The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and five, the final battle (5)

——? ? ? ——

Kingdom of Shadows, Altar of Judgment of Ashes.

The giant snake emerged from the giant ancient armor and seemed to be composed of black silt or asphalt-like material. After it appeared, it attacked John with a series of bites, heavy pressure and tail-flicking attacks. Its movements were so weird and unpredictable that he had to Kangna, who was within three meters of John, couldn't help but shiver - even though she didn't have a body that could shiver.

And John seemed to have no good way to deal with this incorporeal monster. Even if he waited for an opportunity to strike with his sword, it would only blow away some mud. He could only keep the attitude of facing the giant snake and circle around for the time being. .

[There is a message on the ground saying, ‘Fire is very useful’! 】Kanna attempts an off-court assist.

"I saw it!" John took the time to respond loudly: "But I didn't pick up the flame pot! There was no spell fire either!"

What nonsense is he talking about? Connor had no idea how to respond.

Perhaps due to intuition or sixth sense, Kangna judged that if John was serious, he should be able to destroy this monster with one blow, but for some reason he deliberately suppressed himself and only used the big sword to perform normal attacks.

Could it be that the Kingdom of Shadows is a place where technology and magic are prohibited, and battles rely solely on weapons? But what is this snake?

Due to the lack of key information, Kangna was unable to speculate further, so she simply floated behind John and quietly became a spectator.

Then, she discovered that there was a problem with John's fighting method, not in terms of attack, but in dodge. When facing the giant snake's attack, he had been using sprints and slides, never jumping or rolling, as if ...Are you deliberately maintaining your image?

Perhaps he had somehow determined that his wife was here? That's not the case. Could she still dislike him?

After dodging for more than a dozen rounds, the big black snake seemed to be convinced that John had nothing to do with it, so it became unscrupulous in all kinds of attacks and no longer paid attention to being counterattacked by John while attacking.

Could this be the moment John was waiting for?

Kangna became excited as if she was watching the highlight of a movie.

Then, the black giant snake launched a rather long and hard "body smash". Of course, it missed, and John had already slid to the lantern that had been like a djinn ever since the black snake appeared on his body. The giant armor was also being dragged behind.

Yes, maybe the snake is difficult to fight, but the armor has not changed. Although removing the armor may cause the snake to go berserk, it may also be defeated directly, right?

Under Kang Na's expectant gaze, John, as expected, gave the armor, which had no fighting consciousness and was just being dragged around passively by the Black Snake's movements, a standard and skillful backstab.


The giant black snake let out an angry roar, turned its head, and glared at John with its red eyes. John was unmoved and even kicked the armor.

The black giant snake was directly angered, opened its big mouth and turned towards John to bite him. However, this time John did not take the opportunity to draw his sword and leave. Instead, he spoke to it and said something that Kangna had seen once before, but the syllables were not consistent. roar:

"[YolToorShul! (Breath of Fire)]"

At the same time as the roar appeared, a cone-shaped flame spurted out from in front of John, turning the entire black snake into a "fire snake" in an instant. It bounced and planned to stay away from the flames created by John, but because the tip of its "tail" was The golden sword was firmly fixed, unable to escape at all. The "silt" that made up its body "solidified" at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally, with a click, its body was disconnected from the armor.

"It seems that pythons cannot be backstabbed, but their tails can be docked." John withdrew his golden sword and said in conclusion.

[No, no matter how you think about it, it’s all the result of your anger. 】

While Kang Na was typing and complaining, she was also observing the situation of this "BOSS". Obviously, this "disconnection" would have very serious consequences. The giant armor itself was scattered in all directions.

It was indeed empty inside, and the giant python with its severed tail was in even worse condition. The mud that made up its body had almost completely solidified. Although it was still able to move, as long as it moved casually, its body began to continuously drop "cinders". These fragments were falling. As it falls, it will dissipate into black ashes in mid-air and fly away with the wind.

After the giant python extinguished the flames on its body, it finally noticed its miserable state. It looked at itself and then at the armor that had fallen apart, and roared like a scream. It ignored John who was holding a giant sword and staring at him. Fly towards those armors.

This miserable scene made Kangna feel a little compassion.

"Did you know? The special move is not used at the beginning. It must be used after three minutes of fierce fighting and when the red light flashes." John looked at the black snake's decisive action without any emotion, and casually said to Kang Na said.

[Are you an alien from the M78 Nebula? 】Kanna complained reflexively, and then became very angry that she actually remembered the tokusatsu drama from hundreds of years ago.

"In a sense, you are right," John raised his golden sword, showing a third use besides slashing and backstabbing: "Oath and - the Sword of Victory!"

At this moment, a dazzling golden stream of light spurted out from the huge sword blade. The torrent was even larger than that of the black snake. Anyone who saw this situation could be sure that the unlucky giant The snake will turn into powder under this "nirvana" that Kang Na has never heard of before, and even the powder will not be left.

If there are no accidents.

【clang! ! 】

Some kind of deafening sound that didn't sound like the annihilation of the black snake sounded.

The golden torrent suddenly changed its direction. They seemed to have hit the stream on the rocks and were forced to flow in a direction that was not their destination. This "Sword of Oath and Victory" was about to hit the black man whose face was dull and had given up resistance. In front of the snake, it suddenly rushed straight into the sky, forming a bright beam of light that seemed to almost pierce the sky - however, the still dark sky showed that it was just a look.

Could it be that... there is no "blue sky" in this world? Kangna retracted her gaze from the sky and turned her gaze to the place where the golden torrent diverted, intending to see what kind of "rock" it hit.

The golden light and shadow gradually dissipated, revealing an unusually thick stick thrust diagonally in front of the black snake. It had a silver base and a gold hoop. As if it sensed Kangna's gaze, five different sticks were revealed one by one on the stick. A cursive script used by ancient civilizations on earth.

[such as, meaning, gold, hoop, stick]

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