The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and nine, the final battle (9)

——? ? ? ——

Fire-passing sacrificial site.


As the spiral sword was inserted, the bonfire in the center of the sacrificial site was rekindled, making the "theater" that was not originally dark even brighter.

After John finished lighting the bonfire, he turned to look at the fire prevention woman: "Before I go out to catch the Fire King, is there anything you want me to bring back?"

"" As expected, the fireproof girl replied.

"No, I'm asking it." John gestured to the crow on the firebender's shoulder.

"" The fireproof girl tilted her head in confusion and looked over her shoulder.

"Slippery! Round! Hard!" The crow flapped its wings and called out in a harsh voice.

Glass ball? Connor guessed.

"Oh, dragon eggs, I'll bring them back to you if I find them." John nodded.

No matter how you think about it, it shouldn’t be that kind of thing! What would a mere crow do with a dragon egg?

"Then, I'm going." John pressed his hand on his chest and bowed slightly to the fireproof girl.

"" The fireproof girl held up her skirt with both hands and returned the gesture.

"You always feel like she's a little normal again?" Kangna asked doubtfully.

"No, it just responds to specific movements." John replied while raising his arms to make a "strong" movement.

The fire girl raised her hands and clapped.

John pretended he had a wine glass in his hand and made a toast gesture.

The fire girl spun around in a circle.

"Uh..." Kangna thought for a moment: "So, the message at the door said 'kneel down'..."

"If she gets down on one knee, she will cover her mouth and chuckle," John replied. "If the guy who does this takes the opportunity to propose, her response will look like she acquiesces."

"You people from another world are really good at playing..." Kangna tried to hold her forehead, but there was no forehead to support now.

"Anyway, let's take a look at the situation in the sacrificial site first." After explaining, John did not set off immediately as promised, but began to take Kangna to wander around the fire-transmitting sacrificial site.

As a "theater", it naturally has a "backstage". The entrance is next to the stairs extending from the door, and the internal space is quite large - the stepped "auditorium" that surrounds the theater is all underneath. empty.

At the entrance of the "backstage", there was sitting... an "elderly fire prevention woman". She was wearing very similar but much older clothes to the fire prevention woman. Under the mask, you could see her wrinkled face and dry lips. .

"Oh, oh, here comes Master Ashes," the old woman said in a hoarse voice: "My old woman is the maid of this sacrificial site, whether it is weapons, armor, props, or spells. .....As long as the necessary items can help you complete your mission, we are ready..."

"Free?" Kangna asked.

"I'm not a philanthropist. Go grab the soul and bring it back." The old woman replied.

"But I don't see where the things you sell are?" Kangna observed and found nothing similar to a container next to the old woman.

"Lord Ashes, bring the soul over, and then the old woman, I will pinch it on the spot. Of course, there will be some deductions in the process. However, the old woman can't bear the soul that is too powerful, so I'll give it to the Exile." Zolgen's the cripple," the old woman replied.

"Your mind seems to be quite normal?" Kangna asked doubtfully.

"I won't be normal for long," the old woman babbled: "Old woman, I am also an immortal. Every time I die, I lose a little bit of my memory. Maybe you will become a wandering ghost when you come back next time."

"I thought everyone in this world was like the Fire Guard Girl..." Kangna looked back at the Fire Guard Girl who was still standing by the bonfire.

The old woman also turned her head: "Fireproof lady? That's terrible. Old lady, I just pinched some souls to make things, and almost forgot who I was. Sir, she actually transformed the 'soul' through herself. For the sake of 'power', if she keeps complete consciousness, I'm afraid Master Ashes will make her completely lose herself if she uses hundreds of souls casually."

"Is there any way to help her?" Kangna asked.

"Have you seen those empty thrones? As long as she gets the Shin Kings back and continues to 'pass the fire', she won't have to work so hard," the old woman replied, "So, Master Ashes, you'd better set out as soon as possible to find the powerful soul."

"Oh...thank you." Kangna nodded.

"May the First Fire guide you... By the way, your voice doesn't quite match your appearance," the old woman said.

"That's the spirit behind me." John finally said after watching the show for a long time.

"Who is behind this!"

"..." The old woman was stunned for a moment, "Anyway, please collect the souls and bring them back."

"Look, you scared the old lady." John laughed.

"Is that my fault!" Kangna's eyes widened - if anything.

Ignoring the old maid who seemed to be quite sluggish for the time being, John walked into the "backstage" area and started searching around it, and soon found another "businessman", maybe a businessman.

He was a strong old man with white beard and hair, a face full of flesh, and muscular muscles.

He was standing in front of a blacksmith's tool bench that had a furnace, anvil, and cooling pool, holding a sledgehammer and clanking something.

"Hey, a new face. I am a servant of this sacrificial site. My name is Gray Mane. As you can see, I am a blacksmith." The old man put down the hammer and looked at John: "Are you looking for the Salary King? This is not a blacksmith." For a relaxing trip, you must need powerful weapons, so..."

When his eyes passed over the golden sword behind John, he was stunned, and his words were stuck in his mouth.

"So?" John raised his eyebrows and asked.

This guy definitely did it on purpose!

"So if you have nothing to do, don't bother the old man!" The blacksmith who called himself Gray Mane sat back angrily and began to smash the embryo on the anvil without looking at it. Kangna watched helplessly as the unlucky embryo continued to Turning into useless flakes at a visible speed.

It was obvious that the blacksmith was resentful that his target customer had a sword that was better than the best weapon he could make, and unless something special happened, he basically ignored John. .

John could only shrug at this and continue exploring the backstage.

Next, they encountered a strange man.

It was a young man wearing black armor and a red cloak. He was thin and had long black hair. His appearance was quite handsome, but it was completely ruined by the sad look on his face. At this moment, he was He covered his head with his hands and muttered something.

"Hello?" Since John was just looking him up and down without coming forward to say hello, Kangna took the initiative to say.

"...Oh, you are also a guy who can't die," the young man glanced at John with dull eyes, as if he didn't wonder why he made a female voice: "You and I are of the same kind, fireless. Yu Hui has accomplished nothing, and he’s still half-baked and can’t even’s really ridiculous.”

"Have there been many 'Lords of Ashes'?" Kangna asked in surprise.

"Ha... because the flame is dying, the world itself is constantly awakening powerful ashes to collect souls to continue the flame," the long-haired young man said in a lost and decadent voice: "When they first woke up, they were just like you, conquering everywhere, But in the end, because they died too many times, they lost all their humanity and memories, and could only rely on instinct to attack living creatures with souls. It’s really ridiculous..."

...In other words, those weirdos in robes outside were actually the fire bearers that the fire prevention girl had high hopes for? Kang Na was a little shocked for a moment.

"I'm different." She noticed that John still didn't seem to want to speak, so she continued: "We will definitely be able to bring the salary kings back."

"Hahaha!" The long-haired young man suddenly laughed: "A group of guys who can't die actually want to find the salary king? And want to bring the king back to the moldy throne? Those people are all heroes who spread the fire! We How can such a guy who can’t keep up with them do it?”

"You are the kind of coward who just gives up after a few failures! I'm going to give you an unpleasant name," Kangna snorted, "Just call me 'Brother Discouragement'!"

"It's not unpleasant at all," John interrupted.

"I've tried! I've tried my best! But I can't do it no matter what! Do I have to continue to die! I promise that adult will not forget him!" Brother Cangxin roared with anger, but But it's not like facing John or Connor, but more like facing my incompetent self.

"Okay," John raised his hand to stop Kangna from continuing to fight: "Some people just have handicapped hands and are born unable to play action games. Unless they work hard, they will be useful."

"Hmph, okay, go back and ask him which bosses he is stuck on, throw the soul of the boss to him and then taunt him." Kangna responded.

"People like me...people like me..." The young man covered his head again and began to mutter to himself.

John ignored him and continued to explore the "backstage" with Kangna.

Although the interior of the Huo Chuan Sacrificial Site is large, almost all the space is empty. There are only three people, the old maid, the old blacksmith, and the "disheartened brother", and they don't seem to be very talkative. In addition, although I found some There were doors leading elsewhere, but they were locked.

Finally, John and Connor walked around in a circle and walked out from the original entrance.

"What should we do now? Are we going to find five 'Salary Kings' to come back and 'spread the fire'?" Kangna asked.

"No, actually, there are four," John gestured to the throne in the audience, "Remember? There are only four who are unwilling to spread the fire."

"Yes, the old lady said that there is a 'Zolgen the Exile'." Kangna looked up.

I saw a thin, bald-headed weirdo sitting on the smallest throne on the left, wearing tattered robes.

"Oh, you are the ashes without fire, the 'King Quest', right? I am Zolgen the Exile. You may not believe it, but I am the Fire King who once passed down the fire, and this one is still suffering from the slight fire. His body is the irrefutable proof.”

When Kangna entered the auditorium and walked half a circle to reach the throne, the weirdo took the initiative to speak.

Body? After hearing this, Kangna began to observe the weirdo on the throne.

He looked like a skinny old man with a particularly big head, a bald head, and a sinister face. He was wearing a tattered black robe, but one could vaguely see that it was made of excellent material. There were several robes on both the robe and his exposed arms. Traces of flames emitting a faint red light were wandering around.

Surprisingly, these strange flames don't seem to burn anything. After swimming, the traces they walked will return to their original state, but the burning parts are really scorched.

"Is this what happened to the 'Salary King'?" Kangna couldn't help but feel a little sympathy.

"Don't be fooled, this is the 'remaining fire' state, which means he still has 'firewood' to burn. What really burns clean is the state where I just crawled out of the grave," John snorted coldly: "Furthermore, He didn't actively want to spread the fire, but someone broke his legs and dragged him back."

Huh? Kangna subconsciously turned her eyes to the bald old man's legs and found that they were empty.

"Who can break the legs of a 'Salary King'?" she asked doubtfully.

"Monkey, the guy who left the message, and even 'Yurha No. 2 Type B' himself can do it - I mean the fireproof woman who has escaped from the current state." John responded.

"Oh... don't worry, I won't leave here, because I am the king, and this is my throne." Zolgen the Exile responded, completely ignoring what John and Connor said about "breaking the legs." "Yunyun.

From this point of view alone, he does have a bit of a kingly bearing.

"I suddenly had a bad feeling." John looked at Zolgen for a moment, then suddenly walked around to check behind his throne.

When Kangna followed curiously, she saw a thin flame spelling out a line of text behind the throne.

They are not any of the words in Kangna's memory, but Kangna can clearly know what they mean:

Weird name.

Before Connor could say anything, John strode towards the throne next to him.

"Do you want to know the enemy's name in advance? It shouldn't be of any use." Kangna floated behind and said.

"No...that's more important than you think." John walked behind the new throne and leaned over to observe.

Since the flames were not lit, it took some effort to find the name of the seat's owner and decipher its contents.

"Well, it's also a strange name." Kangna tried to recall its origin but failed.

"Hehe, hehe." John let out a dry laugh of unknown meaning, and then walked quickly towards the other throne.

They must have discovered something funny that only their surreal existences can understand, right?

Kangna followed John and thought boredly.

Next, John examined the words behind the other three thrones one by one. They are:

"Very good," John breathed a long sigh of relief: "It seems I really don't have to hold back."

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