The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and seven, the final battle (7)

"Collect Doomsday ()"

——? ? ? ——

The Kingdom of Shadows.

After Deadpool disappeared, John didn't take any immediate action. He just stared thoughtfully at the red spiral sword he had pulled out of the giant armor.

And Kangna didn't ask any further questions about related topics - because there were so many things to ask, and she couldn't think of what to ask at the moment.

However, based on the analysis of the conversations between the "Supreme Mage" and "Deadpool" with John, as well as the information that John took the initiative to tell, the nature of the world has already revealed the tip of the iceberg in front of her.

First of all, the most basic fact is that this world is a story. It is difficult to say whether it is a novel, a film, a TV show, or a game, but it should be a complete story with a beginning and an end.

Secondly, the people in the story may have heard other stories, but they will never know how the story they are in will develop. The only exceptions are John and "Deadpool".

Then, those special, obviously surreal existences come from other "stories that do not exist in this story", with the exception of "Deadpool". Their purpose seems to be to change the direction of the story, but it depends on the difficulty and difficulty of the change. To a certain extent, a corresponding price will be paid, and the reason is... unknown.

Finally, when the "main story" is going on, there will also be countless "side stories" going on, and this should be the reason why the girls in "Cloud City" fell into a coma - they ran to play in other stories. .

To sum up, "Land of Shadows" naturally has a plot, but Kangna couldn't guess at the moment what kind of story it would take for the protagonist to crawl out of the grave and face a strange black snake hidden in armor. powerful opponent.

Hmm... It's actually not very strong. Kangna looked at the armor that was still on the ground pretending to be dead.

Perhaps because it was almost swallowed by the torrent of light, even though "Deadpool" had been gone for a while, it did not dare to act rashly.

"So, you're going to fight hundreds of 'monsters' like this?" Kang Na asked.

Fortunately, "Deadpool" allowed himself to speak. If he held the sign, John might not notice it at all.

"...No, there are not that many, just about twenty." John recovered from his contemplation and glanced at the armor pretending to be dead: "There are some things that have no result even if you think about it here, so let's just take it one step at a time. .”

Are you really thinking about "spreading fire" or "extinguishing fire"? Judging from the solemn appearance of "Deadpool", this matter seems to be more important than expected.

Connor was still guessing that John had already walked towards the battlefield. He ignored the lying armor and picked up the red spiral sword that had been thrown aside before.

"Is this considered 'explosive equipment'? According to the game." Kangna tried to understand the sword in the form of a "story."

"No, it's just a 'teleport'," John replied.

How to teleport with a sword?

John didn't wait for Connor to ask, and directly inserted the red spiral sword into the ashes of an extinguished bonfire in the center of the "Colosseum".

I had not noticed this bonfire before, except that its size was much smaller than that of the giant armor, and also because its gray-white color was very similar to the floor.

If you look at it this way, that unfortunate giant armor was pierced and nailed there while being warmed by the fire? No matter who did it, he must have a lot in common with John, who was skilled in backstabbing.


When the red spiral sword was inserted into the bonfire, the two burned together.

Perhaps it was an illusion, but Kangna found that as the red flame ignited, the black ash that originally circled John, making it difficult for them to see the distant scenery, seemed to be farther away.

Is this what "passing fire" means? As long as enough flames are ignited, the black ashes symbolizing death will be driven away further, and the world will show its original beauty.

Connor thought back to when John yelled at the sky, causing it to temporarily "clear up."

However, ordinary fuel cannot be used to maintain these fires.

What they need to burn is a powerful enough soul, such as the one in the giant armor, while other ordinary souls, such as the robed weirdo on the mountain road, can only be called incombustibles.

But... that armor is still pretending to be dead. What was used to light this bonfire?

"You don't think it can still be alive and kicking after I took a 'Breath of Fire' blow, do you?" John seemed to have guessed Connor's question and took the initiative to explain: "Before Deadpool rescued it, this guy was already A part of my soul was stripped away."

Hmm... It was really miserable. Kangna turned to look at the fallen giant armor with sympathetic eyes - even though she had no eyes.

"Now, it's time to go to the Fire Sacrifice." John withdrew the red spiral sword, put it directly on his shoulder, and looked at the passage behind the "Colosseum": "'Deadpool' is not He will do meaningless things. Since he came here specifically to say that [she] is [Death], it means that 'she' is not [her]. Heh, are you afraid that I will admit the wrong person? No matter how you think about it, it is impossible."

It sounds like... he's admitted someone wrong before, more than once?

Kangna thought about it and decided that it would be better not to say it out loud. An android with emotional intelligence would not reveal scars at will.

John said as he stepped out of the "Colosseum".

When Kangna was being taken away, she turned around and kept staring at the giant armor. She saw it sneakily get up, walk to the bonfire, and kneel on one knee again, but this time it didn't. The spiral sword was stuck in his heart. there something wrong with this?

According to the setting of the "story", a "BOSS battle" will only start if the sword is removed from its body, but it has now become a "no sword" state, which means... next A challenger came in front of it and wondered why he was split in half by a heavy halberd in his pocket when he didn't have a sword?

If it was worse, he might even be stabbed in the back by the heavy halberd when he turned around to leave a message.

...No matter what kind of challenger comes next, let's observe three seconds of silence for him first.

Next, there is a relatively gentle winding mountain road. The number of broken eaves and broken walls gradually increases, and the matching robed weirdo also reappears.

This time, John turned to slashing those weirdos with the red spiral sword. As expected, this time these guys didn't fall to the ground and turned into ashes after "death". Instead, their whole bodies were on fire and they danced and burned up - sure enough, they burned up. They are completely useless.

Finally, this mountain road came to an end, and what appeared there was a huge circular building that was several times larger than the "Colosseum", but it also had a weathered, gray and dilapidated appearance.

There is also a bright message at the entrance of the building:

[If you have a wife in front of you, kneeling down is very useful. 】

Before Kangna could express her doubts, John stepped on the message and added next to it:

[You are thinking about shit. 】

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