The Collection of The End

Chapter 161 Snow Man and Red Guard

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 19th, 18:00——

After calling the passing Xueman guards to deal with the cattle-stealing giant, the soldiers of the comrades-in-arms group prepared to return to Xueman to report.

Snowman City is a city built on a huge rocky mountain, which looks particularly abrupt on the surrounding plains. The towering walls carved out of the mountain itself keep wild animals and robbers away. As for its defensive gate, there is a There are three consecutive roads on the gentle and winding mountain road in the shape of a moat, a solid stone wall with a moat, an urn city surrounded by sentries, and a city gate suspension bridge controlled by hinges. Supporting shooting to the front, if such a city is not supported by people from inside and outside, the casualties may be very heavy if it is attacked by force.

Entering the city with Arthur was the huntress Ella, the shield bearer Wells, the trainee member Ria, and the redguard boxer Satya who just arrived. The focus shifted to Arthur.

"I believe you already know what happened to Helgen," said Arthur, who had nothing to hide about his coming: "When the Imperial Legion was about to kill Ulfric Stormcloak, a dragon appeared and destroyed Helgen .”

"Dragon? Are you sure?" It was Satya who questioned, "Although there have been some refugees from Xueman recently, it is said that Stormcloak sent an army to rescue their lord, and there are no rumors about dragons in the tavern. "

"I also find it a bit strange," Arthur shrugged. "That dragon flew straight towards Xueman, but there was no sign of destruction along the way. Could it be that its goal is somewhere further north?"

"There are still signs." Ella said, "In the past two days, the group of comrades-in-arms has received a sudden increase in the incidents of 'violent beasts attacking the farm', probably because they were frightened by the dragon."

"The entrustment we received this time also suspected that a wild beast was attacking the cattle on the farm, but we didn't expect it to be a giant." Wells answered.

"Ria beat the giant~" The little girl waved her dagger, although her job was just to cut off the giant's hair for reporting work, but she seemed very happy.

"Could it be a waste of time? Do I still need to report to the lord as soon as possible?" Arthur looked up at the sky, and it was almost evening.

"We still have to report, after all, the lord is very concerned about the battles happening near his territory, but it will be unnecessary soon." Ayla pointed to the sky: "That dragon is meant to fly, your information must be out of date. "

"After dark, the lord will go back to his back house. If you climb up to the Yunding area now, you will only see the night shift guards and the aunt who cleans the Dragon Cloud Palace. Why don't you come to the hotel to rest for a night?" Satya raised her hand and touched it. Touching Arthur's dented shoulder armor, "I haven't thanked you for saving me from those Redguard assassins and giants."

"Hey, your so-called gratitude is to let Hulda take out the most expensive food and drinks and give him the most expensive room, right? That idiot Artis was cheated by you for all the rewards of a mission." Ai Glancing at her sideways, the scratches and lines on her face looked terrible.

"What you love and what I wish, how can it be called a pit?" Satya shook her hair and gave Arthur a wink, "What do you think?"

"Don't listen to her, the moon gas who came directly to the comrade-in-arms group got stuck, based on your bravery when you fought the giant, you are fully qualified," Ella interrupted Satya and said, "And you will never take money."

"Well, hehe..." Arthur could only keep smiling.

"Hey, comrades-in-arms group, hello, comrades-in-arms." When everyone walked into Xueman's huge city gate, the guards recognized Ira and Wells, so they greeted and looked at Arthur: "You and the comrades-in-arms group Come together and prove that you have chosen the bright path, my friend."

"Hey." Satya looked rather dissatisfied because Ella was assisted by the guard inexplicably.

And Arthur was looking up at the huge city under the setting sun,

Some shock.

From low to high, Snowman City is divided into three areas, the plain area where most of the houses, shops and open-air markets are distributed, the Moonvaska and Sky Furnace where the comrades-in-arms group is located, and the meandering area where most noble residences and temples are located. At the end, there is only one Longxiao Palace, the Yunding District with the highest terrain.

They are unobstructed from the position of the city gate, like a tower to reach the sky, which gives people a strong impression. People who come to Xueman for the first time often freeze at the gate for a while, and the guards are used to it.

And taking advantage of this time, Ella and Satya exchanged eye contact for a while.

"Excuse me, did any guards escort the robbers from Ximu Town yesterday or earlier today?" Arthur quickly returned to normal, walked a few steps to the side of the road to avoid the main road, and then asked the city gate guards : "They should be called Loki and Thor, and perhaps Hadvar and Raloff."

"I haven't heard of the latter two," perhaps because Arthur was walking with the comrades, and Xueman's guards were very friendly to him: "As for Loki and Thor, they arrived this morning. They were originally transporting construction materials. They went to build the western outpost, but they didn’t know that a group of robbers had been captured from there, and they wanted to report to the city.”

"Although two people caught more than a dozen robbers, it is very powerful, but there is no need to alarm the lord," another guard next to him answered, "It happened that our commander was passing by, so we sent them directly to the western post. The tower has worked, after all, there is no need to throw robbers who are not on the wanted list into the dungeon."

This... It seems that Hadava and Larov are still leaning towards their own camps. They both think that there is no need to report the dragon to Lord Xueman, and the two ordinary soldiers are naturally not qualified to meet the Lord. Even Xueman He was sent away without even entering the city gate.

"Okay, thank you." Arthur thanked the guard, and then realized that Satya had caused trouble again when he turned his head.

After entering Snowman City, the nearest building is the barracks of the guards. At this time, there are three or four red guards scimitars talking to the guards there.

"Why can't we enter the city?" The leading Red Guard shouted, "Could it be that Xueman discriminated against the Red Guard?"

This hat is too big. As far as Arthur knows, the major cities are not complete Nord residents. Basically, they are composed of bold Nords, imperial people who are good at financial management, shrewd Bretons and brave warriors. The Red Guards and other ethnic groups live in a mixture, and there are even Argonians living in the border cities, but the Tigers are not allowed to enter the city.

Maybe other races can restrain themselves, but if the irritable Redguards hear this sentence, they will probably do it right away—well, they did do it right away.

After hearing this, Satya, who was still confronting Ella coldly, immediately walked over with her sleeves rolled up.

Arthur carefully identified the two who were scared and fled by the giant before. Maybe they were ridiculed and forbidden to act because they were defeated by a woman.

"We naturally welcome law-abiding foreigners." The guard who dealt with the Red Guards was naturally not a clumsy person, he maintained a calm tone of no emotion at all: "But after you entered Xueman, you broke into the residents' homes at will. Rummaging and stopping any resident with a darker skin tone for questioning, we've had a ton of complaints."

"So what, we haven't violated any laws," the leader of the Red Guards was obviously very skilled in this trick: "We have arrest warrants, and we are ordered to arrest Red Guard fugitives, so we can act cheaply."

"Yet one of you has broken the law," said the guard's tone unchanged. "He broke in and asked an old lady of the Greymane family and stole the necklace she put on the table. He has been thrown into the dungeon, so We have made a decision to expel all the people who came with you from the city."

"We have nothing to do with that guy, you can't think we're in the same group just because we dress alike," the Redguard scimitar continued, "You can chop him up as much as you want, but you can't blame us for it."

"..." The Xueman guard didn't know what to say for a while, but he couldn't really do it directly.

"Really? Then I'll cut you off right away?" An angry female voice sounded from behind him. Before the leader could turn around, he was kicked on the waist and flew out. He bumped into the Xueman guard's shield with a horse's head painted on it, and the guard thought about it, but still didn't take it back.

With a sound of "dong", the glib and unreasonable scimitar fell to the ground unconscious.

"Iman! It's Iman!" Several other Red Guards turned around and saw Satya, and picked up their scimitars in horror.

"Put it down!" Following the order of the guard leader, the guards who had been holding back for a long time drew their swords and disarmed all the scimitars: "In Xueman City, no swords are allowed to be unsheathed!"

"Ha, although there is indeed such a rule, it has been a long time since no one cared about it." Ella explained to Arthur.

"I told you, I'm not Iman! You guys are endless!" When Arthur first met her, Satya was quite patient with the scimitar who questioned her identity, but now it seems that Furious.

"I'm Satya, the waitress from 'Mare Banner' in Snowrun City, not some noble lady Iman who failed in the political struggle in Hammerfell and ran away from Skyrim Province!" Satya growled at the Redguards. People beat them hard, while the Xueman guards formed a circle to prevent them from escaping and block the sight of other passers-by.

No, Miss Iman, have you admitted it yourself? Arthur was speechless for a while, and she didn't look like she needed help, so she had to watch the play with Ella who was eager to try.

"Huh..." After punching and kicking the scimitars so hard that they couldn't stand up, Satya straightened up and exhaled, and then winked at the surrounding guards: "Everyone come to the hotel later, I will I will ask Hulda to give you a discount~"

"Guards, guards!" The leader of the scimitars who had fainted woke up, pointed at Satya who had left Shi Shiran, and complained, "Don't you bother?"

"She's not armed," the guard leader said in an unwavering tone, "This is the most common bar fight in Skyrim Province. As long as no one is killed, it's not under the jurisdiction. Now, please leave Xueman."

A fight with a hotel clerk counts as a bar fight, right? Can.

Arthur looked at Satya, who had gone away, and the machetes who supported each other and walked out of Xueman City, and turned to Ella: "Well, speaking of it, where is Yuevaska?"

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