The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and thirty-eight, the first work (8)


Normandy II, conference room.

"According to the results of Edi's analysis, these 'infiltrators' come from the [Galaxy Center]." Kangna announced loudly.

At this time, a star map of the Milky Way was projected over the huge conference round table, and a bright red "focus target" symbolizing the mass effect jump destination was firmly positioned at the center of the galaxy.

"Galactic Center?"

"Galaxy Center."

"The center of the galaxy..."

The participants seemed to be surprised, but when Kaos observed carefully, he found that their attitudes were different.

First of all, they were completely unexpected, such as Misaka Mikoto, Lina, 10032, Lin Mingmei, and Illya. Their surprise was more real.

Then there were speculations, now confirmed, not too surprising ones, such as Gwen, Anna and Sam, mainly members of the Earth Keepers.

Finally, those who knew about this earlier and were surprised out of politeness, such as Angela, Emil, Yueyong Shena, Naiya, Kedoli, and Kaos himself, well, they are basically the old gods and outside gods. .

Yuriko Suzukina probably knew it, but she didn't even bother to deal with it.

However, the strange thing is... Kangna herself seems to belong to the group of "already known". Although she is announcing the matter, which is correct, she is not even the slightest bit surprised. It doesn't look like it at all. I just saw what the analysis results looked like not long ago.

Maybe she has some special experiences or channels? Worthy of being the "protagonist".

By the way, Naiya and Kedoli have become much more honest after boarding the boat. They have never caused trouble or done anything exaggerated. It is like...a husky accidentally entered the wolf den, even if the wolves did not reveal it. If it shows any hostility, it will become quiet instantly.

Kaos quietly asked them in private. Kedori's statement was that "there are too many 'Old Days' and 'Outer God' level and above beings on the ship, so they have to live with their tail between their legs." Naiya's statement was "a joke." , I haven’t done anything since I was born.”

What do you mean there is no three hundred taels of silver here?

Thinking about it carefully, Naia once said that she was thrown here because of causing trouble, but within the territory of the Citadel Council, there are no traces of her having caused trouble. If nothing unexpected... Did she do it with Emil? And the movement is not small?

However, Naiya obviously didn't know that the three girls had confessed to him, and the things they cared about were not something she could think of at all, so they were basically scaring herself.

Hmm... It seems that this thing can be used. It should be better than the old seal or fork.

"This is indeed more reasonable," Gwen said after listening to Kangna's explanation: "Compared to the idea that the reapers are in the dark universe outside the galaxy and return every 50,000 years, which is unreasonable no matter how you think about it. , ‘They have been hiding in the center of the galaxy, monitoring the development of civilization at any time’ is actually easier to accept.”

"So, that IFF signal leads to the center of the galaxy? The kind of place where stars are everywhere, and the jump distance is extremely shortened due to too strong gravity?" Yueyong Shena immediately answered: "That is too dangerous, I can't let my students Let’s take this risk!”

So dedicated...but he answered the question too quickly, and there was suspicion of misunderstanding the lines, Kaos commented silently.

"About this..." Kangna zoomed in on the location of the galactic center on the star map: "Since the 'Reaper' has established its base in that place, it means that there will be enough gaps there, and the dense stars can provide just enough space for them. Provide enough energy.”

As the picture zooms in, the central light cluster of the Milky Way, which was originally completely white light, gradually reveals its details - a "perfect circular Milky Way" composed of countless stars.

If there are creatures born in the center of the Milky Way and develop aerospace technology, they will definitely think that the stars are so dense and the jump distance is so short that it is normal. The "Galaxy Center" is their "Galaxy", and the "cantilever" of the normal Milky Way is , they will definitely be judged by them as scattered stars that have no relevance and cannot be reached by normal means.

They would never have imagined that in a star field where stars are not so dense, the jump distance would increase exponentially, and there would even be outrageous technology like mass effect repeaters.

"Cesar, do you have the confidence to safely take us to a place like this and then bring us out?" Kangna pressed the headset.

"[Ha!]" the pilot named Cicero laughed and responded on the radio: "[It's like walking on flat ground!]"


Next, in the process of sincere questions, induced questions and line-based questions, Kangna basically explained the inside and outside of this trip to the galactic center.

First of all, using this IFF signal will not cause the Reapers to invade in advance. Because of the special environment of the galactic center, large ships, that is, Reaper-level gadgets cannot pass through the special repeaters used by "infiltrators". Their only The invasion method is to open the castle, and that was stopped by Kangna two years ago. Now he should be using warp engine technology to advance towards the cantilever.

Secondly, referring to the previous point and the gravitational chaos in the galactic center, after using this signal and passing through the repeater, the enemies Normandy will encounter are only relatively weak "infiltrators", and they will not hit the reapers head-on. After all, two years have passed, and the reapers trying to harvest must already be halfway there.

Third, this IFF key only allows ships of destroyers and below to pass through. Taking this opportunity to recruit a fleet to kill it is impossible. In other words, the Normandy II must rely on its own firepower and the combat effectiveness of its passengers to deal with it. There are an unknown number of "infiltrators".

Finally, this IFF cannot be used by any repeater, but like the original Citadel, it must be used at a specific repeater to activate the mass effect channel to the galactic center, and this repeater is "Omega Four" ", the repeater that brought back the People's Federation. Since that galaxy has now become something like a border port, there is quite a lot of preparation required to use that repeater.

In addition, since this operation is very likely to go without return, any crew member who wants to participate must obtain the consent of their family members - after all, a large part of the newly recruited crew members on the ship at the moment are fresh graduates, and Kangna's own proposal is , replaced those boys and girls with well-trained special forces, and also sent back the two foreign guests from the People's Federation.

In this regard, the arrogant young girls were naturally dissatisfied and expressed that this trip to the center of the galaxy would be impossible without them. The foreign guests said that "infiltrators" were a threat to the entire galaxy and they must not stay out of it.

But in fact……

[Great Sage, where are you going from here? 】

[Treading on the southern sky, shattering the sky. 】

【What if you never come back? 】

【I will never come back! 】

They had a lot of fun playing with dialog boxes...

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