The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and thirty-one, the first work (1)


World God galaxy, "Arrow" cruiser.

"Graduation trip..."

Kaos had no idea that he would be able to complete his studies safely and honestly, especially when there were so many flammable and explosive "Old Ones" and "Outer Gods" in the school.

Specifically refers to "Uncomfortable Sky Nyarlathotep".

If you think about it carefully, ever since Batari's home star cardigan was torn in half by a black dragon, Europa 7 has never felt the gaze of [that person] again. Of course, the black dragon only has a few eyes. Only a few people—people who are more or less related to [that person] can see it.

The official statement of the Star Alliance is that in order to maximize the use of space, the Batarians tried to transform their home planet into a mechanical planet, which made its structure on the equatorial line more fragile. Finally, in order to cope with the human counterattack, it overloaded and appeared He applauded severely, and as a result, the entire planet was "split".

It may be thought that [that person] is trying to complete a puzzle piece that can save the galaxy, and the "Super Power School" puzzle piece on Europa 7 has been successfully put in place and does not need to be given too much attention.

On the contrary, the Reapers, the public enemy of all organic civilization, have become the protagonists of various news. It seems that the galaxy is about to face a huge crisis of destruction. They even involved the ancient immigrant ship in the subspace storm and branched out on the other side of the galaxy. The behavior of falling leaves has been publicized as "fallen leaves returning to their roots" and "joint operations".

After guessing what [that person] meant, Kaos tried to estimate his "full state" combat power and found that it was only "planet level", that is, it was no problem to sit on one planet, but it was difficult to fight across planets. Unexpectedly, Naiya and Kedori seem to be similar. It seems that the Old One and Outer God who are just powerful in their own right are of this type.

If nothing else, when the "Reapers" officially invade. Those students with superpowers will be assigned to different positions according to their abilities, and each of their exceptional combat abilities should be assigned a planet to protect.

Finally, if nothing else happens, this graduation trip...

"I bet something will happen, something big, as our graduation test." Naiya said.

"What did you do?" Kaos looked at her sideways.

"How could you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air..." Naia folded her hands in a sign of grievance.

"What innocence? The day before yesterday, you ordered Lina to steal Mikoto's underwear, causing her to be hung up and beaten by Mikoto." Kedoli appeared on the other side of Kaos.

"How normal is it for girls to exchange underwear?" Naiya blinked: "I just said, 'Do you want Mikoto to wear safety pants on her graduation trip?' That's all. Maybe she only planned to steal the safety pants at first, but later she saw Something so great went berserk."

"It doesn't matter. Over the past few years, she has probably adapted to it. If you give her an 'anti-electric shock' power, it will at least be a fierce level." Kedoli snorted.

At this time, whether they were Kaos, Naia, or Kedori, they all looked like they were in the period of transition from teenagers to young adults - but the other students were really there, and they were just pretending.

For young girls, two or three years, or some kind of major event, is enough for them to undergo earth-shaking changes. Not to mention the supernatural beings like Yuriko Suzuka or Mikoto Misaka who have stepped into the realm of gods. Hannah and Cedric, if they do not use their "old" powers and only fight with the abilities written by "Kaos Rechtrum" in the file, they may not be able to compete with them normally. win.

As for this trip, it was organized by Waynus, a retired Swiss instructor who "graduated" at the same time as them. Judging from his ability to directly parachute into the captain of an advanced cruiser, this instructor was not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

"In short, if something happens this time, it must be your doing." Kaos said: "It's right to control the culprit first." "Just kidding, since the relationship between humans and Turians has heated up,

There isn’t even a single fly in the World God Star Territory,” Naia poked at the porthole: “If something goes wrong like this, I’ll eat them on the spot. "

Buzz... Phew!

A huge cylindrical spaceship with a tattered surface suddenly appeared on the route of the sharp arrow, and then without hesitation dispatched a swarm of drones.

"Please eat." Kedoli gloated.



Boom! Snapped! Zhizhizhi——

Although Turian officer Waynus has been "talking on paper" in the past two years, even if he is a pure theorist, he is still a Turian. After encountering the surprise attack, he did not even hesitate to issue a series of orders, including to The nearest military base of the Citadel civilization sends a distress signal, attempts an emergency jump, activates defensive firepower, organizes all crew members to arm themselves and secure important areas within the ship, and allows all students to enter escape cabins just in case.

Except for the last one, his orders were met with swift execution and not-so-favorable feedback.

The distress signal was blocked, and the giant battleship had interference capabilities.

The emergency jump has been blocked and the "space anchor" has been set.

The defensive firepower is activated normally, but there are too many enemy units and it is of no avail.

The crew armed themselves and defended key nodes nearby. This did not fail. However, because students were required to board the ship, the official crew was less than one-third of the original number, and the remaining people could not control the excited super-powered students at all.

The students of Europa 7 quickly exchanged opinions through the 'Misaka Network' and in less than a minute came to the conclusion that "we also want to join the war."

After all, although they have lived a relatively comfortable life in the past two years, their relevant combat experience is enough to make those Star Alliance soldiers who serve on relatively peaceful planets feel ashamed.

"[I am Misaka Mikoto,]" in the communication channel, the voice of a girl who was still a little green but already looked like a queen said: "[After a long time, we are using this method to resist the enemy's attack again. , you must feel missed very much, right?]”

"Ha ha!"


"Just like before!"

"It's just that the turians we beat are now our companions."

"Give me the order! Sister!"

There was a burst of noise in the communication channel.

"[Oh, thank you for your trust. I will definitely lead you to victory as I have done countless times before,]" Misaka Mikoto said with a slight smile in her voice: "[The instructions to you have been sent to everyone's multi-purpose tools. It will be updated in real time according to the battle situation. Please try your best to show the strength of our college's urban students.】"

Countless times... does it refer to the battle simulation program? It seems to count.

"[Now,]" Misaka Mikoto changed her tone: "[Our real graduation exam... begins!]"

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