The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and forty-nine, Dark Soul (9)

——? ? ? ——

The Kingdom of Shadows, the Demon King’s palace.

Ding ding, bang bang.


In the secret room of the palace, Thanos used his golden sword to knock on the original impression of the secret door, but the illusion was not broken at all and the secret passage was not revealed.

"Lord Ashes, what are you doing?" The fireproof girl was going through the treasure chests in the secret room one by one. She raised her eyes and looked at Thanos, and asked not very concernedly: "Do you think King Othroais used it to There is something even more secret in the secret room that studies the power of dragons—ah, it’s the dragon scale keystone!”

"It's very strange," Thanos nodded: "The Demon King has indeed begun to study the power of dragons and tried to convert it, and his palace is as dilapidated and chaotic as the original appearance. Even the treasure room is almost the same, but this should lead to Access to the unclaimed cemetery does not exist.”

"Ah, there is also a radiant keystone here!" The fireproof girl seemed to have not heard a word of this sentence at all, and was still rummaging through the box.

[There is a secret passage here] A message appeared on the wall.

"The deceptive messages along the way have completely ruined the image of the Great Sage in my mind. If you say this, it means there is no secret passage here at all," Thanos said after looking at the messages: "Speaking of which, Sun Wukong was originally a Someone who likes to cause trouble for fun, and who expects you to be a great knight and serve the country and the people must have something wrong with his brain."

【Hey hey hey】

"However, according to my judgment of the architectural pattern, this place does lead to the ownerless cemetery, so the conclusion is obvious." A light flashed on Thanos' golden arm armor, and then he raised his golden sword and pointed it at the wall: "[Oath and——]"

"Ah? Does this lead to the Ashes Cemetery?" The fireproof girl seemed to have heard it again, and turned around in surprise, just in time to catch the moment when the golden light stream spurted out.

"[——Sword of Victory!]"

Amidst the huge roar and collapse, a huge hole appeared in the wall of the palace, and through the golden light that had not dissipated, the very familiar "spawn point" outside the hole could be clearly seen.

"Although I have known for a long time that the Fire Sacrifice is behind the Royal City, I didn't expect it to be connected~" The fire prevention girl came over to take a look, then got in with a curious look on her face, walked around outside and then came back again: " If you think about it carefully, we can teleport through the bonfire, so it doesn't matter what the shortcut is, we'd better go find the prince as soon as possible."

"Oh...there is no way to the 'next reincarnation'?" Thanos nodded, then frowned.

[Honestly go and work as the salary king incarnation, hehehehe. 】New messages appear.

"I think... I know very well what state 'she' is in. You have been reading my jokes." Thanos said.

【Who says it’s not? 】



"Lothric is named after the kingdom. The meaning of his birth is the prince who spreads fire. He has been frail and sick since he was a child and was almost paralyzed. However, his brother Lorian is very healthy and is regarded as a hero because of his achievements in defeating demons. In order to allow his brother to live a normal life, he used secret methods to take the initiative to share half of his pain. However, the same symptoms manifested differently in different people. The little prince returned to a normal person.

But the eldest prince paid the price of losing his voice and being unable to walk normally, and could no longer become a hero." Before the prince's palace, the fireproof girl introduced Thanos, "Although I am very moved by their brotherhood, in fact, as long as the little prince When you become the King of Xin, your ailments will be cured naturally. However, they don’t know where they heard that becoming the King of Xin will directly burn you to death. It will not affect life, so our persuasion should come from... Lord Ashes, are you listening? "

"...absorbing other people's diseases and pain?" Thanos shook his head: "If you think about it carefully, the fit between the various settings of this world and 'her' behavior pattern is unbelievable. No wonder she unconsciously It’s treated as home court.”

"?" The fire prevention girl tilted her head, as if she didn't hear a word.

"I can show them my status," Thanos said instead: "They are not like the previous firewood kings who can forcefully pass firewood by grabbing firewood. If they must use force, they can only use force. Can tie people back to the Fire Sacrifice Site."

"Yes, yes, let's light a fire first and tell them with facts that they will not die even if they become the salary king." The fire prevention girl nodded repeatedly.

"Compared to last time, when one prince couldn't work because he drank the rejuvenation potion, causing another prince to die from overwork, this one sounds more normal." Thanos reached out to push the heavy palace door.

"But why did the princes refuse to pass on the fire? They are not Guda. Aren't they willing to let their kingdom pass on?" The fire-prevention woman didn't hear the previous sentence at all and followed Thanos.

"If I had to guess, it should be the sage from the big library who told him the history." Thanos opened the door and gestured inside: "Probably the two 'crystallized old men'."

"[Ah, the ashes of no fire, and... the fire prevention girl,]" a soft and neutral voice sounded: "['Passing fire' is a thing that is bound to fail, why not let it lead to more How about ending it before the tragedy?】"

The space is huge, and although the decoration is very old, it can still be seen that there are six "people" waiting for them in the luxurious palace.

Using soul spells to drive activities, holding dragon-hunting armors with giant axes and large shields, two magicians held crystal balls in their hands, and their robes were constantly fluttering under the impact of magic waves. They looked almost exactly the same, but their bodies and heads had turned into dragon shapes. , the Demon King who was about to pounce, and Prince Lothrik, who was still looking elegant and speaking even though he was lying on Lorian's back.

"This is the disadvantage of catching the salary king too quickly and having such a good reputation," Thanos shrugged to the fire prevention woman: "I just said that there was no boss other than miscellaneous soldiers along the way. It turned out that he had gathered him together - do Are you ready for two-on-five?"

"...Don't you see this dark sky? Your Highness?" The fire-prevention woman stepped forward and said to the group of bosses who were about to fight: "That's when the first fire is about to be extinguished and the world will return to darkness. Signs, maybe you have read about the 'Deep Sea Age' from ancient books, but that is just a hypothetical concept, because it has never happened, so the so-called 'Deep Sea Age will give birth to flames belonging to the deep sea' theory is just a theory. "

"[Oh? There is such a saying?]" The surprise in the little prince's tone did not seem to be fake: "[I just heard from the teacher that the first generation of flames will not burn unless it is the king, and as the time of passing the fire is infinitely extended, every time the fire is passed, The number of kings born in the Fire Gap is gradually decreasing. Recently, those who are simply powerful and have nothing to do with good or evil like Eldridge, those who are inhuman like Youmu, and those who are a group like the Farlan Undead Team can all become salary kings. It can be seen that the fire transmission is bound to fail. Rather than lingering until it is very ugly, it is better to end it. As for the 'Deep Sea Age'... Hehe, in a world without my brother, what do I care about it? 】"

"This..." Because the little prince's statement was different from what he expected, the fire-proof girl was stunned for a moment, but because it was her duty to spread fire, she began to think hard about what she could refute.

"It seems that we can only see the real seal in our hands," Thanos drew his sword and interrupted her thinking: "You guys can come together."

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