John raised his hand, and the golden multi-purpose tool emerged, with the three gems on it sparkling.

The next moment, his body was covered by a set of handsome armor with blue base and silver-white armor, and a golden giant sword appeared behind him.

[I am becoming more and more curious about your surreal existence. 】Kanna circled around him, tutting in wonder.

"If nothing else, you should be taken away together after the story is over. After all, there are too many involved." John put away the multi-purpose tools, arranged his armor, and walked out of the cemetery: "Now, we should go." Spread the fire."


After leaving the dilapidated cemetery, the surrounding scene did not change much. It was still the dark appearance of the world, but it changed from a relatively artificial building to a rugged mountain road.

On the mountain road, there were some lanky weirdos in shabby robes wandering around. They were holding rusty daggers or almost broken bows and arrows. As soon as they saw John, they would roar unknown syllables and attack.

Kangna was originally a little worried that John would not be good at dealing with this kind of fight without a gun, but soon found that she was completely worried.

These robed monsters have no so-called tactics or dodges at all.

It was just a simple pounce or thrust. John could avoid it by turning around or retreating at will. Moreover, after they launched the attack, they would be "stiff" for a few seconds, which was enough time for John to kill them with a sword.

After the robed weirdo was "killed", there were no blood stains or wounds. Instead, he remained in the state of being killed and turned into a pile of black ashes scattered around.

Kangna looked at this scene and thought about the black ashes all over the sky, and couldn't help but shudder - if she had a body.

"Don't worry," John seemed to have noticed her concerns: "The entire [Kingdom of Shadows] is made of ashes, or in other words, soul embers."

[You mean we are already in the ashes and will not be further contaminated? ] Kangna complained, but the uncomfortable feeling did disappear a lot: [This ‘afterlife’ is completely different from what I expected. 】

"You said 'hell' or other similar places?" John carried the big sword and continued to move along the mountain road: "Unfortunately, as long as you can understand a similar concept, then it must not exist, just like there is no one in this world. Knowing the direction of the 'story' you're in is the same."

[Hmm… In other words, ‘The Force’ and ‘Star Wars’ don’t exist either? 】Kanna asked.

"This..." John hesitated for a moment: "Probably, it doesn't exist. Even if it does exist, it's just for fun, and it won't have a complete story line."

[Is it you surreal people playing again? 】Kanna had an expected feeling.

"That's right, and you know him too, that's-"


When John answered Kangna, he happened to turn around a huge rock, and a strange man in a robe was ambushing there. It seemed to be a little smarter than the other strange people. It did not jump out immediately, but waited for John to pass the rock before suddenly Attack from behind with a rusty dagger.

However, judging from the fact that he insisted on yelling, he was actually not that smart.


Kangna rushed to John and was halfway through typing when she saw John panning out of step as if he had eyes behind his back, causing the weirdo in robes to miss him. Then, Shi Shiran walked behind him and used the handle to do whatever he wanted. The golden sword, which was not suitable for this, stabbed the robed weirdo all over.

Hey... the weirdo in robes had already begun to turn into ashes after being stabbed, but John didn't seem to want to let it just hang on his sword and disappear. He directly stepped on the weirdo's back with his feet, and kicked his hands. With all his strength, he directly pulled out the golden sword again.


Kangna looked at the weird man in robe who was kicked out and rolled along the mountain road and disappeared into ashes. She silently erased the original words and replaced them with a new one:

【Why are you so skilled! 】

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