The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and thirteen, the hero returns (3)

"Collect Doomsday ()"


Scientific research space station.

"That's it! Dr. Wilson! Put your hands up!"

After Kangna used a multi-purpose tool to override the door of the computer room, she and Gwen rushed in with guns raised.

After her "rebirth", she naturally lost her original all-purpose tool. She just randomly picked up a popular "Blue Line Type II" to use, but its efficiency was somehow far beyond its set limit, even if it had The door that would have taken five seconds to open even with Etty's help could be opened in just two seconds with this low-end product.

So, the original machine’s bonus to technology has been inherited? Is this scientific thing actually engraved in the unscientific "soul"?

However, that kind of trivial matter doesn't matter. Now we have to stop the culprit of this robot rampage.

"Dr. Stacey, you're not dead?" The man who was frantically operating in front of a large number of panels turned around.

This middle-aged man had an unremarkable face, and his figure seemed to be quite thin due to lack of exercise or nutrition. He did not hold a weapon or try to fight back, but just stared at Gwen with dull eyes.

"What gave you the illusion that I would be killed by a few weak assistant robots? I didn't know that indoctrination can also make people mentally retarded. It seems necessary to submit it as a report." Gwen mocked.

"I have not been educated!" Dr. Wilson waved his arms dramatically: "This project itself is a mistake! It must be terminated!"

"That's what the indoctrinated people say," Gwen said unmoved: "If you think there's something wrong with this project, you shouldn't have joined in the first place. Moreover, what makes you think you're qualified to destroy a project that has invested more than 40 years so far?" A billion-star project? To save the world?"

"The purpose of my joining is to save the heroes of the Citadel! Not -" Dr. Wilson suddenly raised his hand and pointed at Kangna: "Summon the devil from hell!"

Hell? In a sense, he was right.

Even if she didn't know the cause and effect, Kangna could infer some clues from their conversation.

This doctor was probably the first member to join the "resurrection" project. The purpose was probably what he said at the beginning. However, after two years of unrewarded investment, he was kicked out of the front-line team in the later period. There has been a lack of confidence in this project. Doubts about the necessity and legitimacy of the project. At this time, the reaper only needs a slight push, and he will naturally come to the conclusion: "If you can survive after two years of death, what else is he if he is not a devil?", and then, Relying on his status as a veteran, he carried out a sabotage-like act of undermining the cauldron.

Therefore, education is so difficult to guard against, and I don’t know how well the relevant departments in charge of this aspect of the Star Alliance have solved it.

"It seems that he has gone completely crazy, Shepard," Gwen turned on the safety and pointed at Dr. Wilson, who had begun to roar loudly but did not make any offensive moves: "Are you going to kill him?"

["Can Star Alliance treat now?" (model)]

["We can't risk taking him with us." (Rebellion)]

【"it's up to you". 】

If the obsession is so strong, it will probably turn into a weak monster in the Kingdom of Shadows waiting for an opportunity to attack...

"I have been in coma for two years. How does the Star Alliance treat the 'indoctrinated' now?" Kangna thought for a while and asked.

"Throw them into a place without any advanced intelligent machinery and do hard work until they voluntarily give up the obsession strengthened by the Reapers," Gwen shrugged: "I guess you will say that, hero."

"You can't release the devil!" Wilson bared his teeth and pounced on him.

Uh... Kangna raised her hand, and then hesitated. With his size, if he used conventional stunning methods, would he be killed directly?


Gwen dropped the gun casually, projected several white threads from her wrists, tied Wilson up tightly, and even blocked his mouth.

"Get acquainted again,

Gwen turned to Kangna and smiled: "I am 'Spider Girl' and I belong to the [Guardian of the Earth]." "

Is it still too late to return to the Kingdom of Shadows?


"So, the 'Earth Guardian' funded my 'resurrection' to find a 'hero' who can fight against the Reapers?"

Kangna sat on the shuttle leaving the space research station, glanced at the space station that disappeared behind her due to entering a short jump, and asked Gwen.

"Yes," Gwen replied while leaning on her seat: "After the 'Battle of the Citadel', the Citadel Council and the Star Alliance were indeed vigilant for a while, but except for sporadic geth attacks, there was no There were no signs of the Reapers' appearance, and even the 'Indoctrinated' who came out to cause havoc from time to time disappeared, and they were busy dealing with other things and forgot about this matter."

"But I don't think the Reapers want to see me 'resurrected,'" Connor glanced toward the shuttle's cargo bay, where Dr. Wilson was being held - guarded by human guards.

"It is certainly not a coincidence that you attack when you have just woken up and are at your most vulnerable." Gwen nodded: "They obviously think that you will pose a major threat to them, and what the enemy is afraid of is what we want. .”

Well...that's true.

Kangna thought about what she had done, destroying the Reaper's mechanical sandworm factory, abducting a complete Reaper, freeing half of the geth from the Reaper's control, and finally, permanently closing their connection to the Citadel channel.

Maybe they weren't very clear about the first few, but the last seven-inch hit must have been clearly seen by the reapers who were crowded across the "passage" at that time.

"Where's John Shepard? If it's against the Reapers, he should be able to help. Do you have any plans to resurrect him?" Kangna asked instead.

"That junior of yours?" Gwen raised an eyebrow: "Although he was good at fighting the Geth, he had no experience in contact or hostility with the Reapers. What's more, he died because he was directly hit by the main gun of the Geth mothership. , there are no bones left, and it is completely impossible to save him."

In other words, John is not planning to come back for the time being? So what is he planning to do after following him around under a false name?

Could it be that he couldn't die, so he wanted to risk his own "death" to go to the "Land of Shadows"?

When thinking about the behavioral logic of these surreal beings, because there is too much missing information, many times we can only rely on guessing.

"So, now that your plan is successful, what do you want me to do?" Kangna temporarily stopped her aimless speculation: "Although I owe you a life, it doesn't mean that I will join in the trouble with you."

"Complicity? Is this how you view the 'Earth Guardian'?" Gwen spread his hands: "Although I would like to refute it directly, BOSS has said that he must discuss similar issues with you personally."

"So, where can I see him?" Kangna was a little surprised that Gwen had no doubt that she could be persuaded by her boss.


Just as Gwen was about to answer, the shuttle ended its short jump and appeared in front of another space station that was very similar to the Space Research Institute that it had escaped from before.


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